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I knew Elt wouldn't give up on me so easily but I was done with him. There was no way I was going to give him another chance after the several chances he wasted.

Never in my lifetime.

As I thought of going to see Chanelle, he had grabbed me again and this time, to a nearby washroom.

His words, they were the last thing I wanted to hear. Looking deeply into his eyes, I saw remorse all over him.

"But why should i believe him again?" I thought to myself.

He had hurt me really bad. I was tired of forgiving him all the time. In our entire relationship, he has always been the one at fault. I was done with the forgiveness and now it was time for me to move on.

I never wanted to have anything to do with him. However, when he kissed my cheek and left, I couldn't contain it.

It was no argument that I had missed him just like an idiot misses the point.

Sliding down the wall, I placed my chin on my bent knees and wept bitterly.

"I still love you," Elton's message stated when my phone beeped.

"I loved you too," I replied.

Life had to continue. With or without Elton Khan!

I stood up and walked to the infirmery and to my surprise, Edwin was there.

"Ermm...what are you doing in here?" I asked.

"I was looking everywhere for you and when I couldn't find you, I guessed you will be here but.." he stated.

"Oh okay,any problem?" I asked interrupting his statement.

"Erm...no! But are you alright? You look a bit pale. Were you having a rough time somewhere?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My eye only hurts." I lied.

I looked at him and smiled but the look of things told me that he definitely didn't buy my answer.

"Chanelle are you okay? What happened?" I asked when i noticed that she was awake.

"Nothing really. I only feel stressed out," she said to me.

"I'll get back to class then," i said, realising that it was time for the next class.

"Ive called Derrick to pick us up after school so don't worry too much," i informed. I winked at her and before she could pass any comment, I was out of the room.

As i took long strides to my class, I heard someone yelling my name only to turn around and realise that it was Edwin.

Ouu...when had he left the place.

He caught up to me. "Will you be free tonight?" He asked.
I hadn't replied but was staring at him. "I was wondering if you will like to go and watch a movie with..." he continued.

"I will be busy," I rudely replied and left him at the spot.

As i thought earlier, Audrey confirmed that Chanelle had collapsed. I wanted to go over to the school as soon as I was iinformed but she forbade me claiming it was something minor.

I just couldn't wait to see her again. This morning, we hadnt talked properly before she left for school.

Soon, I was in the car driving towards their school. It had not changed at all since the last time I saw it. I walked into the school and there, I spotted Drey, Chanelle and a guy I had never set my eyes on.

They drew closer to me but the only people I had my eyes on were Chanelle and the odd guy. He gave me this creepy feeling.

I pulled Chanelle into a hug the moment she was within my reach and whispered the words,"I'm sorry," into her ears before letting go of her.

"And who is this?" I asked drawing my attention back to the guy with them whilst holding Chanelle's hand.

"Hey, Im Edwin,Audrey's classmate." He introduced drawing his hand forward for a handshake.

"Im Derrick, her brother." I said looking at him from head to toe.

"I'll see you soon,"he said and pecked Drey but I stopped him when he got nearer to Chanelle.

"Stay put," I said but Chanelle came from behind me, let go of my hand, hugged him, blew him a kiss, and finally said goodbye to him.

"Are you flirting with him in my presence?" I asked Chanelle but as usual, she ignores me. She just headed for the car.

I rushed ahead of her to open the front door for her but she just ignored me and opened the door to the back seat. I guess she wanted to make me to look like a fool but little did she know that i was willing to be anything for her.

I woke up feeling as good as ever. Today was my birthday and mum's call was the first I received.

I was wondering what Audrey got me this year. Mum said she was gonna be shipping a surprise for me and hence, I was waiting.

Today, I tried to make sure to get ready and go with my driver but unfortunately for me, Derrick had threatened to put him behind bars after framing him for murder if he ever came to take me to school in the mornings.

And as if this was enough reason, the driver never made an attempt to pick me up for school.

Just next week and I will begin my final examinations. I couldn't wair anymore to own my house and travel around the world all alone. Well, mum and dad sometimes allow me to go by myself but most at times it was because they knew I was with Elton, my first true love.

I quickly stopped thinking about him. He couldn't occupy this day too. I was ready, set and in high hopes today.

I took my journal and realised that today was Chanelle's birthday meaning mine was soon to come.

"My goodness!" How could i have possibly forgotten my best pals birthday.

I hurriedly rushed to Derrick's room awaking him from his sleep.

"Please get ready quickly."

"What is it Drey. It's not even time for you to wake up yet." He grumbled.

"Ermm... I kinda forgot today was Chanelle's birthday. I was thinking you'll drive me to the boutique down the streets so that I could get her something before we go pick her up p.l.e.a.s.e.eee," I pouted.

"What kind of a friend are you?" He blurted out taking me by surprise.

"Huh?" I sounded confused.

"Nevermind," he said bluntly.

He rose from his bed and I in turn left his room to get dressed.

We drove to the boutique and after some minutes had passed, I went back to the car with some girly stuff.

Audrey's birthday was right after our exams and I was just wondering if she would at least want to spend sometime with me.

Or should I just buy her another of the lapis lazuli necklace again since she had not recovered the lost one.

I believed I was nothing without Drey. She was my better half and I couldn't live without her. I missed her deeply.

No one could ever replace her. She was my first and last. I was so sure of that.

"Son! Is everything alright?" Mum asked entering my room.

I hadn't even realised when she came home.

"Yeah mum," I lied.

"Is Audrey in the city?" She asked out of the blue.

"Yes!" I replied irritatingly.

"Something is wrong between you two right?" She pressed.

"No, " I said again.

"You know, you can always confide in me son. I'll always be there for you okay," she said and gave me a hug.

That was when I had the effect of her kind words. Tears fell down my face. I felt so weak that I held onto her so tight.

"It will be okay!" She said rubbing my back.

"When mum?" I murmured.

"I've done everything possible. I've lost her mum. She really hates me now."

Hey loves♥️ I hope you loved this chapter.

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I love you all and thanks for reading till this point....Stay safe💋👋

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