2) An attack

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They were brothers, twins to be precise. Their blue eyes were captivating just like their soft red lips. They took turns kissing me while their hands felt up my boobs, ass, and thighs over my clothes.
Cooped up in the back seat of my car, the air grew warm and heavy. I wanted to escape from there as soon as possible, but I had to feed first.

As they kissed me, I began sucking their sexual energy which was usually in the form of thin white fog. Humans produced white fog while demons let out a reddish fog.

"Fuuuuck!" One roared throwing his head back, "you taste so damn delicious," he said before coming to the side of my neck.

Feeling his wet tongue lick my skin made my stomach churn. Why? Why oh why did I have to put up with this just to survive?
I wished I could find a stronger partner who would be my energy source so I'd cease eating on just about any human male.
That was the nature of my kind, to attach ourselves to beings stronger than us. It didn't necessarily mean having an intimate relationship.
We could have multiple feeding sources as long as our hearts remained on one partner.

"You're right. She tastes like honey and-"

"That's enough, now, go to sleep." As I uttered the words, I exhaled a purple fog from my mouth which infiltrated their nostrils like the air they were breathing. In an instant, their eyes shut and their bodies grew limp and eventually fell against the back of the seat or on my shoulder.
"Argh! Get the fuck off of me!" I hissed shoving his head off my lap before heaving my way to the front seat.

"Dissatisfied again?" Kat teased as her form appeared on the driver's seat. When we met, she had no form that could touch or be touched. I offered her a tiny piece of my innate core(heart) which created a new temporary body. It also became a link between us. She could feel what my heart was feeling and I could find her even if she went to the depths of the realm.
In a way, we created a master-servant relationship. One that I hadn't thought would be possible from such a simple act.

I sighed resting my head on the window.
"Am I growing old? My usual taste now feels like I'm feeling on shit."

Kat laughed. "For a being that is almost a century and a half, worrying about aging sounds like a joke to me."

"Can we go somewhere else? Let's take a trip to another town and-"

"Not tonight," Kat cut in. "We have two requests to take care of."

"Two!" I exclaimed disheartened. "Fuck! And here I thought these boys tasted like shit. Now I have to deal with those scumbags who taste like rotten poop."

She turned on the engine and gripped the steering wheel. When our eyes met, she put on her sweet innocent smile. "Their satisfaction offers your core immense and pure power, no? So stop whining and collect enough so you can continue keeping both of us safe."
My left eye twitched. How could I ever win when she looked at me like that?

But she had a point. After being stripped of my noble title, they withdrew my security, leaving me on my own. Being aware that I'd encountered demons more powerful than myself, I began accepting the prayers of humans. Once I avenged them, their gratitude became power which strengthened my core. And just like that, I became a small deity. One that the heavens were either pleased with, or they just couldn't find me.


After dumping the twins outside a motel, we drove off to where our first target would be. Kat was useful at scouting by tracking the targets from the personal materials the victims provided.

"An abandoned building! How cliche!" I scorned as Kat and I made our way through the dark empty living room. A human would have stumbled endlessly on the holes covering the floor due to their weak vision, but I could see everything as if it were still daytime. Of course, Kat could even go through walls if she wanted, so a few holes posed no problem to her.

"Hush! He might hear us."

I just rolled my eyes dismissively. Not like he'd do anything to us.

Due to a faulty gene in my body, I had no ability to detect other life forms, and vice versa. It was both a huge advantage and disadvantage for danger always seemed to find its way to me.

"Wait!" Kat suddenly stiffened.

"What is it now? Is he about to kill himself due to guil-"

"Watch out!" She screamed grabbing and yanking my arm towards her.

I felt it. Like a ball of blazing wind, it whooshed past my ear, leaving behind a painful throb in my eardrum.

"Ops! I missed!" A deep voice rumbled from nowhere.

Shit! I couldn't sense his presence or pinpoint his exact location. He seemed to be hiding in the void(a space in between dimensions through which mighty beings could travel).
"Bang!" The voice came again, instantly followed by a fiery blue bullet from my left.

I pulled Kat behind me and lifted my left hand, immediately erecting a purple shield. But even with my barrier, the bullet seemed to be fighting to shatter my shield. Whoever was shooting was at least three ranks stronger than myself.
'Shit!' I cursed.

"Can you get us out of here?" I asked Kat through gritted teeth.



"And, bang!"

Three similar bullets whirred at us from all directions, prompting me to extend the shield into a dome shape so that the four bullets would not harm us.
I had been through such danger, but the enemy this time felt like he was toying with us. As if he wanted to push us to the edge and watch us devastated.

"Fuck! The space around us has been blocked!" Kat spat sounding irritated. "Let me hold up the barrier for y-"

"No dammit! This is not our regular demon. He's strong. Can't you tell by the flames of these bullets?"

"What should I do?"

"Go get help!"

"How can I when they've blocked-"

"Use my pass!" I ordered increasing the power to know the barrier up.

"But Li-"

"But nothing! We'll both be trapped here. Now take it!"

With my hands up to keep the shield in place, I couldn't use the pass(a gate pass my elder brother had given me for emergencies).
Without any more hesitation, Kat quickly unlocked the silver necklace. I couldn't see behind me, but I could at least feel her opening the pendant due to the different heat that came flowing out of it.

"Find my brother. He's the only one who will help me."

"Find him where?"

"The gate will take you to him. Now go!" I yelled feeling another incoming bullet.

The sound of harsh warm wind reverberated from within the barrier and the connection between Kat and I vanished. She was gone.

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