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Noah sighed as he glanced at himself in the mirror, the man cringing at his own appearance. "I should've gotten a haircut..."

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut." Stiles raised his eyebrows, his father narrowing his eyes at his son in annoyance.

"I'm sure there's a compliment in there somewhere." Alex blew out a breath.

"I think you look great." Scott sent Noah a small smile.

"Well, thank you son I should've had." Noah glanced at Scott, who chuckled and shared a glance with Alex while Stiles just frowned.

"What the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea." Noah scoffed, beginning to untie his tie.

"What- dad, dad, it's just one date, okay?" Stiles put his hands on his father's shoulders, stopping his father's actions. "The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman."

Alex and Scott nodded supportively.

"Or man." Stiles added with raised eyebrows.

"It's a woman, Stiles." Noah responded, glancing at his son.

"Okay." Stiles nodded with a small smile.

"A very beautiful woman." Noah added with raised eyebrows.

"What 'beautiful woman', by the way?" Stiles glanced between Alex and Scott, the two shrugging.

"None of your business." Noah responded simply, glancing between the three. "Either one of you."

"I want to know." Stiles narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly an obnoxious voice yelled from outside the office, catching the group's attention. "Stilinski!"

Alex and Scott frowned as Stiles raised his eyebrows. Noah's eyebrows furrowed as he recognised the voice.

The four all walked out of the office, but stayed a fair distance away from the boy who was yelling. He was being tightly held back by Parrish and another officer. His lawyer was standing in front of him, observing the situation, embarrassment plastered on his face.

"I'm gonna kill you." The boy gritted out angrily, glaring at Noah.

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well documented in your Anger Expression Inventory." Noah responded calmly, Alex glancing between Noah and the boy—Donovan.

She crossed her arms, the girl growing more annoyed at this boy by the second.

"Deputies, escort the prisoner out." Noah finished.

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window." Donovan narrowed his eyes at Noah, trying to pull away from the officer's restraining grips. "I'm angry like I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna get a knife, and I'm gonna stab you with it until you're dead. And when you look at me and ask me why, remember right now. Because this is why."

Alex and Scott frowned, the two narrowing their eyes at Donovan.

"Wow, that was awesome." Stiles spoke sarcastically, breaking the tension. "That was awesome, that was great. Can we do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time, you know?"

When Stiles got no response, he continued with a small, taunting smirk. "That's fine, you'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny little cell, you know, just stuck there. Forever."

Donovan chuckled sourly, trying to charge at Stiles and Noah, however, he was held back by the two deputies.

Alex and Scott moved quickly, the two standing in front of Stiles and Noah protectively.

"Get him out of here!" Noah exclaimed with a frown, the deputies then quickly escorting him out, Donovan's yells growing quieter as he got further away from the four.

"What the hell's an 'Anger Expression Inventory'?" Scott frowned.

"It's a test you take when applying to become a deputy." Stiles answered, glancing between Alex and Scott.

"That guy wanted to be a cop?" Alex raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Mr 'I'm gonna kill you', that guy?"

Stiles nodded with a sigh. "At least now he's getting the full law enforcement experience."


Stiles turned the key to the engine, the engine sputtering. He groaned in annoyance.

Alex and Scott shared frowns, the two glancing at Stiles.

"It's the anxiety." Stiles spoke with a sigh, the boy glancing between the two as he felt their concern.

"What is?" Scott frowned.

"The chemo signals." Stiles responded, his gaze not wavering from the two. "Oh, I'm well aware of how you all monitor my emotional state, yeah."

He tried to turn the engine on, however, it sputtered again.

Stiles groaned in annoyance again, the boy hitting his steering wheel in frustration.

"You okay?" Alex asked softly, her gaze flickering between Stiles' eyes.

Stiles sighed after a moment, pulling out his phone. "I got this from Braeden a few hours ago."

He handed his phone to Alex, who was in the passenger seat, Scott leaning over to look at the phone from his position.

"That's the first real bit of information we've got on the Desert Wolf in months." Stiles added.

"The Desert Wolf did this?" Alex raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah. And I'm the one who's been pulling on this thread." Stiles blew out a breath.

"Maybe you should stop." Scott started, glancing at Stiles.

"Well, it's not up to me." Stiles responded with a sigh, the boy then twisting the key again. This time, the engine turned on.


Lucas ran up to the group, the boy stopping next to Lydia. He glanced at the girl briefly before his eyes wandered around the crime scene.

Lydia glanced at Lucas as he looked away, the girl finding herself admiring his defined features.

The group were all in the middle of where the police car which held Donovan crashed. There was police tape everywhere.

"What happened?" Lucas asked as his gaze reverted back to Lydia, his eyes scanning the strawberry blonde's carefully. "You okay?"

Lydia nodded again, her gaze still set on Lucas. "I'm fine. And some car with a crazy guy in it crashed. He got away."

Lucas raised his eyebrows at the information.

Noah locked eyes with his son, silently telling him to approach him.

Stiles walked over to his father, Scott and Alex following.

"Guys." Noah started, glancing at the two werewolves. "Alex, Scott, you saw this kid, Donovan. He wasn't like you, right?"

Alex and Scott shared a brief glance, Alex crossing her arms as she spoke. "No, I don't think so."

"Unless he knows how to hide his scent." Stiles added with a frown, glancing at Alex.

"Well, human or otherwise, this kid might've just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers." Noah sighed, the man glancing at Scott and Alex again. "We've got an APB out on him, but you two think you could find him faster?"

Alex nodded. "We can try."

"Alright." Noah sighed, handing Scott a small intercom. "Keep it on channel two."

Alex and Scott both nodded as they started to run away from the scene, the two jumping over a wall and landing perfectly on the ground. They shared a glance as they ran off in search of Donovan.


Scott and Alex paced around, their eyes darting around the area to see if Donovan was near.

Suddenly, Alex heard the faint sound of chains dangling, the girl turning around just in time to stop Donovan from leaping onto Scott.

Donovan yelled as he charged at the two, Alex punching him in the jaw immediately.

Donovan stumbled back and fell to the ground at the attack. The chains around his two wrists prevented him from hoisting himself up.

Scott and Alex both frowned at Donovan, Donovan glancing between the two werewolves in fear. He muttered a name repetitively under his breath as his eyes darted from Scott to Alex.

Scott then pulled out the intercom Noah gave him and pressed the button.

"Scott? Is that you?" Parrish asked from his end.

"Yeah, Alex and I found Donovan." Scott responded immediately.

"He's completely freaked out and he's saying some name over and over." Alex added.

"What name?" Noah asked in confusion from where he was.

"Tracy." Scott responded as he shared a glance with Alex. "He keeps saying Tracy."

"Tracy who?" Noah's frown deepened.

"Stewart." Lydia sighed from her position next to Lucas. "Tracy Stewart."

"Who?" Lucas frowned in question, glancing at Lydia.

"You'll find out soon enough." Lydia blew out a breath.


"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping." Lydia started, glancing between the group, her gaze lingering on Lucas. "It was a real disorder, it was night terrors."

"Well, now she's the night terror." Stiles blew out a breath, Alex crossing her arms from her position next to him, Stiles wrapping his arm around her shoulder comfortably.

"Especially since no one can find her." Alex added.

"I feel bad for her." Lucas frowned as he glanced between the group. "From the sounds of things, she was really struggling."

"She still is." Malia glanced at her boyfriend.

"Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott spoke, capturing everyone's attention and turning to Mason, who was glancing between the group excitedly. "Except for you."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Mason cleared his throat. "This is all just mind blowing."

Alex and Liam shared a glance. Liam was the one that told Mason about werewolves.

Mason glanced at Kira. "You're a kitsune. I don't even know what that is!"

"I'm still learning." Kira responded with a shrug.

"Liam, we said you could tell him, not invite him in the inner circle." Stiles sighed, glancing at Liam with annoyance.

Lucas frowned, as he was new to the group as well. Lydia glanced at him and patted his shoulder, Lucas glancing down at her at the action.

"I'm in the inner circle?" Mason glanced at Stiles with raised eyebrows.

Both Liam and Stiles responded at the same time. "No!"

"Guys, back to Tracy." Scott captured everyone's attention once again as he spoke. "She's just one lone wolf. We can find her."

"One lone serial-killing wolf." Malia raised her eyebrows.

"Uh, she only killed one person." Stiles corrected. "The other two were mauled..."

"What do we do when we catch her?" Alex changed the subject, glancing at Scott.

"I say we put her down." Malia responded, Lucas glancing at his girlfriend with raised eyebrows.

The group shared glances, Mason glancing between them with interest. "Intense."

"Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first." Scott spoke, ignoring Mason. "We'll figure out the rest later."


"Pupils dilate under normal conditions." Deaton started, placing his fingers gently on Tracy's neck. "Heart rate is 250."

Alex, Lucas, Stiles, Scott, and Malia all glanced at Deaton as he continued to examine Tracy. She was weak and heavily breathing, a silver, metallic substance coating her lips.

"Evidence of an allogenic skin graft on the right shoulder." The doctor continued, his eyebrows furrowing with his words. "Now, this silvery substance at her lips is not something I've seen. It almost looks like mercury."

Suddenly, Tracy's body convulsed once.

"Can't you just give her a shot or something?" Malia frowned at Deaton.

"She doesn't look to be in any pain." Deaton responded.

"Yeah, but she killed people pretty brutally, shouldn't we be taking extra caution?" Lucas questioned, glancing at Deaton.

"Exactly, can't you give her a shot that kills her or something?" Malia added, Lucas closing his eyes and sighing, as his words weren't meant to be interpreted like that.

"I generally prescribe to a code of ethics that frowns on such measures." Deaton replied as he glanced at Malia with a small smile.

"Malia, you know we're not gonna do that." Scott spoke, glancing at Malia.

"How do you know she's not gonna kill us?" Malia responded with raised eyebrows.

"She makes a decent point." Stiles gestured to Malia. "Eventually, either way, I'm gonna have to let my dad know she's here."

"Agreed." Deaton nodded as he picked up a small bottle of mountain ash. "And while I may argue against euthanasia, I'm not opposed to a little extra security."

He threw some mountain ash towards the door, the substance forming a line at the doorway.

"Don't worry, Stiles." Deaton spoke once he noticed Stiles glancing at the door worriedly. "Tracy won't be able to cross a line of mountain ash. She's not going anywhere."

"Yeah, that's kinda what I'm afraid of." Stiles replied, glancing at Deaton.

"Well, you guys will be able to leave easily." Lucas started, glancing between the two humans. "We won't, though." He gestured to himself, Alex, Malia, and Scott.

Malia reached her hand out to the doorway, the mountain ash forming a transparent barrier which pushed Malia's hand back. "Weird." She frowned.

"Scott, would you mind holding her down?" Deaton asked, changing the subject. "I'm going to be trying a few more invasive tests."

Scott nodded, glancing at Stiles and Alex for help. The two caught his gaze and moved closer to help hold Tracy down.

Deaton picked up a scalpel, gently lowering the blade down to her arm and scraping across, the doctor frowning at how the scalpel didn't leave a tear in her skin.

"Well that's interesting..." Alex raised her eyebrows.

"Indeed it is." Deaton frowned at the girl.

"I think you're gonna need a bigger blade." Stiles added, glancing at Deaton.


Deaton continued to examine Tracy, tilting the girl's head carefully so her neck was exposed.

Something in the inside of Tracy's neck moved in a caterpillar-like way, Deaton cringing. "Now this is interesting."

Lucas and Malia approached Deaton at his words, the two frowning at Tracy. Alex frowned as she glanced over at Tracy's neck.

A shiver ran down her spine. And not because of Tracy.

Why the hell didn't I bring a sweater? It's way too cold. Alex thought as she mentally scolded herself. She faced Stiles and gently tugged his arm, catching his attention.

"I forgot to bring a sweater, can I use yours?" Alex asked in a whisper, trying not to disturb Scott, Malia, Lucas, and Deaton.

"Yeah, of course." Stiles nodded as he took his sweater off and handed it to Alex, who put it on immediately.

"Thank you." Alex smiled, planting a chaste kiss to Stiles' lips.

"Anytime." Stiles responded with a small smile.

Alex noticed Scott a fair bit away from the group and began to walk over to him, Stiles following her, his hand gently resting on her lower back as the two approached Scott.

"Hey, what's up?" Alex asked, catching Scott's attention.

"It's my mom." Scott glanced between the two. "It's about the driver of the prison transport. She said he's awake and talking."

"Malia, Lucas, help me turn her over please." Deaton spoke, glancing at Lucas and Malia, the two nodding and helping Deaton turn Tracy over on her stomach.

"The driver didn't have a stroke or a heart attack." Scott frowned as he read the text from his phone. "It was more like his body just locked up."

"Like he was paralysed." Stiles finished off, his eyebrows furrowing. "I think I know what she is."

"Do you wanna tell the rest of us too, or?" Lucas spoke loudly, crossing his arms from his position. Alex, Stiles, and Scott glanced at him, Malia, and Deaton at his words. "Because this doesn't look too good..."

Alex, Stiles, and Scott approached them, the group all glancing down at Tracy to find her spine almost crawling in her skin.

"What the hell is that?" Alex widened her eyes. "Is that even possible?"

Deaton gently touched Tracy's spine as he frowned in confusion. He pulled away just in time, as suddenly her back split open, black blood splattering on both Deaton and Scott, the two stumbling back quickly.

Alex, Lucas, Malia, and Stiles all widened their eyes in fear and confusion, Scott and Deaton frowning.

Suddenly, a long tail shot out from Tracy, hitting Stiles roughly on the cheek and sending him to the ground, Stiles groaning as he fell.

Alex frowned as she curled her fists, the girl ready to attack Tracy. However, before she could, Tracy's tail sliced into her stomach, paralysing her immediately.

Alex winced in pain as she fell to the ground, her back hitting the cabinet as her body went limp against it. At least she wasn't lying down like the last time she was paralysed.

Without warning, Tracy's tail hit Deaton and Lucas roughly, both of them groaning as they fell to the floor, the two getting paralysed immediately.

Malia growled, but before she could attack Tracy, Tracy's tail scratched her, sending Malia falling to the ground, the girl's back resting against the shelves in a similar position to Alex.

Tracy scratched Scott's neck with her claws, Scott clutching his neck in pain as he winced.

Tracy hissed at Scott as she headed for the doorway, Alex's eyes widening as she witnessed Tracy break the mountain ash barrier and leave the clinic freely.

Scott suddenly fell to the floor, paralysed.

"Well, shit." Alex spoke with a sigh.

"It wasn't a werewolf." Stiles spoke loudly against the floor.

"Kanima." Scott finished.

"I'm sorry, a what?!" Lucas exclaimed from his position lying on his back on the floor.

"Basically a lizard creature that paralyses you can probably tell by now." Alex clarified with a sigh.

"Hey, Deaton, how'd she get through the mountain ash?" Stiles asked from where he was.

"I don't know." Deaton replied, his cheek pressed against the floor. "It's a barrier no supernatural creature should be able to cross."

"Scott did it." Stiles responded with a frown.

"Once." Scott spoke. "But it almost killed me."

"We should've killed her!" Malia exclaimed angrily.

"Could never agree more, Malia." Alex added from where she was.

"Meanwhile, she's probably on her way to kill someone else." Lucas spoke annoyedly.

"Listen everyone, we need to try and concentrate." Deaton spoke up, catching everyone's attention. "Scott, Lucas, Alex, and Malia, you four will probably be able to move long before Stiles and I can. But you need to focus."

"Focus on what?" Malia asked panically, the girl releasing breaths.

"Healing." Scott responded.

"That's right." Deaton spoke.

"I don't know how to tell my body to heal!" Malia exclaimed, fear lacing her tone.

"Mal, calm down it's okay." Lucas spoke calmly, trying to reassure his girlfriend from where he was.

"I can't calm down, I can't move!" Malia exclaimed.

"It won't last long, we're going to be fine." Alex added, her eyes flickering towards Malia.

"Doc, how do we focus?" Scott asked Deaton.

"Think of a body part." Deaton started. "Your hands, your feet, even just the tips of your fingers."

Alex and Scott gently closed their eyes and took a deep breath, the two beginning to focus.

"Imagine them moving." Deaton guided. "See it in your mind and your body will follow."

The group all tried to move, each person focusing intently.


"Okay. I'm pretty sure I just felt my right leg move." Stiles started, the boy releasing a breath. "Yep, definitely felt it. Like a twinge, spasm, something."

"I'm going to have to disagree, and I think I hold an informed opinion." Deaton responded awkwardly from his position just a few meters away from Stiles' legs.

Suddenly, Malia's finger twitched, Lucas' eyes lighting up. "Malia, you're doing it."

"I don't think she cut me that deep." Malia released a breath as she continued to try to move her fingers.

"Keep going." Alex encouraged her.

Malia groaned as she moved her body, the girl being able to slowly push herself up.

"What's happening, I can't see." Stiles spoke from his position. "What's happening?"

"Malia, wait for us." Lucas started as Malia began to stand up, the girl holding onto the side of the bench to prevent herself from falling to the ground.

"There's no time." Malia responded.

"She's obviously not a werewolf." Lucas frowned.

"But she has a scent. I can find her." Malia replied, still holding onto the bench.

"Malia." Scott spoke, catching Malia's attention. "Save her."

Malia nodded as she groaned, the girl standing up properly and running out of the building in search of Tracy.


Alex released a relived breath as she noticed Theo walk into the clinic. Her hand was against the table, the girl trying to pull herself up.

Theo noticed Alex immediately, his eyes filling with concern as he approached her, the boy helping her stand.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Alex spoke as she steadied herself, Theo taking his hands off her as he nodded.

Theo then went over to Scott and helped him up, Alex making her way to Stiles and helping her boyfriend stand, wrapping one of his arms around her shoulders.

"How did you find us?" Scott started, glancing at Theo.

"Cause you work here." Theo responded. "I heard about Tracy, I've been looking for you."

"She ran off, we lost her." Alex spoke with a sigh.

"And Malia." Lucas added as he helped Deaton stand up.

"I can help." Theo glanced between the group.

"This is Theo?" Deaton glanced between Scott, Stiles, and Alex, Alex nodding.

"Let me help." Theo continued, his gaze set on Scott. "It doesn't have to mean I'm apart of the pack. Or like you've accepted me or anything like that. It just means I can help catch this girl."

Scott, Stiles, and Alex all shared glances, Stiles releasing a breath as he glanced away.

"Scott." Theo started when no one said anything. "I can help you."

"I don't know about you guys, but I think we should let him help." Lucas spoke, catching the group's attention. "And I don't even know the guy. Plus, we'd have a better chance at finding this Tracy girl."

Scott finally nodded after a few seconds.

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