35. fighting

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Imagine you’ve been with harry for a while now and what started out so perfect and loving and full of life has kind started to develop some problems and you can feel yourself bickering with him over absolutely nothing and you can feel the way he seems to get annoyed at something seemingly innocent and one day something just escalates farther than you ever imagined and the next thing you know you’re in each others faces screaming and yelling and fighting and every word he says against you is like a dagger to your heart because even though you’re fighting you know you still love him more than you’ll ever love anyone else in this world and when you say things you know you don’t mean you want to take them back but it’s too late because the poisonous words have left your lips and you can see them sinking into him and you can see the way he’s pulling back and building up walls faster than you’ve ever dreamed and suddenly the anger you felt when you started the fight is gone and replaced by a devastating ache that’s like a thousand knives stabbing into your heart and you can see the look on his face that he feels it too but you’re both too stubborn to give in and admit you were wrong so with a final string of words neither of you mean that are designed to tear each other apart you leave and all you’re left with is a cold and empty heart and a face wet with tears because you don’t know how it got to this point and you can’t imagine ever wanting this to happen even when you were at the worst point in your relationship because in the end all that should matter is how much you love each other and you can’t stop the memories of him holding you and kissing your jaw and giving you his jacket when it’s cold and you can’t help but think of the times you kneaded his shoulders when he was stressed and how you appease him by listening to his dumb jokes and theories on the world and the way you both lean on each other for support and how the only thing you really are certain about is that he’s the one for you and somewhere in the middle of these thoughts you find yourself running back to the last place you saw him and you’re silently praying he’s still there because if he’s not and if he’s gone you don’t know what you could possibly do because you know it would break you in half if you actually lost him for good and you’ve just about convinced yourself that you’ve ruined everything when you run around a corner and slam right into his chest and the moment your eyes lock with his you know he’s been having the same thoughts as you because his hands fly to your face and his thumbs brush back the tears and you can feel how sorry he is in the waves of emotion rolling off his body and the last thing you hear before his lips crash down on yours is ‘I’m sorry. I love you.’ 

Requested by Kayleigh, @perksofbeingagirl

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