36. backstage- niall one shot

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Hi guys! So I have this posted on my tumblr but thought I'd put it on here too in case anyone didn't see it! It's a quick Niall one shot for anyone interested. Enjoy! x

I could feel the alcohol flooding through my veins as I watched him sing from the wings.  He’d dashed away at the last second, barely making it on stage in time after tearing himself away from me.  The single drink we’d had backstage before the show had turned into four or five, creating a chaotic buzz that ran through my veins, encouraged further by the shouts of the crowd and the pulsing atmosphere of the stadium. 

All night, my eyes had been fixed on him as he worked the crowd into an absolute frenzy.  His soft blonde hair, which had started out styled upward, had now become soaked with sweat, much like the shirt that clung to the muscles on his back when he moved.  His eyes positively lit up when he was on stage, infecting every cell in his body and making him glow.  I knew it was where he felt alive, where he felt right.  He belonged on a stage in front of thousands, perfectly placed for them to admire the perfect specimen that he was. 

But he was mine and mine only, something not many were aware of.  He would perform and profess his love for the thousands, meaning it from the bottom of his heart, and they would swoon and sigh while being absolutely positive they meant them alone, but it was me that felt his body pressed to theirs night after night.  It was me that enjoyed the taste of his lips on mine and the rough touch of his calloused fingers on their body.  It was me that he used to escape the stress and tension of his job, and it was me that he lost himself in. 

Watching him now, my body was tingling with the anticipation of what would come when the show was over.  It was what always happened, without fail, and it was how our relationship had started.  The adrenaline of the show and the high it gave him carried over for several hours, making him seek ways to let it endure.  He’d found a way in me one night when he’d run off the stage, soaked with sweat and glowing with endorphins.  We’d been flirting for weeks, tiptoeing the line of the rule that clearly stated members of the crew could not interact romantically with the band, but never crossed it until that first night. 

All it had taken was for him to run into me accidentally after a show a few weeks ago.  His hands had landed on my shoulders, apologizing enthusiastically as we stumbled clumsily back behind a part of the set.  His breathing had been heavy, labored, and his eyes were alight with the joy of the show when he broke the rule, ducking his head down suddenly to press his lips to mine for the very first time.

After that moment, the forbidden affair had only grown further, escalating into a full-blown secret relationship.  Our time together was found in stolen moments secluded from the rest of the crew.  Behind a speaker.  In a closet.  Under the stage of whatever city we were in that day.  Sometimes, blissfully, in his dressing room.  Our time together was short, heated, and chaotic, but oh so worth it every time. 

The show was nearly over now, cutting off my reminiscing as my gaze remained fixed on Niall.  I watched as his hand slid down his front, purposefully teasing the thousands of girls in the audience.  They screamed on cue, earning a satisfied smirk from the object of their affection.  His hips swiveled around once, adding more pain to their agony before he turned and continued to sing.  He did those things on purpose, knowing the crowd would go crazy, but little did he know was that they had the exact same affect on me.

I already felt heated as I watched him, my body aching for him while begging for the song to end so he would run off stage and rush past me.  All I could really hope for now was a quick look, maybe a careful squeeze of my side as he ran by, but later, I would get my satisfaction.  It always happened after a show and it was the sole reason that show days were my favorite. 

Finally, I heard the boys saying their thank yous and their goodnights, promising to return soon and declaring their love before disappearing behind the set.  I waited patiently for them to run by.  Waited, mostly, for Niall.  They emerged from the dark, their voices drowned out by the screams and demands for more songs as they rushed by. 

Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn all moved by, waving a quick hello to me as they did every show.  I nodded in reply, hardly noticing them as I saw him emerge from behind the set.  His face was split into a wide grin, elated from the joy of the show, and his eyes held a certain spark of mischief as they locked on mine.  He stopped short of where I stood, flicking his head backward indicating I follow him. 

I obliged, my heart jumping into my throat as I did so.  As soon as the darkness swallowed me, Niall’s hand clasped mine and dragged me through the dark.  He led me beneath the set to the very back of the stage where old speakers and various other things used for concerts were discarded.  It was deserted and it didn’t look like anyone had visited this area of below the stage in years.


My words were cut off however as he spun me around, pushing my back into the wall and stifling my words with his mouth.  My body reacted immediately as my arms rose to wind around his neck, arching my back into his chest to increase the pressure between us.  His lips molded against mine before parting them to allow his tongue to push into my mouth, deepening the kiss as his hips pressed forward into mine, pinning me into the wall.

I clutched my fingers into his hair, the strands damp between my digits thanks to his sweat.  He rocked his hips forward once enough for me to feel his firm length against my center.  I moaned loudly, the ache between my legs only slightly relieved.  The noise of the crowd hid my sound as Niall ripped his lips from mine to trail them hungrily down my neck.  His hand trailed down my side before sliding over my backside, squeezing roughly to haul me even tighter against him.  His hand continued its trail until it hitched under my thigh, bringing my leg up to wind around his hip, leaving me to stand on one as he ground himself against me again.

“Found this place earlier,” he muttered against my neck, nipping harsher than usual at my skin.  “And all night all I could think of was fucking you here.”

I groaned at his words, desperate for him to do just that.  My body was impatient and wound up after watching him all night. 

“Please do it,” I begged, needing him.  My head tilted back as he sucked on my neck once more, surely bringing blood to the surface that would be difficult to explain later on, but I couldn’t find it in me to care.  All that mattered at that moment was Niall and having him inside me as soon as possible. 

I gasped when I felt Niall separate from me, his hands easily yanking down the thin panties from beneath the skirt I was wearing.  He wasted no time in dragging his calloused fingers up my center, coating them in my juices before plunging two deep inside me.  My lips parted involuntarily as a heaving breath blew out, a quiet whine escaping my throat at the stretch his fingers caused. 

His blazing blue eyes connected with mine as he watched me greedily, pleased to see my face twisting uncontrollably as his digits twitched inside of me.  I bit my lip into my mouth when he flicked them upward, his thumb rolling over my clit torturously in sync with his actions.  I couldn’t wait any longer- I needed him.

My hands fell down to his jeans, clumsily undoing the fastenings in my haste to reveal him to me.  His forearm remained flexed between us as I tore at his clothing, finally managing to undo it after much struggling. 

“Eager, baby?” he growled, his voice low as he watched me squirm under his touch.

“You said you were gonna fuck me, now do it,” I demanded, desperate for him.  I shoved his layers down to his thighs to free his fully erect cock, my body practically heaving forward at the sight.  My hands found his hips and pulled, yanking him forward into me.  I gasped when his hand pulled from me, leaving me empty and disappointed before they locked under my thighs and lifted, pinning me against the wall. 

With no warning at all, he rocked his hips forward and pushed into me, earning a loud moan that was heard by no one but us at the deliciously exhilarating stretch he caused. 

“Oh god,” I moaned, letting my head fall back against the wall as he pushed up into me again, his movements hard and sharp and desperate, just the way I liked it.  His hands stayed locked around my thighs, holding me up while he rocked his hips forward again to impale me against the wall. 

“Fuck, you feel so good, babe,” he growled, his voice filled with lust and desperation as he spoke.  My hands tangled in his soaked hair to haul him forward and bring his mouth to mine, kissing him hungrily as he thrust into me again.  Adrenaline flooded through me at the danger of our position.  It was by far the most risky place we’d been together so far, but the danger of being caught set a fire through my veins and made me feel more alive than I ever had. 

Niall kissed me harder, pushing his tongue against mine as he rocked into me so hard that my back slammed into the wall over and over again in time with his thrusts.  Air was forced from my lungs with every movement but it only turned me on even more, making my body absolutely vibrate with pleasure.  My breathing was ragged as he fucked me into the wall, his movements getting continuously harder and faster.

My nails raked down his scalp and past his neck before digging into his shoulders, surely leaving marks even through his now sweat soaked shirt.  He bit my lip between his teeth and tugged backward before letting out a lustful moan, his animalistic tendencies taking over as he began to let the pleasure of our bodies together take over. 

Moan after moan rolled off my lips, accented by the sharp pants of breath as he pushed me harder into the all.  My body felt like it was on fire as I felt him push deeper inside of me than he had yet, the leverage the wall gave him allowing him to fill me completely over and over while he pushed us both to the edge. 

“Jesus, Niall,” I breathed, my voice high with desire and need as I struggled to hang on.  My legs were locked around his hips and my back arched off the wall, unable to control myself as the fire spread through my body.

“Not yet, not yet,” he said through clenched teeth, his lips pressing to mine but no longer kissing me as we both were too overcome with what we were feeling.  Sweat poured down the side of his face, trickling down his neck in a thin stream as he rocked into me again. 

“Niall, I can’t,” I all but shouted, unable to hold on much longer as the pressure in the pit of my stomach became almost too much to bear.  I was feeling too much, enjoying it too much, and I could feel my end coming closer and closer as he unraveled me. 

“Not yet,” he repeated before groaning into my neck where he dropped his lips.  He sucked at my sweat soaked skin harshly before nipping his way back up my throat.  His lips pushed into mine once more as he gave a final sharp thrust into me, hitting impossibly deep and stilling there as he felt my muscles finally lose control.  They contracted around him, tightening deliciously around his shaft as I came, finally giving in to the things he was making me feel.

“Fuuuuck,” he groaned, his words stifled by my lips.  Bone shattering tingling took over my entire body as my orgasm rocketed through me, surely burning me from the inside out.  Both of us were panting heavily as we both hit our highs, Niall’s release shooting into me while my muscles continued to spasm.  I felt like absolute dead weight in my arms as I lost control but still he held me up, rocking his hips once more into me as we both started to come down.  

Finally, Niall let me down, my legs nearly collapsing beneath me as they struggled to hold me up.  He smirked at me as he tugged his jeans back up, wincing slightly as the fabric hit him on his sensitive groin.  His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he tried to control his breathing and he was absolutely soaked with sweat as he watched me.  My head leaned back against the wall as I gasped for air, too exhausted to even pick my panties up off the floor and put them back on.

“Holy shit,” I breathed, my eyes closed.  I half laughed, half gasped as I felt the residual shock waves flooding through me.  I opened my eyes lazily to see Niall bending over to retrieve my panties off the floor.  My hand barely managed to extend toward him to reach for them, my muscles weak after what we’d just done.

“Oh no, babe,” he whispered, his eyes alight with mischief.  He shot me a wink before stuffing the thin fabric into his pocket.  He leaned forward one last time to kiss my still parted lips quickly, pulling back before I even had a chance to return it. 

 “I think I’ll be keeping these.”

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