1) A virgin succubus

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A virgin succubus. Pfft!
If they knew, they'd make fun of me for decades. How could a sexual demon remain a virgin for over a century? They would wonder.
Do I feed properly? They'd question.

My name is Lilura, or as the humans liked calling me, Lily, a succubus from the demon realm roaming the human realm in search of food. Among the demon ranks, succubuses were among the top five out of ten. I was from the royal bloodline of Lilith, one of the four queens of demons from the beginning of time.

Being a middle child, no one in the family paid too much attention to what I did or where I went as long as I did not shame the family name. They concentrated on the heir of the throne and adored the last-born for his playfulness. I, on the other hand, would only be needed when there was a royal ball or a guest was coming to visit.

It had been depressing in the first three decades of my life, but I slowly got accustomed to being a free bird. After all, their low expectations of my life only gave me the freedom most nobles desired.

They didn't even object to the idea of coming to the human world.

Their only concern was that I did not get caught by the Angels or I'd be disowned.
Shit! Talk about horrible parenting. Why couldn't they ask me not to come if these angel guardians were so vicious towards us demons?

Oh well, not like I'd have listened to them anyway.

When I first arrived in the human realm, everything felt different, from the air to the color of the sky. I had been so used to gazing at a purple sky that seeing a blue sky felt like I was in a dream.
Feeding was a major concern as I couldn't go last a fortnight without consuming sexual energy, lest my body withers away.
Having never fed on a human, I accidentally killed one, two, or ten men in the process, which I greatly atoned for by protecting their families from the shadows.

And when I realized I could feed on the scum of humans; rapists and pedophiles, my worries quickly washed away.
For the rapists, infiltrating their dreams was a breeze. All I had to do was feel their nasty dreams from miles away.
As for the pedos, I'd wear a teenage phantom and act innocent. They would come at me, caring not if I gave my consent or not, just start touching and groping me with their dark lust bleeding from their eyes.

I had to cleanse my body ten times after such an ordeal. But at least killing them helped the little and defenseless girls live more freely.

Over time, the humans began noticing my patterns indirectly due to the unnatural deaths of men with a history of sexual assault. Even the ones in jails were not safe from my claws. They called me, 'Maiden of the Night' for my victims would die at night.

Some went as far as praying to me. These were mostly victims of sexual assault or their immediate families pleading for vengeance. This unexpected development stirred up some trouble back home, but they did not make a big deal of it...they just stripped me of my royal status.
Not a big deal at all.

Seventy years of roaming on earth cost me my family name. But, why wasn't I feeling sad? Right! The royal name never gave me any benefits here in the human realm to begin with.
They could keep it for all I cared.
What worried me the most were the guardians I had heard so much from my fellow demons on earth.

But it still baffled me how I hadn't encountered any in all the years I had been around.

Maybe I was just lucky, or...could be due to my defective demon aura. So yeah, nothing special.


"Whoooo!" Kat screamed raising her half-full tumbler in the air while whipping her head from side to side, caring not if her long hair splattering all over her face disorderly.
I wanted to reach out and grab it so badly.

"Lily! Come up here!" She yelled over the loud music of the club.

I shook my head and sucked gently on the straw, drinking my apple juice.
Kat was my roommate and a revenant(a restless spirit). She died after five men brutally assaulted her in all mannerisms, before mutilating her body and scattering it in different locations.
We had been together for seven years as she sought vengeance while also recovering her body.

I was well aware that she would move on to the afterlife once the hatred in her heart was settled for her reincarnation.
Our time together was limited and she did not know it. If I were to tell her the truth, she would opt to not revenge, which would cause the hatred in her soul to overflow, eventually turning her into a malevolent spirit.

In that malicious state, she would have no chance of escaping the fierce hellhounds which would tear her soul into unfixable pieces, leading to an eternal death.

I did not want such a tragedy to happen to her loving soul. She had suffered so much as a human. Those beasts of humans had assaulted and killed such a lovely seventeen-year-old girl without any remorse. How evil could humans get? Well, I had seen enough of their pretentious nature, stemming from their families. At least we demons did not hide what we desired and disliked. Just like my family had openly warned me of stripping my royal title if I did anything stupid.

"Table eight!" Kat yelled winning down at me. "Try your luck!"

I chuckled to myself, almost choking on the apple juice. Had she gone up there to scout for me? Bless her sweet soul.

Without making it obvious, I threw a side glance at the table she had directed and saw two men openly gawking at me.
One power of my kind was our sexual charm. And humans were pathetically weak at guarding against us, which made them easy prey.

When I wasn't out killing those scumbags, I'd go for a decent meal and eat only enough to keep me moving. A few kisses were enough. If I lingered around past that, I'd drain them dry. This self-control had developed over the decades of feeding on human men.
While they were not as tasty as feeding off a demon, their energy made me feel all sorts of things. Yes, they made me feel extremely aroused to the point where playing with my dildos felt lacking.

Whenever I saw what some good men did to me in their wild dreams, I'd roll around my bed, my innocent pussy vibrating with raw lust.

Maybe it was time to get myself a man to rid me of this pent-up sexual hunger. Could it be called hunger if I never even had real sex?
Argh! I always ended up frustrated just thinking about my sorry sexual life.

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