26. bath

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Imagine you just got home from work and you’re tired and stressed out because nothing seemed to go right and when you walk through the door and find harry in the kitchen he takes one look at you and can see it on your face that you’ve had a bad day so he doesn’t say anything as he rises from his seat and comes over to you and wraps his arms around your shoulder and lets you lean into his chest as he presses a kiss into your hair and you hear him whisper to come with him so you keep hold of his hand as he leads you down the hall and into the bathroom and you watch as he bends over to start the hot stream of water that’ll fill the tub and you smile softly because he knows you so well and knows exactly how to relax you and you hold your breath when his fingers tickle the sensitive skin on your stomach before he pulls your shirt over your head and all you can think of as he undresses you is the way your skin is tingling wherever he touches you and the way his lips feel when they press lightly into your neck and when you’re both left standing there completely naked he shuts off the water and leads you to the tub where you sink into the blissfully warm water and then he’s there climbing in after you and you can feel the smooth surface of his chest against your back as he pulls you against him and then his lips are on your neck again kissing and molding against your muscles as his fingers swirl against your hips to rub the tension from your muscles and you can feel the stress leaving your body as his tongue slides lightly along your neck and you let out a quiet hum of appreciation when his fingers start to move lower down your body and when you feel the pads of them push against your most sensitive area you forget why you were stressed in the first place because you’re here with him and the way he makes you feel is enough to erase even the most terrible of days and your thoughts get clouded when he bites gently at your shoulder before running his tongue over it and his fingers dip even lower and aslkdfjaasdfl;k

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