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( FOUR )
condition terminal


Alex, Stiles, Lucas, Deaton, Theo, and Scott ran into the police station, Scott running up to Noah. Stiles, Theo, and Alex's gazes travelled to the ground, where a messy line of blood sat.

Alex immediately ran to Lydia, who was paralysed and lying on the floor, the girl trembling with both pain and fear, Kira kneeling next to her and keeping her hands tightly on the wound Lydia had on her stomach.

"Tracy?" Alex glanced at Kira, who nodded. Alex turned to Lydia. "You'll be okay, Lyds."

Theo ran into the room and tied his belt around Lydia's body, compressing the wound.

Alex glanced at Theo, Theo sending her a small smile at her glance.

Alex then focused on Lydia, gently taking the strawberry blonde's hand in hers. "This may feel strange at first, but I promise you, you won't feel the pain as severely anymore, okay? Trust me."

"I'll always trust you." Lydia released sharp breaths as she nodded, her eyes tightly squeezing shut in pain.

Alex glanced at her with sympathetic eyes, the girl then squeezing Lydia's hand tightly, her veins turning black as Lydia's pain flooded through them.

Lydia began to feel better, the girl releasing a breath as the pain she felt began to subside. She opened her eyes and glanced at Alex as the werewolf released her hand.

"Thank you." Lydia whispered, Alex sending her best friend a small smile.

"Lydia! Oh god!" Ms Martin exclaimed as she ran into the room, approaching the small group, Stiles running in after her but remaining at the doorway, his eyes darting from person to person quickly.

Lydia groaned as she still felt a little pain.

"Stiles, Alex." Scott suddenly called, Alex standing up as her and Stiles approached Scott. "Guys, come on."

Stiles helped his dad walk as they followed Scott, Noah's arm around his son's shoulder, Alex walking alongside Scott. Deaton and Lucas followed close behind.

There, they found Malia standing next to Tracy's unconscious body. Malia turned around at the sound of footsteps, the girl glancing between each person quickly.

"It wasn't me." She started as Lucas approached her and engulfed her in a tight hug.

"What the hell happened to her?" Noah frowned as Scott and Deaton approached Tracy, Stiles and Alex approaching Malia and Lucas.

"There were these people..." Malia started shakily as her and Lucas pulled away, Malia's cheeks stained with tears as she glanced between Lucas, Stiles, and Alex. "They had masks. Um, there were- there were three of them. I think there were three of them. I- there were three."

"What? Slow down, what are you talking about?" Lucas frowned, his eyes scanning Malia's tear streaked face.

"I- they were- they were strong, Lucas." Malia stuttered, the girl in complete shock.

Alex and Stiles shared confused glances, Lucas' frown deepening.

"They had a weapon. Lucas, I didn't do this." Malia continued, her voice trembling.

"Okay." Lucas nodded, trying to calm the panicked werecoyote down. "Okay, I believe you."

"She's not changing back." Deaton frowned as he examined Tracy. "We're gonna need to get her out of here."

"What? Hey, absolutely not." Noah frowned, objecting to Deaton's words. "This is a crime scene. We're gonna call the coroner."

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail." Deaton responded calmly, glancing at Noah.

"I don't care!" Noah exclaimed with a frown.

"You should." Deaton spoke with raised eyebrows. "Unless you're prepared to hold a press conference announcing the presence of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills."

Noah didn't say anything as he glanced away.

"Noah, he's right." Alex added, glancing at Stiles' father.

"Maybe take her back to the clinic, figure out how to change her back, then call the coroner?" Scott suggested with raised eyebrows.

"There- there's a line that we have to draw." Noah started, the man beginning to pace around.

"Dad, you've already crossed it. More than once." Stiles sighed.

"Sheriff, please." Deaton added, glancing at Noah again. "Let me help. I've dealt with things like this before."

With a reluctant sigh, Noah finally agreed. "Just do it fast."


Alex, Scott, and Liam walked alongside each other as they entered the hospital.

"Tracy was buried?" Scott started quietly.

"In a hole, buried alive, crawled out. Then we found another hole." Liam explained in a hushed voice, Alex frowning at his words.

"Who was buried in that one?" Alex questioned, her voice quiet.

"I don't know." Liam responded, shaking his head. "But I think we're gonna want to find out."


"Theo, nice going on the tourniquet, you probably saved her life." Melissa started, glancing at Theo as Scott, Liam, and Alex approached Melissa, Theo, Stiles, Lucas, Malia, and Kira.

Melissa turned to face Alex and continued. "Thank you for taking some of her pain, it helped a lot."

"Of course." Alex nodded as she crossed her arms. She caught Theo glancing at her and she sent him a small smile, the girl frowning a little as she looked away, wondering how long he had been staring at her.

"Alright, she's about to go into surgery." Melissa continued, glancing between the group. "So it's going to be awhile. Any other supernatural details I need to know about, or do we stitch her up and hope for the best?"

"It was the tail." Kira spoke, catching the group's attention.

"Yeah, Tracy cut her with the tail, if that makes a difference." Scott added with a nod.

Melissa nodded and walked off in the direction of the surgery room.

"But it wasn't just Tracy, there were the others." Malia continued, glancing between the group. "The guys in the masks."

Alex and Lucas shared a glance, while Scott and Stiles shared one.


"The Chimera." Scott started, glancing between Alex, Kira, Stiles, and Malia.

"The- what?" Stiles mumbled with a frown, Alex crossing her arms as she glanced at Scott in question.

"The Chimera. It's a creature made of incongruous parts." Scott explained. "And if Liam said he found two burial sites, it means Tracy's not the only one."

"Who's the second Chimera?" Kira asked, glancing at Scott.

"And why would they bury them?" Alex added with a small frown. "Seems a little counterproductive to me..."

"Deaton thinks it's apart of their process." Scott responded, glancing at the girl.

"The people in masks." Malia mumbled to herself as she frowned.




i'm sure you're all aware of what's going on right now. I felt like I needed to address this on here since not many people are.

before I start, I apologise if I word anything wrong or offend anyone, I've been trying to figure out how to word this for awhile. I sincerely hope I come across genuine and respectful, because I don't want to come across as being anything less.

black lives matter.

they will always matter. everyone needs to acknowledge and support this.

as a white person, I have never known and will never know the oppression or the struggles of what it's like to be black, but this is common knowledge. everyone deserves to be treated equally, and I can't stress this enough, no matter their race.

i'm beyond horrified that people are still being treated this horribly. these are human beings we're talking about. this should 100% be recognised more, and i'm honestly ashamed, disappointed, and completely and utterly shocked that it's not.

no one should be treated the way george floyd was treated. no one should be treated the way countless other black people were treated.

we need to change. humans need to change.

please make a difference. if you can, sign petitions, use hashtags, speak up in person, protest, anything. please spread awareness, because this is an ongoing issue that needs to be resolved immediately.

if you are protesting in America or anywhere else, please be safe ❤️

if you are struggling in any way during this time, my heart is 100% with you.

once again, black lives matter.

I cannot stress this enough.

black lives matter.

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