22. christmas

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Imagine it’s your first Christmas with harry and you’re trying to set up the tree with him but things aren’t going well because you both keep getting distracted by each other and harry is being silly and trying to put all the ornaments in one spot and you keep giggling at him and try to spread them out but he sneakily grabs them when you’re on the other side of the tree and puts them back in the one spot and tell him you’re gonna make him do the whole thing if he doesn’t cooperate so he finally stops but then when you try to put the lights on he wraps them around you instead and you can’t even stand up anymore because you’re laughing and this idiot has tied your feet together with the lights and you fall over and he tries to catch you but he trips on the mess he’s made and you both fall to the floor together and he kinda lands on top of you but catches himself at the last minute and you’re both laughing really hard and you swear you’re never letting him help with anything again and he pouts dramatically until you reach up and kiss him and tell him he can help only because you love him and he grins proudly because he fully knows he’ll screw everything up but you won’t even care because you’re both so in love with each other and I AM SAD.

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