\:\Bill Cipher x Blind! reader/:/

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(Also ur not blind at first, u become blind)

\:\Your POV/:/

   I jumped as the vase fell from the bookshelf and landed on top of me.
Bits of broken glass sliced my head and soon my hair was in clumps from blood. I fell on the floor from the shock of the sudden pain.
   "(Y/n)! Oh my god, are you all right?" My vision was fuzzy but I could tell it was Bill. I tried speaking but flinched as blood filled my mouth as soon as I opened it. "Oh god! Pine tree! Shooting star! (Y/n) has blood all over her and she can't speak!" Bill yelled to I guessed Mabel and Dipper. Why's he so concern for me? Weird...
   I felt warm hands on my own and I thought it was Bill, I wasn't sure though. Soon all the voices just became a buzzing sound and everything became fuzzy and dizzy. "B- Bill," I mumbled and closed my eyes.
   A blackness started to eat away at my vision and my eyes stung and felt like someone was slowly ripping them out. Everything felt icy cold and soon I could only see 1 color, black. It was inky and looked like someone quickly painted over my eyes. Soon I couldn't even hear the buzzing sound of everyone and I just felt numb.
But soon my thoughts started to slow down until I fell unconscious...


   "Is she alright?" Someone asked.
I felt my eyes closed and I opened them but was instantly confused. Everything was still black, as if my eyes were still closed. Why? "Look she's awake!" That sounded like Mabel and I turned my head in the direction were her voice came from.
   "I can't open my eyes." My voice was raspy and creaky, as if I haven't used it for a long time. Everyone became silent, which was a bad sign. "(Y/n)... Your eyes are open," Mabel said after what felt like an lifetime. What?... No... I can't be- NO! My eyes must be closed or something! "(Y/n), face the music kid, you're blind," came Bill's voice, full of sorrow and pity. "N- no..." I mumbled and kept blinking, as if it would fix my vision.
    "(Y/n), we're so sorry, you almost died from the glass and pressure," Dipper said and I turned my head in his direction. "Everything is so black..." I reached my hand out in a random place and felt nothing but air. Cold, dark air that seemed to mock me... I felt tears fill my eyes and fall down. You'll never see anything again, you'll never see the sun, you'll never see the moon, you'll never see any body that you love. The thoughts sneered at her. "No! It's just a bad dream, it's just a bad dream, it's just a bad dream," I kept saying to myself.
   I flinched when I felt a warm hand touch my cheek. "W- who is that?" I asked. "Me," I heard Bill say and he removed his hands. I could picture his sorrowful smile.
   You'll never see the love of you're life, nobody will want to date you... Nobody will want to love you, the thoughts kept finding a way to hurt me even more. I would want to love you, a voice said and I jumped. "W- who said that?" I asked. "Nobody said anything, what are you talking about (y/n)?" Dipper asked. I heard a voice! I'm not mad! No you're not, this is not a voice in your head... Well it is but it's an actually person the voice said and chuckled. Who are you? I asked the voice. .... I'd rather not tell you that... For now. I coughed and suddenly felt how dry my throat was.
   "Can I have something to drink," I asked and nobody responded. "She can't see you nod Dipstick!" Mabel whispered. I'm guessing she didn't want me to hear that since she probably thought it would hurt my feelings. "It's alright Dipper," I said and I felt that they shared surprised looks, wondering how I heard that. But it was pretty loud, well maybe it's that myth that if you lose 1 sense, another 1 becomes stronger or something like that, I thought to myself. I heard someone get up and I assumed it was Dipper getting me a drink.
   "What's it like? Being blind?" Mabel asked me. "Everything's... Black. Its kinda inky like it was painted sloppily," I said. "Wow, that must be so weird!" She said and I just shrugged. I heard a creaky door open and guessed it was Dipper. "Here, I got you some Pitt Cola," he said and I out out my hand so he could give me the drink.
   I went to open it but found that Dipper already did. "Thank you," I said smiling. I took a sip of the drink and my throat felt better instantly. "I want to go for a walk," I said and tried to get up.
   When I did, it felt like gasoline had been poured on me and someone lit me on fire. I yelled in pain and fell back down. "(Y/n)! Are you alright?" Bill asked concerned. "I'm f- fine," I replied. Everyone was silent and I could tell they were all looking at me.
   "How did this... Happen?" I asked, looking into a random direction. "Well you were walking by a bookshelf that had a lamp on it and you stopped since you found a penny and all of a sudden, the lamp fell on you," Dipper answered. "How does a lamp just fall? Did anyone bump into it?" I asked.
   "Well... I guess you can it that," Bill said. "What do you mean?" I asked him, confused. "I, um, pushed it..." He responded nervously. "... What," I asked, icily calm. "I wanted to get you back for that prank and I just intended for the lamp to scare you... Not hurt you're," he responded.
   "Well looks like you blinded me, got me back Bill? Just because of a stupid prank, you ruined my life! Geez, what's next? My hearing? My sense of touch? Why don't you kill me Bill, then you can get me back and I won't have to live like this!" I yelled in his direction. "No, (Y/n) I'm sorry! I never meant for this!" He said, trying to calm me. "Well guess you got bonus points then!" I snapped.
    I felt a warm hand on my hand and knew it was Bill. I glared at him. "Think you can just talk your way out of this one? Nope because I live here and you'll always have me as a reminder of what you really are, a stupid evil demon that nobody will ever love except me!" I yelled and instantly covered my mouth.
   I really just said that, shit.

\:\Bill dorito POV/:/

"Nobody will ever love but me!"

   Those words said so much.
    I had always had a "crush" as humans called it on (Y/n) but I never thought she loved me. I saw the look of embarrassment and love in her eyes even if they didn't see me. I placed both hands on hers and could her Mabel squeal.
   "B- Bill, what are you d- doing," she asked, feeling my hands. I leaned in, knowing what happened next would surprise her since she couldn't see. I removed my hands and wrapped them around her then placed my lips on hers. Her eyes widened and she blushed but didn't stop me.
   I love you (Y/n) I said in her mind.

Wait... It was you the whole time?

...I love you too Bill, forever and always.

Me too.

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