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Graham woke up to an empty room. His room. At the psych ward.

Too much. Just too much.

He slowly got up in search of water.

Why? Why do you need water?

To freshen myself.

But you don't have the need to do that! What would you do once you are fresh?

Worry about what happens next.

But why worry? There is no future for you.

But there must be a reason to exist. There must be a reason why I still persist, when all else has perished.

Existence? You, a minor speck in this cosmos, think you have a reason for existence?

Yes, I do. After all, infinite points make one circle. Each and every person's existence matters.

Well, you are right about that. But what use are you to this world when you are you? Broken? Weak? Tired?

I ..... ......

Graham almost jumped when he heard the three sharp knocks at his door.

"Come in?" He called, straightening his clothes and hair, just as Dr. Grayson came in.

"Good morning Graham. Hope you had a good night's sleep?" She asked with a kind smile, pulling out the chair at the table and sitting opposite him.

"It wasn't good. I would rather not go into the details." Graham frowned when he couldn't really recall much of the nightmare, only that it had been pretty bad.

"Alright then. Tell me, how are you feeling right now."

"I don't know..."

"Are you hungry? Would you like some water?"

"I would like..... to ask you about the m-messages...."


"Yes! The ones that I received everyday for the last few months! From some anonymous source.." Graham frowned.

"Graham.... you do realise that you were here in this room mostly for the past 3 years? You didn't have any phones with you."

"Then how did I get those creepy messages?"

"Tell me, what exactly what these messages tried to tell you?"

"Something about someone being new, and having a file about me, knowing almost all the details about my life which was very scary. They also consistently tried to make me "remember" my life and that I was living a lie...." His eyes widened in understanding.

"It was you wasn't it?"

"Me? How could I send you messages when you were in a psychotic episode?"

"Well did you come and try talking to me about my life everyday around 8 pm?"

Dr. Grayson sucked in a sharp breath. "Yes, I did!"

"Well, I couldn't hear you. But I could see what you were telling me as texts!" He shook his head at how far-fetched his theory sounded, but it started to make more sense.

"Well you never used to talk to me directly. You always kept your fingers in an odd angle, now that I think about it, almost resembling the action typing in a phone!" Her eyes widened in disbelief. 

"The puzzle is solved! You had the final missing piece." She grinned, shaking her head.

They fell into an uncomfortable bout of silence as she wrote something in her notepad while he looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. Perhaps, he was...

"Mrs. Grayson?"

"Hmm?" She didn't look up from her continuous writing.

"What is going to happen next?" His voice cracked as he said 'next'.

"Next?" Dr. Grayson looked up, finally seeing the fear in Graham's eyes.

He nodded.

"Well, you can do whatever you want next..." she smiled reassuringly, not wanting to give the teenager the harsh truth about the world.

"If you are capable of imagining anything you want in life, I'm sure you can work to make that your reality."

Hey guys!

This was the penultimate chapter in this book. Hope it served to clear up the confusion with the messages... and the previous chapter an explanation as to why messages...

Any other discrepancies in the plot, please do comment to let me know so I can patch that hole up immediately.

GRAHAM is going to be #completed within the next 2-3 days. I'm really scared/excited since its the first full length novella I have actually completed, and the complex plot of this book still surprises even me at times.

Hopefully, the completion of this book will let me write the other book(s?) in peace without any guilt, as well as satisfies your appetite for a good mystery/thriller genre book.

Thank you.

Loads of M&Ms!

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