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HI REALLY SORRY I HAD THIS IN ANARCHY: ANNIHILATION BUT I CHANGED MY MIND. I don't want it in there because I feel like it makes the story messy so... Here it is hahah OKAY ENJOY :) 

Hey guys!! So this is not a chapter (I’m sorry, don’t hate me) but I am going to start writing after this and hopefully it’ll be up tomorrow! In the mean time, enjoy reading this Q&A! If you asked a question and I didn’t answer it, it’s because someone else asked the same one or I didn’t see it.  My wall has been acting up so I hope I didn’t miss any but if I did, apologies!  Thank you all for participating in this- it was really fun to answer your questions and I hope it helps you guys get to know me a bit better :) Sorry if the spacing is weird- too lazy to reformat it hahah


charrystyler – How would you feel if Harry read and liked any of your stories? Would you be a bit embarrassed? Much love!


Oh my gosh, I would be absolutely mortified hahaha


liamvxgue and emmawrites1D – how do u get ur inspirations for story?


My inspiration for writing comes largely from Harry himself.  So much of his character in each of my books is based off how I think he would be in real life, even if it’s only a small part that I’ve taken and expanded.  He’s such a pliable lead and has such a wide range of aspects that can be used, making him an excellent muse for my stories.  It’s not hard to be inspired by such a wonderful human being.  As for the love/romance parts of my stories, it’s a combination of personal experience, things I’d like to happen, and my stance on what true love actually is in terms of relationships and how people simple are together. 


liamvxgue and Book-W0rm – what made you want to start writing?


I initially got into writing with my first story, Always, because I really wanted to read a story about a shy, inexperienced Harry after being inspired by his Marcel character in the Best Song Ever music video.  Every story I tried to read that had that type of character was either incredibly cliché, extremely unrealistic, or poorly written and generally not at what I was looking for, so I decided to write my own! Now over a year later, here I am haha


cameronalexis_ , Carly_punk, wallflowergirl_ , and beritterii - What was the inspiration for Anarchy?


The original inspiration for Anarchy came from a single photograph of Harry where he looked kind of grungy and worn out.  My mind immediately started flying with thoughts and ideas and pretty soon, I’d developed it into an entire story! I’m not really sure where it all comes from, but it’s all 1000% from my own mind.


anaisfangirl – When/How did you realize you wanted to be a writer?


I’ve always enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember throughout school.  Whenever we got the opportunity to write fiction, I immensely enjoyed it, but I didn’t start writing on my own until I started writing Always over a year ago.  I think it was after I got to the end of Always that I realized writing is something I’d actually like to make part of my life, not just a hobby. 


errornjh – Do you sometimes recognize people when you’re looking through the comments because they comment a lot?


All the time! There are so many people I recognize from comments.  There are very few users who I don’t recognize.  Some people have been here since the beginning of Always while others have just joined, but those who comment a lot or leave really lovely, thoughtful messages are always ones that I recognize.


_Discovered_ - How old are you?


I’m 23!


_Discovered_ - Out of all your stories, which was the most fun to write?


That’s a really difficult question for me to answer because it’s kind of like choosing a favorite child.  Different parts of different stories have been the most fun, so it’s hard to pick one story overall.  My favorite parts to write are either the extremely emotionally taxing ones or the light-hearted playful moments between Harry and the female lead. Those are always a good time J


_Discovered_ - Do you live in America?


I do!


_Discovered_ - How long does it take you to write a chapter in Anarchy?


Usually a chapter takes about three hours to write, sometimes more sometimes less.  It also takes time to edit and to find the proper gif and definition I want to use.


_Discovered_ and Hermosa_malik - How did you find Wattpad?


I originally used Wattpad only to read stories.  I didn’t even make an account for about a year before I did, then it was another seven or eight months after that when I actually started writing on it.


_Discovered_ - What’s the first story you ever read on Wattpad?


I honestly can’t even remember.  I wish I could- it’d be fun to go back and see what it was.


_Discovered_ - Have you ever cried while writing any of your stories?


Oh yes, several times. It’s a bit embarrassing, honestly.


_Discovered_ - How tall are you?


Roughly 5’7”, I’d say!


_Discovered_ - Is it awkward for you to write Smut?


Not really! Way back when I first started it was more difficult to find the right words to use but now it just feels normal.  That’s probably not a good thing hahah


_Discovered_ - Does any of your family/friends know about your Wattpad?


Yes!  My entire family does though I don’t think they know my actual account name, as well as a few friends.


_Discovered_ - Will you be my friend? lol


Of course!


_Discovered_ - What’s your favorite number?


Five- I’ve got a roman numeral five tattooed on my ankle for the five members of my family as well as for the five boys <3


_Discovered_ - Food or your fans?


Haha!! Well I definitely don’t think of myself as having “fans” so I’m gonna go with food as that’s necessary to survive


_Discovered_ - Do you listen to music while you write?


Sometimes, but not usually.  I did for Resolution because I would listen to the chapter song on repeat very, very quietly, but I’ve found for Anarchy that I don’t.  It tends to distract me more than help me.


_Discovered_  and andallthatjaz1d - How did you come up with your username?


I think it came from a tweet of Harry- he’s recently started saying ‘Legends’ again and I remember he used to quite often, so that’s where I got it from!


_Discovered_ - Do you have a YouTube?


I do but I never post anything- it’s just to keep track of videos people make for me J


_Discovered_ - Was there a Fanfic/book you deleted off Wattpad because you thought it sucked?


Oh yes, I’m sure there were.


_Discovered_ - Do you think you’ll be an author one day?


I can only hope so. I’d love that.


_Discovered_ - If Harry’s dick go twisted would you help him untwist it?


Hahahahah yes. In a heartbeat. I’ve got Harry and his dick’s back.


lovethoseonedboys - If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be? And do you have any guilty pleasure foods?


FOUR, obviously ;) But honestly, any of the boys’ albums.  To this day, I’m still not sick of any of them. Guilty pleasure foods… I’m sure I have tons.  I love pasta and pizza far too much.


longliveverything – Are you a student at uni or high school? If you’re at uni, what are you taking? If you’re in high school, what do you wanna take?


I’m at uni and am currently in nursing school.  After this semester, I’ll have a year left before I graduate and become an RN J


longliveverything – How do the ideas for your stories come to you?


I kind of answered this before but I honestly don’t know, they just do.  Sometimes I’ll just be walking around and I’ll think of something out of nowhere haha


longliveverything – THIS IS V IMOPRTANT……. lol jokes….. who’s your favorite YouTuber?


I feel like a lame old lady but I’m really not into the whole YouTuber thing haha


Severne - I was just wondering, how long have you been writing? One last thing, how did you get your work out there? Like how did you get people to see and read your very first published story.


I’d say I’ve been “officially” writing since about July 2013, but really I’ve written throughout all of school starting in like third grade.   As far as getting my work out there, I started out with my first story, Always, and would recommend it to people on twitter who were searching for new work to read.  Be careful with that, though, because if you spam it to people you’re almost guaranteed to get suspended.  By far the best way to get your work out there is simply by word of mouth, which is how the rest of my work spread around.  People read and recommend what they like, so you just have to hope people like your work!


christatran999 - Where are u from? How did you become such a great writer?


I’m from the US! I’m not sure what constitutes a “great writer” but the most important thing I can say is practice, practice, practice.  The more you write, the better you get.  I always try to focus on keeping human interactions and emotions as realistic as possible to make sure the readers can really connect with them.  All my characters are real people in my mind so it’s my job to make sure they feel real to my readers as well.


christatran999 - How is your daily life like?


Very, very busy.  I’m a full time nursing student, so I have classes, exams, and clinicals all the time.  I work as well, and I also try to balance time between friends and family, as well as finding time to write, so it can be a bit challenging even though it’s 100% worth it.


christatran999 - Your real name?

Megan J


LegendaryPayne4 – What is the craziest way that you have earned money to buy One Direction Merchandise?


Haha, I can’t say I’ve ever saved up money to buy merchandise but I have to buy concert tickets.  I had a meet and greet for TMH, flew to a different city to go to WWA, and have purchased my tickets for OTRA next summer.  Luckily I have savings from working for a long time so I haven’t really had to do a whole lot of saving.


Liamsbigflick – Do you put your left shoe on first or your right?


Right, always


Liamsbigflick – Which eye dominant are you when it comes to shooting a gun?


Left though I’m trying to train myself to use both


Liamsbigflick – How many times have you tried licking your elbow?


Probably more times than is acceptable


Liamsbigflick – When was the last time you colored a picture?


Far too long.  I may need to go do that immediately.


andallthatjaz1d –Describe how awesome Jaz is in three words.


Really damn awesome


andallthatjaz1d –What’s your favourite piece of jewelry?


Either my ‘H’ necklace or my turquoise ring from my grandmother


andallthatjaz1d –What is your favourite drink?


Classic Coke <3


andallthatjaz1d –What’s your favourite season?




andallthatjaz1d –If we learn from our mistakes why are we so afraid to make them?


This is very deep and I’m not sure I’m qualified to make a response.  I think probably because at the time, the fear of making a mistake is greater than the thought that you’ll learn from it eventually.  No one likes to suffer at the time of suffering even if it makes you better in the end.


andallthatjaz1d – If you didn’t know how old you were, what age would you say you were?


Hmm 21 I think.


andallthatjaz1d – Can I be your photographer when you marry Harry?




andallthatjaz1d – I feel like if I chuck an ANNIE and use a bi.tchy question mark instead of an exclamation mark that this will count as a question?


You can’t just throw a question mark on the end “accidentally” and make it a question?


andallthatjaz1d – What’s it like in Hawaiialaska?


Quite stunning this time of year.  We have glaciers and also sunbathing.


andallthatjaz1d – Out of all your works so far, which is your favourite Harry?


Jaz, how could you make me choose?! Overall, I’d probably go with Resolution Harry because I feel like that’s the closest to how he would actually be in real life. But I love them all so dearly <3


andallthatjaz1d – Spicy or sweet?




andallthatjaz1d – Pizza or pasta?


Again, how could you make me choose? I adore both. I refuse to answer.


Anon- How do you get your inspiration for writing and how did you come up with the names for your characters (not including Harry)?


I’ve already answered the inspiration above ^^^ but as far as the names, I don’t know either hahah They kind of just come to me and when one is right, I just know it.  Almost all the names for main characters (Grace, Dax, Kit, Jett, Docc) came to me in just a few seconds.


Gerhapi1 –anyone help you come up with the ideas? What books do you like to read?


Nope! I come up with all the ideas by myself.  I have a few very close friends who I’ll occasionally bounce ideas off of, but the main ideas stem completely from my mind.  Unfortunately I haven’t been able to read anything in over a year, but I’ve always loved the Harry Potter series.  It’s got a special place in my heart and always will.


yharrysmile – of your finished books, what was your favourite one to write?


I think I’ve already answered this but again, I really can’t choose.  They’re all so different that it’s almost impossible to choose, though I’d say either Resolution or Anarchy. 


Anon – Are you a virgin? Because your smut scenes are ace


Hey, thanks! Haha I’m not x

Anon – What story are you the most proud of?

That’s also difficult, but I think in terms of writing, Anarchy, simply because it’s my most recent meaning I’ve improved the most since the start.  I like to think I’ve grown as a writer, so naturally my most recent work would be conventionally my best.

Thanks guys!! If you have any other questions you didn’t get the chance to ask, you can comment and I’ll do my best to answer every single one J




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