21. not dating

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Imagine it’s your first day of high school and you’re kinda nervous cause you don’t really know where all your classes are and none of your friends have the same classes and there’s this one kid in your class named harry who you kinda know just cause he’s always been at your school but don’t really know personally and suddenly you’re in your fourth class of the day and so far he’s been in all of them so she smiles at you and says something dorky like ‘long time no see’ and you giggle cause you’re nervous cause damn he’s really cute then suddenly it’s the end of the year and you two are the best of friends with your own stupid inside jokes and the way you just sit around together watching stupid movies and he’s always trying to teach you pointless skills but you let him cause it makes him happy and people always ask if you’re dating because it sure seems like it and you both just laugh and say no and act like it’s such a ridiculous idea then it’s two years later and nothing has really changed except people are still convinced that you’re dating even though you’re not except this time when people say it you both have little pangs of sadness running through you because god do you wish you actually were but neither of you want to say anything because you don’t wanna ruin the friendship even though you’re both kinda in love with each other and then suddenly it’s your senior year and he gets a girlfriend because he’s finally given up hope that something will happen between you and hey he has to date someone at some point so he starts dating this girl and you get really jealous and start acting so crazy and you know it but you can’t help it because he’s supposed to be yours and it kills you to watch them because you feel like you lost your best friend and he hardly talks to you at all anymore because his girlfriend doesn’t like you because she suspects the feelings you guys had for each other so one day you finally catch him alone and he asks how you’ve been and you say fine and your voice is cold and unfeeling but inside you’re crumbling and he catches your tone and asks you what’s wrong and you say nothing but you can’t stop the tears from slipping your eye as your cold exterior cracks and you start to run away but he grabs your arm and pulls you back and suddenly you’re furious so you shove him in the chest and shout ‘you were supposed to be with me’ and you’re angry and crying and hurt and he looks kind of shocked but then he recovers and suddenly his hands are gripping your face and his lips are pressing to yours and the breath in your lungs freezes and your heart practically incinerates when he pulls back and whispers, ‘I’ve always been yours.’

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