Chapter Ten

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Grasping Fate

Chapter 10

"Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves."

"Welcome," Seto looked around for the owner of the voice and his eyes landed on yet another tall figure walking through a doorway. Yes, a doorway, there was an actual door with hinges and everything. In a cave of all places.

It was a man, long face, even longer hair of a light purple shade. He was perhaps in his late 30's, his walking was confident as he took long strides towards Seto.

"Who....are you?" Seto spoke.

"I am the Nyx, though perhaps you were expecting to come face to face with a dragon. I am indeed a dragon, however at the present time taking on a form other than this has become rather...tricky."

"O-oh..." Seto shifted nervously.

"Come, sit. You must be tired." The Nyx sat cross-legged on the floor. A small table that was quite low to the ground rested in front of him. Seto jumped as Alias came from behind and walked past Seto, he set down two small tea cups and left, "Thank you Alias."

Seto took a seat at the table, his legs bent and folded underneath him. Taking a sip from the cup he was shocked to discover the taste to be quite sweet, like honey and cream. Seto took a couple more sips while never letting his eyes leave the Nyx. He was so calm and relaxed, he had this aura that did seem quite other-worldly, but at the same time he seemed too human.

"Excuse me...I...I need your help. You have to save my--"

The Nyx sighed contently, "It is nice to finally meet you Seto. I've watched over your family for generations after generations. It's been awhile since I've been able to speak to a member of the Magicks' family."

The Nyx just interrupted him. His friend was dying and--wait. Did he just say Magicks?

"I suppose you are very anxious and upset--"

"Yes, I am. I was told that if I prayed to you, you may help me."

"Indeed, what is it you want?" He nodded and sipped more of the sweet tea.

Seto felt his heart swell, finally he was getting somewhere, "My friend Tyler. He's fallen ill by what the people of Ula'ree call the Dragon Sickness. But something is wrong and it apparently isn't doing as it should. They say Tyler is dying years before he should. I was told you could help him."

Seto honestly wasn't sure what he was expecting. Just think of it this way. He was in a cave, hundreds of blocks high near a mountain peak with a dragon sipping tea, who is also worshipped as a god. Not exactly a situation he ever saw himself in.

"Yes, Tyler Brotato, age recently turned 20. In only a few hours he would perish, however that is not the fate designed for him. Tyler will live, because you have come to ask me to help you change the fate that was altered 13 years ago. Correct?"

"Y-yes! Exactly--" Seto stopped himself, an altered fate? He knew nothing of that, "Wait. What is this altered fate? What happened to Tyler?"

The Nyx peered at Seto curiously and cleared his throat. "Do you not know?"

"Know what?"

"The reason the human named Tyler is being affected by a curse 10 years ahead of time?"

"There is a reason? What reason?!" Seto did not like the riddle and questions, he wanted answers. Each minute he wasted Tyler grew sicker, and from what Alias said, he still had something he wanted to ask. His parents.

"Ah, I see the problem. Your memories have been hidden away, I should have realized it. I know that your father asked a man named Johnson to use magic to stall the curse effects on Tyler by binding magic to his glasses, however I did not realize your father had hidden your memories too."

"What? Stop with these riddle and just give me straight answers, Tyler is dying out there!" Seto screamed, what was going on!

It seemed the Nyx was deep in thought. Seto clenched his fists and stood up. He bumped against the table and what was left of his and the Nyx's tea spilled to the floor. The delicate cups chipped and cracked.

"Why, I hate it! No one ever answers me straight. I was lied to for my entire life, and people treat me like a small-minded child! I'm 19, I am an adult, I can handle a little bit of honesty in my life! My parents are dead! I'm losing people left and right it feels like, when will someone treat me like an adult! And you're a god, shouldn't you give me some sort of answer, or are you going to just--"

As Seto burst into anger he once again was interrupted by the Nyx, "Humans are weak creatures," he began.

"Even the strongest of minds succumb to the lull of power. But it is the weak willed humans that understand the risks of power, the ones to fear it, the ones who would choose to never use power even if their life was on the line. They are the ones to be respected over the gaunty faced heroes of man. They are the ones who are more modest than bold, more fearful than brave, but most of all more careful than careless," The Nyx had completely lapsed into a small monologue, silencing Seto in confusment.

"It is the weak willed humans I place my trust in, when they make a mistake they own it. Do you understand? No, you are right, my words are perhaps not very clear... Seto you are a direct descendant of the Magicks family, the first family I ever gave magic to. And with it, came a gift that would only ever live in their blood line."

"You meet every requirement needed to possess the gift of sight, or Seer magic. A magic of the fates, Seto you were destined to take on this magic. A magic that is easily a gift as it is a curse. The ability to see into the future, and even alter it."

Seto looked at the Nyx, he didn't know what to say, "Would you like to see the truth? The real reason your friend is so ill."

Seto didn't say anything, but it seemed the Nyx knew exactly that he did want to know, but he was afraid.

"Come and sit. Memories will flood your mind, and it is better to be sitting," The Nyx pointed to the area Seto was just in, he hesitantly sighed and sat back down, "Close your eyes, and I will break the magic holding your memories back."

Seto took a moment, he looked straight into the Nyx's eyes. His hands trembled for a moment, he was afraid. What would he see? He calmed his nerves and took a shaky breath before closing his eyes. At first there was nothing. He felt something--no, that was his imagination. He didn't feel anything, then out of nowhere.

"Seto! Guess what!" Tyler, a 6 year old in ragged clothing with old glasses too big for his face and a gap between his two front teeth that made for quite the attention grabber. He came running down the sandstone path up to a tree with hardly any leaves. A small, pale skinned boy sat in its branches reading a book.

That boy, Seto, was too focused on his book to notice his only friend yelling to him. Tyler noticed, he grew agitated and looked at the ground for something to grab Seto's attention with. He found crumbling pieces of sandstone, small like pebbles. He picked up a few, he aimed and fired towards his unsuspecting victim.

A yelp and the sound of someone falling and landing on sand, "Tyler! Why do you always do that!"

A snort could be heard as Tyler said, "You'd think by now you'd be used to it, and just like I say every time, it is because you never pay attention."

"Sorry..." Seto mumbled. Having dusted himself off, he goes to pick up his book, thoroughly checking its condition, "Anyways, you needed something right?" Seto looked up at Tyler and he nodded vigorously in response.

"Just follow me!" Tyler dragged Seto by his arm, forcing him to stumble along in a sad attempt to keep up.


This was a different memory now. Seto guessed it was on the same day, just much later, close to sunset.

"How is she?"


"Not good, huh?"

They shook their head, tears forming in their eyes, "She's dead... Why? Why, she wasn't even old..." Everyone said a young woman like her should've been fine. They said it was just a small flu. But they lied. The flu or whatever turned into a sickness that lasted not days, not months, but years!" the boy collapsed to the ground and cried. He knocked his glasses off rubbed his eyes and nose, but nothing would stop the onslaught of tears and pain.

"Come here," the young girl crouched by Tyler and wrapped her arms around him as he hugged and cried into her chest. A girl of red hair and a white crown of flowers wilting under the desert heat.

Seto had heard the news from his father, who came home late in sad spirits. Even though Seto's mother didn't want Seto going out as the sun began to set, he went out immediately. The one time he ignored her warnings, her pleadings and her teachings, he did so only for the sake of his only friend.

He arrived just outside the small home. The door was open, people were inside, a blanket placed over the body of a woman. Seto did not see Tyler, so he assumed he was behind his home, a place the two of them would often spend so that Tyler could be close to his mother.

Seto hurried behind the home and started to call out to Tyler, but he saw poor sad Tyler being hugged by an unfamiliar face. Who was she? Seto wanted to ask, but he thought it would be better not to. Not while he was in this state, but that was ok. Seto knew this was more important--

"Thank you Shelby. You've been a really great friend this past year."

Year? Year! Seto took a step back, farther into the shadows. A whole year, why? Why would Tyler keep a secret like this. Seto had this feeling of pain, he was lied to.

"It's ok Tyler, I know you don't want Seto to know," Seto's eyes widened. Why? Why! WHY! Seto took a step back, he tripped and fell. He cried out before scrambling up and scraping his hands.

"Seto?" Seto glanced behind him and saw Tyler and Shelby there looking at him. Seto glared, "Seto, it isn't wh--"

"Just leave me alone! Liar! You lied--you promised!" Seto screamed before running away.

"Seto! Wait!"


Seto cried, he was huddled underneath his favorite reading tree. He was being selfish, Tyler's mother just died, but he...he was so upset. Tyler lied to him for a year. A year! That was a huge deal to him! They promised, promised to tell each other everything. Seto even told Tyler a secret that mustn't be discovered by anyone.

Yet, even when he told Tyler that he had magic, Tyler kept a secret like this from. Why did he go to such lengths to hide this girl from him!


"Go away Tyler," Seto turned his back and kept his head buried in his knees.

"Please, I'm sorr--

"You kept something like this hidden from me Tyler, why? We promised to tell each other everything."

Just die. Just leave me alone and die. You lied!

"Seto, it's not like that, please."

Seto looked up for a moment. He saw the face of someone sad, tear stains messily wiped and puffy eyes looking at Seto pleadingly, "I can't tell you why. Not yet, but please, if we're friends--"

"Friends?! Even now you won't say anything! Why won't you be honest with me!" Seto buried his head back into his knees and screamed to block out Tyler's pleading voice. He squeezed his eyes shut and in that moment caught a glimpse of a flash of light.

Seto looked up from his tears and screaming. He was snapped from his thought when Tyler broke down coughing. He was curled up and blood was being splattered on the ground from his coughs.

"Ty...ler?" Seto whimpered, he crawled to him and trembled. He didn't mean it! He didn't mean it! Tyler was his only friend, he didn't mean it when he said he wanted him to die!

He didn't mean it!


"He's just a little sick Seto, it'll be ok," Seto's father placed a hand on the small 6 year old's shoulder, but Seto didn't move from his curled position on his bed. This was his fault. Tyler was going to die, wasn't he? He murdered him. He killed him. Everyone was right, magic was a curse, a sin to humanity. Why was he born with it? Why did he have it? He just wanted to be normal...

Why did magic exist?

"Seto, look at me. Your mother doesn't know what happened, and she must never know. It has kept her safe and happy this long, and now I believe it would've been best had you never been born with magic... I'm sorry Seto."

Seto didn't move.

"Here," Seto felt his dad place something beside him, "Put this on for me, will you? You've always told me you've wanted to try it on."

Seto crained his neck to look behind him. His father had neatly folded a grey hood and shawl with purple lining the hood and a read creeper face as its main attraction. Seto rolled over, he stared at the piece of clothing as it lay next to him, his eyes flickered to his father and his father nodded to him.

Seto carefully grabbed the hood and shawl, he pulled it over his head. Seto felt the hood catch on his head before falling to far forward and covering half his face. He heard his father chuckle.

"It looks good on you, now Seto," His father said before snapping into a serious mood. Seto who still hadn't spoke a word, look up into his father's emerald green eyes, "I want you to live a happy life, I truly wish for both you and your mother to be as carefree as the day you both came into my life."

Seto watched curiously as his father's eyes flickered to an icy blue color, "It would be best, if you never remembered this, and never remembered having magic. Maybe one day I can tell you, but not right now. Not when the memories are too fresh in your mind." His father moved his hand to the gold button that held the clothing together.

"Dad...?" Seto hardly had a chance to speak before he blinked in confusion and looked around, "Dad? What are you--hey!"

Seto's father pulled at the hood of Seto's new cloak, "Take good care of it, ok."

Seto felt himself realize his new and special clothing on him and he grinned and nodded. He completely forgot his original question, "Good, now go back to sleep. You can visit Tyler in the morning."



"It's important you never speak about this to anyone, Tyler."

"I understand sir."

"I know it will be hard having to lie to Seto like this, but promise me for his sake you'll never tell him about magic."

"Yes sir."

"Thank you, Johnson has already stalled the effects of the--" James, Seto's father, stopped speaking when the door to his study was pushed open. A groggy little Seto came through and yawned.

"Good morning..."

"Seto!" Seto opened his tired eyes and grinned!

"Tyler, are you all better! Dad said you had a bad sickness."

"Just about, your dad told me I could stay over while I recover," Tyler grinned at Seto.

"Like a sleepover!" Seto jumped.

"Yeah! And guess what is coming up very soon?"

Seto thought for a moment before saying, "New years!"


Seto blinked.

He faltered in speaking. What could he say? What did he even just see... What...what did he do?

"I'm sure you have questions, and I will answer them. First, I will start with the more obvious question, what happened and why?"

Seto sat in silence and waited for the Nyx to speak.

"I have watched humans live, fall, and be reborn. For some time I did not trust myself around them, for unimportant reasons, but when the people of Vragan arrived nearly 2500 years ago, I was suddenly tasked with this feeling to watch over them. For years it remained as such. I have taken much from humans, more than they will ever know, and the guilt is still with me now.

However, the people of Vragan became a kingdom that accepted my existence, and it warmed my heart that once again a race of humans cared for me. I gave them the only thing I felt I could, a gift of miracles. Magic. But more than that, I gave a power of the fates to them."

Seto looked at the Nyx, nothing was making sense yet.

"I found that I could grant a fraction of my godly duty to a human. Equivalent to ¼ of my godly powers. This created a trust between me and that human, they could see into the future, even alter it at times. I gave this small power of the fates to a member of the Magicks family and I labeled these specific conditions. In order to posses this power, one must be a direct member of the Magicks family, one must posses magic, one must be a firstborn, and only firstborns may pass this power on whether they have the ability or not, and one must have a mind that can be easily swayed to good or bad. Only then could they hold this power.

These conditions made it very rare for the power to appear. But people like you have the ability to use it, and yes, it is a power that is both held in awe and in fear, thus it was believed the Magicks were killed in the village where they were born...Alu."

Alu. That name again. It seemed to be everywhere since he heard about it from Ty. But if he was a descendant of a family that supposedly died in the attack on Alu, then him being here was proof that Ty's mother wasn't the only survivor.

"A gift that an entire kingdom was willing to eliminate from existence, I watched the humans I wanted so dearly to protect die. It pained me in my powerless state. As the days grow on, I grow weaker. I am older than time records, I am a god that will die and be reborn anew. And as my time nears, I have but one last thing to tell you. While seeing into the future only has the consequence of knowing what has not yet happened, changing the future takes much more. I would advise only using the power in times of great peril.

Fate is the power of the inevitable, the things I have set in stone. They people who will be born, and the people who will die, the wars that will happen and the interactions that will take place, all are set in time to happen, but how and why is up to you and the world. Up to destiny. Should you choose to change anything, know that everything has a price."

This was a lot to take in. Seto hardly had time to ask any other questions. He wanted to ask more, he was suddenly drawn into this need to know more. He didn't fully understand but everything was interrupted.

"I'm home."

"Alista," The Nyx smiled warmly to the voice that spoke behind Seto. Seto turned to look at yet another tall person. Her hair was dark purple and red eyes that reminded him of Ty's, but what was more eye catching, was the black sword floating just inches beside her.


Man, I am so sorry how long this took to publish for you guys. With getting grounded and having a writers block, it was tough D:

But it is here! And this was such a big and important chapter that it was difficult to write, also. For those of you have read Destiny Calls, we are reaching very close to the point where the stories combine! :D

Feel free to ask me questions about anything that has happened no and in previous chapters or in the first book. I'm sure some things are confusing, and I want to make sure you guys understand the story so that as things get more intense it'll be easier to understand what is going on.

Also I want to give a brief thank for all the art, oneshots and silly tags you guys tag me in on twittter, insta, and wattpad. It makes me laugh and smile every time I see your guys' art and stories and little jokes.

Also, I want to say in maybe 1 or 2 weeks I maybe be finished with GAME OVER plans and be able to start the story. Don't take my word for it, but I do hope to begin soon. 

And if you haven't checked it out already, I made a oneshot book, and it has like two things in there. Calamity and Calamity Pt.2, read it if you want, but know that I plan to make my oneshot Calamity into a book! So yes, I will be writing 3 books. I still have to design a good schedule, but for now, look forward to all the juicy stuff! :D


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