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I sat in my office when Daisy informed me that my time was up for the meeting. I smiled and replied "alright I'll be there in a minute."

I dialed my house number and the nanny i had employed to look after Ashley, picked up so i decided to speak to Ashley, my daughter.

I did this everytime before i went to any meeting whatsoever.  My daughter was everything to me. She reminded me to be a better person not just for myself, but for her too.

Her looks reminded me so much of Elton and it amazed me that she never asked, "Mama, where is papa?" I had been waiting several times for this question and was fully prepared to tell her a white lie anytime it turned out that she wanted to know about her dada.


"Hey sweetheart.  Is nanny taking care of you well?"

"Yes mama"

"I love you hun, i gotta' go"

"I love you too mama" she said and i hang up.

I checked myself one more time and went out of the office only to enter and find a face i wasnt prepared  to ever see. The face of that bastard Elton. I wished i could beat the hell out of him but as he gad started a game with me years back, i decided to play along with him.

I greeted my guests and spoke long enough. I  felt Edwin smiling at me witg his thumbs up and i knew for a second that i had had the entire presentation.

Edwin has been very supportive and i was glad that he offered to lend me a hand when i told him about the business.

After the meeting,  i went out of the conference room only to be tapped slightly on the shoulder by someone.

I turned around and found out that it was Elt behind me. For a moment i felt like everything around me had stopped.

"Have we met before Miss?" He asked.

"Ermm...no no not at  all. I dont think so." I stammered.

"Drey?" He said and i stopped blabbering out whatever it was i was saying.

"You're Drey!" He said holding my hand.

"Let go off me sir!" I said i don't know you.

"Just admit it you are Audrey Khinn. You are the love of my life." He said and was about to hug  me when i pushed him away.

"Leave me alone Elt, allow me to kive my life."

"Elt" he said and nodded his head circling me. At least you still call me Elt after all these years. You know you just have me hope.
We need to talk Drey! He said finally stopping in front of me.... i need to clear  some things up between us.

I looked at him and screamed," i dont want to have anything to do with you again Elt! Get out of my life!" I said and stormed into my office.


Sitting at the meeting,  i knew i had seen the lady before. She looked extremely familiar  but i just couldnt remember where it was. At the point where thw meeting was almost about to end, i remembered that it was Audrey Khinn.

I then recalled that i was in Khinnson's Company.

How come i didnt realise this at first. I followed her to ask and she continued denying that she was Drey until i insisted and then she finally accepted it.

But her harsh words pierced deep down into my heart and i felt like all was lost until she called me Elt after all these years.

Memories of the last began flashing through my mind and before i could realise it , she was gone.

I knocked on her office door several times but she didn't open up.  I asked her secretary for her house address but she replied me saying, " Forgive me sir, its highly confidential. "

I offered her some money but she refused to take it preaching about her pay being more than enough for her and her family.

I gave up and walked office promising to be back the next day.

Saying that I had a goodnight sleep would be a lie. I cried as I remembered each and everything we shared together. Edwin wanted to take me out on a date but I had lied that I had a mild headache.

He wanted to come over and see me but I shut him out .I was in no mood to explain anything for now. During the night from time to time, I went over to check on Ashley.

I sat at the study desk and finally due to conclusion that I wouldn't allow Elt to distract me. I had to concentrate on the life I had with my lovely angel.


I woke up and make sure Ashley was prepared for school. Both her driver and nanny as usual, did me a favour and sent her to school. Afterwards, I put on a red fitting attire and drove to work.

As I was driving my phone rang. I looked at it just to find out that it was Edwin  calling. Oh God!

" Hello beautiful!" he said

"Edwin can I call you back in a minute I'm driving," I said.

"Sure,"he said and with that he hanged up on me.

"Well who cares... I did but not that much. I got out of the car and was walking into the building when I bumped into someone.

I rose my eyes just to meet the exact pair of grey eyes Ashley  had. I quickly ignored him and walked away but his cologne seemed to be following me.

"Stay away from me, Mr Khan. I'm busy,"I said and he paused for a moment. I managed to enter my office and felt a little bit of relief.

I was working on some few papers when the demon himself entered.

"Madam I tried explaining...Daisy began to explain herself but i signalled her to go as it was fine.

So here I was, left alone with him. My stomach churned at his very sight.

"We need to talk," he said.

" What do you want from me Elton. Aint you tired of hurting me enough,"I said at the bridge of tears.

"It wasn't my decision to do what I did years back. It was all just the idea Drusil.

Drusil.... she's always a cause of your mistakes and you always allow her to have her way.

Can you please forgive me? He pleaded

"Forgive you huh?"

Because of you I lost everything. My dad lost his trust in me because of how foolish I was to have lost my virginity to you.

My mum died because of you my brother had to leave his love life just take care of his niece and I because of you. I was between life and death and   all this was your fault. I said and wiped the tears that drop down my cheeks.

Get out! never come back because I will never ever forgive you. Never! I screamed.

Fortunately or unfortunately, l as I run out, the elevator was opened but I was unlucky because before it could close, he had entered and was beside me.

He wrapped me in his arms and I let it all out. I was vulnerable at the time.

" I'm sorry Drey. I'm very sorry," he said and was about to kiss me.

I wasn't ready to deal with his kisses in my every thought so I slapped him instead.

Don't ever try this again.

Let me be ,"I said and took my car when I got out of the building heading towards home. It was not even noon at the time.

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