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All around him the usual stuff were going on.

Routine, you know?

Children playing on the swing sets, people jogging, artists sketching, students studying, tall guys hitting other small ones..., wait what?

Graham quickly jogged over to the end of the path and stopped the tall guy who was punching and slapping a small boy, by catching hold of his hand mid-punch.

"Who do you think you- Hey! Graham!", Cam's eyes widened with recognition.

"Why are you hitting this guy?", Graham gritted out.

"Because he tripped up Tony. Look!", Cam gestured at Tony and Jeremy sitting on a park bench, with Tony's jeans pulled upto his knees, and the brownish-red spot on his knee glistening as Jeremy poured water onto it, Tony shaking his head in pain.

"But why hit him?", Graham pointed at the snivelling and bloody mess of a boy.

"Because this cheap-skate needs to learn a lesson, and stay away!"

"Stop Cam! Stop making this worse. He must have tripped Tony by mistake! Every word out of your mouth sickens me!", Graham growled.

"Graham! How dare you! I was just defending my friend!"

"Defending a friend doesn't mean you can hit others! Let him go, and maybe we can move on from this."

"No. You stay out of this if you don't want to teach him a lesson. But I will!", Cam thundered.

"Cam no!" Graham yelled as Cam belted out a final punch that sent the boy sprawling to the ground, as he coughed out blood.

"Shit!", Cam muttered before bending towards the boy.

"Don't you dare tell this to anyone, or else, forget about living a normal life.....", Cam threatened the boy before walking towards Tony.

Graham helped the poor boy to get up and sat him down on another bench.

"Here. Take it and call someone to take you home.", Graham offered his phone but the kid shook his head.

"I don't have anyone. I came here on my own, and I'll be going back on my own." the boy stood up and started to limp away.

Graham stood up, debating whether to go after him or not when, the trio came and blocked Graham's view of the kid.

"Graham. We were thick friends. But stopping Cam and not defending me made me understand that all you did was for show." Tony glowered, disapprovingly.

"Come on guys, let's go. After all, Graham was never a part of us anyway.", Jeremy steered them away from Graham.

Graham watched his friends walk away, from the park and from his life.

He looked down at his closed fist which had been ready to hit Cam when he punched the boy. But Graham couldn't. After everything that Cam and him had been together, Graham just couldn't make his closed fist to punch Cam.

It hurt a lot......

This chapter was very hard to write. Especially Cam......

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