Chapter Eleven

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Another chapter for you guys so soon, because I want to give you all amazing people a little treat while I'm grounded! <3


Grasping Fate

Chapter 11

"Alone we are strong, together we are stronger."

"Alista, I'm glad you came. Did Wither's task go well?" The Nyx asked calmly with a smile.

Seto sat staring at the woman with an intimidating appearance. Her whole look screamed to not mess with her, and what with that black sword floating next to her that was long and wide in appearance made Seto want to schooh back a, a lot.

Seto flinched as her eyes flickered towards him before she waved her hand and the sword vanished. She walked past Seto and leaned into the hallway with the door that Seto first saw the Nyx come through.

She looked back at the Nyx and said, "Hardly. The people I'm looking out for haven't arrived yet. I need to head back to Duhita--Alias! Where are you?" She looked back and yelled the last part.

"I see, well then, this is perfect. I have a short request. This human here will need to head to Duhita in a couple of days, I wanted to ask if you would take him and his two companions to Duhita."

"But wait, Tyler--" Seto started.

"I've already removed the curse while we spoke. I told you already, his fate was never to die from the curse. You needn't worry."

Seto glowed with joy, "Thank you sir!" The Nyx smiled warmly. Seto felt the strong feeling of someone looking at him, he gulped and glanced to see Alista looking down at him. For a second he was afraid, afraid for his life.

Her red eyes bore into his soul and her arms crossed in a displeased manner. Was she going to say no?

"Of course," she said after a while. She looked away as if listening to something then said, "You don't have to ask me. I follow all orders from the gods, even you. Just simply tell me and I'll do it."

"Yes, I know, but I'd rather it be your choice then simply an order." The Nyx stood leaving the table, "I'm sorry to cut our time short Seto. Alista will take you to the town borders shortly, just wait here. And in two days Alista will take you and your friends to Duhita to join up with your other companions. From there, your journey will truly begin."

Seto nodded and then said, "W-wait, I wanted to ask you, about my--" The Nyx coughed, Alista was by his side in a flash and lead him quickly down the hallway. Seto faltered and sighed, he wanted to ask about his parents. Why did they have to die, especially like that.

Seto stood up, he felt relief in his limbs and stretched quickly just as someone came down another hallway. Not the same one that Alista had lead the Nyx down.

"Alista, are you--" This person was shorter than Alias and Alista, he had grey hair and lavender eyes, "Oh, hello."

"H-Hi, sorry I think I saw Alista go down that hallway with the Nyx."

"Ah! Thank you!" He turned to leave but then stopped himself. He looked back at Seto, "I'm Aveon, are you the guest my father was talking about?" He walked over and sat down at the small table Seto had just stood from.

"I guess I am, I'm Seto by the way."

"Seto...nice name!" He grinned. This family was odd to say the least. Alista gave off a scary impression, Alias spoke in a mysterious and proper manner, and then Aveon, he acted very much like a child. Of course, he stood several inches taller than Seto, by now he figured it was a family trait.

"So why are you here?"

"I was just...asking for the Nyx's assistance," Seto was still dumbfounded by everything he'd learned, he also had this growing sense of guilt in the back of his throat. He wasn't sure what it would be like when he faced Tyler.

"I hope you found what you wanted, do you want any cake? I think we have cake somewhere."

"No thank you, perhaps some water would do, but I don't want to be a bother."

"We don't have water, sorry."

"Oh, n-no worries" That seemed odd.

"Will you lay off me! Alias I don't need you to tell me what to do!" Seto watched as Alista came storming down the hallway with Alias following her.

"I'm just asking you to clean your room. I mean, do you really need that many weapon in there? Don't you think you've collected enough in 1400 years?"

"Hardly, and what does it matter to you?" Alista turned to face Alias as she stepped out into the cave with Aveon and Seto watching.

"It matters because it is dangerous. And why'd you take those diamond swords off their racks anyways?"

"I need them, duh."

"Don't tell me you plan on trying to kill anyone," Alias frowned. Alista snorted and rolled her eyes.

"You have your jobs, I have mine." Alista looked back to see Aveon, just then Aveon jumped up.

"Alista! You're home!" He rushed to hug her and Alista smiled and welcomed him.

"Hey there," she ruffled his poofy hair, "Has Alias been mean to you?"

"No," Alias said. Aveon shook his head also saying no.

"Good, what've you been up to?"

"I've was doodling while you were gone. Do you want to see?" He jumped around excitedly.

"Sure thing, just let me take care of this little errand for dad first, ok?"

Aveon nodded, "I'm not done with this conversation Alista." Alias huffed and followed after Alista. Seto's eyes widened as she came straight for him. He looked around. Alista grabbed his arm and pulled him along.


"Come on human, I'm dropping you off near the town."

"Alista!" Alias said.

A black sword appeared in Alista's free hand. Seto panicked and struggled as they neared the cave's entrance. The sky was still cloudy, but it seemed the snowing had ceased.

"I'll be back later Alias, then we can continue this later.

"W-wait!" As Seto and Alista exited the cave he yelled for her to wait. When she did not, the last thing he saw was Aveon waving goodbye and Alias sighed before Alista pulled him over the mountains edge.

Seto screamed as he fell. He could not see what was happening below them, but suddenly he was falling through a black hole and then he appeared standing on solid ground. Alista let go of him and he instantly fell to the ground. He panicked and looked around.

"Wh-What was that!" He yelled.

"Be back here in two days before noon." Alista muttered then vanished.

"Wh--" Seto sat on his bum staring at the spot Alista had just been. He was beginning to feel the snow through his clothes and he realized that he was back near Ula'ree. Which meant if he hurried then he could see if Tyler was really ok. He prayed he was, because he didn't think he'd be able to find his way back to that link or portal or whatever.

Without wasting time, Seto pushed himself up and stumbled quickly back to the village. It would take several minutes, but he wouldn't waste a single moment.


In the distance was the village, new snow had piled on the small roofs and Seto could see people crowding around the home which Tyler had been placed in. He was running now. Running even though it was hard to breathe, even though his limbs were sore and tired from all the walking and running.

"Tyler!" Seto called out, people turned their heads, a figure pushed their way through the crowd. Alesa.

"Seto! Seto! It's a miracle, Tyler, he's recovered!" Alesa came running over with tears in his eyes and Seto was just about to burst with joy when the news reached his ears. He stopped running as he and Alesa came face to face, they hugged and cheered. Their friend would not die.

"Seto, where have you been, he was so sick. I was sure you would've been there. were gone all night."

"That...that doesn't matter, where's Tyler? I have to see him."

"He's inside," Alesa pointed to the small home. The crowd was beginning to disperse and Seto left Alesa and hurried inside.

"You did it Seto," Retro grinned to him and moved aside as Seto rushed inside. There was Tyler sitting on his bed under the dim torch light. The color was already returning to his face, his breathing seemed clearer, Tyler glanced up at Seto in the doorway. He squinted his eyes and said, "Is that you Seto? I can't really see sh*t."

Seto grinned and laughed, "You are correct, it is me, the one and only Seto." Tyler's face lit up with a chuckle and a grin.

"So...I almost died, huh...? How'd that happen?" Tyler groaned and stood up. Seto grabbed Tyler's shoulder and steadied him.

"I...I remember."

"What?" Tyler looked at Seto, Seto shook his head and sighed.

"Nothing, It is nothing. You were sick because of a curse that your mother passed onto you. Tyler, why didn't you tell me you had magic you dork," Though Tyler was taller, Seto still reached up and whacked Tyler lightly over the head.

"Magic? I don't have magic." Tyler said bluntly and shook his head in confusion.

"You do, that curse can only be received by magic users, you having it is proof that you have magic," Retro came in, "Sorry for the intrusion."

"I don't have magic," Tyler huffed, "I think I would've noticed being able to chuck sh*t into the sky with my mind." Seto held back a laugh.

Retro smiled, "Not all magic is like that, those glasses of yours contained essence of healing and illusion magic. Whoever the casters were, one made sure to hide the effects of both the curse, and the presence of your magic." Just like his father had done to him, just before leaving for Emedo.

"Yeah?" Tyler's voice dripping with disbelief, he titled his head and raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms, "Prove it."

"I cannot, only you can. I do not know what magic you possess, but moving on from that, the Kulnak wishes to hold a small feast in celebration to your recovery. It will be small, for just you and your friends. Later tonight in this home, if you two are interested. Alesa has already expressed her acceptance." Retro smiled before leaving Seto and Tyler alone.

Tyler heard his stomach grumble, "Oh man! When was the last time I ate?"


"Good god, I need food in my belly! When is the feast!"

"Retro said later tonight."

Tyler groaned and moped, "Whyyyyyyy! Why do these people only eat 2 meals a day! The horror!"

Seto hesitantly placed a hand on Tyler's back and comforted him, "It's ok tyler. Just wait a few hours. Also, I need to speak to you and Alesa--"

"Here I am!" Alesa chirped from the doorway and popped in.

"There's the flame head."

Alesa glared and puffed up her cheeks, "Be glad I was worried for your life, or I'd take it right now."

"Oooo, scary," he joked and Alesa punched him in the arm. He winced and clutched his already bruised arm.


"O-Ok guys. That's enough. I just wanted to let you know in two days we're leaving."

"Already?" Alesa gasped, Seto nodded.

"Did you nod? I couldn't tell." Tyler squinted in Seto's direction.

"I nodded." Tyler nodded in response, "I got us some transportation...Let's just say the person giving us the ride is...very. VERY hot headed..."

"OOoo. Alesa, you got some competition."

"Shut up Tyler, I'll punch you again," She raised her fist and Tyler flinched. Alesa snickered in response, "Well, if we're leaving soon, we should make the most of our last days here. Where are we headed, by the way?"

Alesa turned her attention back to Seto who answered, "Duhita."

~End of P A R T 1~

Whoop! Guys, we did it. We made it through 1/3 of the book!

Now excuse me while I write the chapter plans for Part 2.

Seto is on his way to Duhita. Much has changed. Mitch is king, and soon you Destiny Calls lovers will see the moment the books converge! :D Stay tuned.

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