\:\Reader x Human!Bill/:/ Loneliness

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The only feeling you could feel. Pure, miserable, loneliness. Your parents shouldn't even be called parents for they didn't even care the slightest bit for you.
   They locked you in a dark cold room, no light, no happiness, no nothing. Sometimes you thought it was dark because nobody ever came down here and you were always alone down here. Sometimes you thought you were becoming blind.
   You had lost count of the days and nights you spent down here, you've forgotten your age, what you looked like, all you could remember was that you were alive and sometimes you even doubted that. You were only 10 when they locked you in this black hell. And you soon lost your insanity, wanting to believe this was just a bad dream, nothing more but that was a fantasy.
   The reality was that you would die here with never ever making a friend. You were just a soulless being that should've never been born.
   But, you suddenly saw the most color you've ever seen in your life, yellow. A man appeared in front of you and you just stared in awe. Was this a dream? Was this your father? What was happening? "Hey there kid! What's someone like you doing here all alone in the dark?" He asked in a high pitched voice.
   You tired talking but you've never really talked ever since you were locked on this room. You remember you taught yourself your own language, having heard your parents talk a lot but that was forgotten, like everything else. "Hmm, you look awfully thin," the man stated.
   Your parents would throw food and water in here once a week or so, wanting to make your death slow and painful. "Well, the name's Bill, Bill Cipher!" He said. Suddenly, little memories flashed in your head. "(Y-....y/n)..." You rasped out. "Your name is (Y/n)?" He asked you and you nodded. "Okay, I'll just call you (Symbol) and also what are you doing down here?" You tired talking again.
   "Parents... L- lock me down here, l- long time passed," your voice was like sandpaper. He nodded. "Here, you must be thirsty," he said and snapped his fingers. A bottle of water appeared in your hands and your eyes widened. "T- thank you," you said and tired to drink the water but nothing came out. Bill chuckled slightly.
   "You're almost as bad as me, here let me help." He walked over to you and grabbed the top of the bottle and twisted it. He removed his hand from the bottle and nodded to you.
   "Now drink it," he said softly and this time, water came out. You've never felt so refreshed in your life. He smiled after you finished drinking it.
   You noticed he hand a plate that had something that looked like a sandwich on it.
   "Here, I'll come back tomorrow," he said and handed you the plate. You stared at the plate and then did something that you've haven't done who knows how long, you smiled.
   "Thank y- you... Bill," you said, your voice slightly more clearer. He nodded and suddenly disappeared.
I have a meaning...
I have a purpose in this world after all.

Day by day, Bill would come with food and water.
   He retaught you how to talk and said that your age was about (Y/a). Each day, you would wait for Bill. Each day when he came, he started giving you wonderful things like a clock, more clothes, a lamp, almost anything you asked for.
  "Bill?" You asked when you 2 were sitting together in the dark. You were sitting next to him on a chair he gave to you. You two were almost touching.
   "Yeah (Y/n)?" He responded and looked at you. His beautiful golden eyes seemed to warm you. "I- I've been wanting to ask you... If you could let me out of here..." You looked at him nervously, scared of what his reaction would be. His eyes widened with surprise.
   "Heh, thought you would never ask. Of course, I've been waiting for you to ask me," he said and got up. "Y- you're going to free me!?" You asked and he nodded. You got up and gave him a huge hug.
   You felt his body tense up for a bit but then relaxed. "Yeah yeah, I know, I'm the best," he said as he pulled away from the hug. "Thank you, really. If it weren't for you I would be here.... Alone." You shivered as you remembered all the days before you met Bill. All the lonely miserable days.
  "Hey, don't worry (Symbol), I'll always be here for you." He ruffled your hair and stood up. "Ready (Symbol)?" He asked and you nodded.
   "Okay, close your eyes and when I way open them, open them," he ordered and you closed your eyes and waited. Suddenly you felt wind blow against you and you felt something soft underneath your feet. "Open them now dear," he said.
What some people to for granted while other's hate it. You, you loved all the color. Green, blue, yellow, orange, even white from the clouds. It was all so beautiful. You stood there, breathless as you took everything all in. "You like it?" You heard Bill ask and you nodded.
   "It's... Beautiful! There's so much color! So many things! Oh my god, thank you so much Bill!" You said and smiled. He nodded.
   "Anytime (Symbol), now there's something you could do to help me," he said. You owed Bill so much dept so you of course would agree. "Sure! I'll do anything for you," you responded.
   "There's this family I've been wanting to... Let's say make a deal with, I need your help with that. You'll see why later." He looked at you with his 1 good eye.
   "Will you help me?" He asked.
   "Of course love, I'll do whatever you ask~"

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