Season 3 Episode 12: Shifty

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Wendy sat at the counter of the register, her brown boots kicked up and resting on the counter as she had her nose into a "avoid eye contact monthly" magazine. She was keeping watch of the gift-shop today. Her attention was full on the paper she was reading until suddenly her eyes glanced up to see two teenagers who wandered into the gift shop.

"Hey, Wendy!" The two Pines Twins said at the same time.

"Sup, my dudes?" She smiled and put down the magazine as she gave her attention to them. "What brings you to my kingdom of knick-knacks?" She said jokingly.

"Well, since you asked, have you seen Grunkle Stan and or Ford? We kinda need to ask them something." Dipper spoke but his twin shook her head.

"Can you just pretend to be them so then we can get their permission?" Mabel gave her all-time famous pleading puppy eyes.

"Well..." The teen scratched her chin. "Depends, I guess." She glanced at the brunette's face with the pleading eyes and sighed. "Whatcha askin' for?"

"So this scary movie came out a couple days ago and we want to see it realllllyyyy bad!" She made sure to emphasize the "really" part of the sentence.

"It's PG-13!! Not like...rated R or we're technically old enough to go see it!" Dipper chimed in.

The red-head paused for a moment and looked at the kids. "You mean..THAT one? Even that one seemed a little spooky to me...are you triple positive you wanna go on a risk like that?"

"Quadruple positive!!" Mabel shouted as she banged her fists on the counter to make her point more...well...outstanding. Literally standing out.

Stanford just so happened to pass the gift shop, but when he saw all 3 teens...discussing...he poked his head in out of curiosity and stepped inside the shop. "I think I heard my name in this discussion." He stated as he pushed his glasses up a little."

Mabel squinted for a minute as if she were thinking then her face returned to normal. "Grunkle Fordddd....were you spying on usss?"

"Not so much as spying...more like overhearing the conversation. And from what I heard, you two want to watch a horror movie, if i'm gathering this information correctly."

The twins nodded in unison and Wendy watched from behind the counter. Ford opened his mouth and the two leaned forward in anticipation as they waited for the answer.

"The answer is no."

"Aw, what?" They replied together.

"Would your parents let you see it?"

"....Nooo..." They said together sadly.

"Then the answer remains the same. No. I'm only doing what's best for you."

"Yeah, but!" Mabel held her index finger up. "We survived Bill and Weirdmageddon!! AND middle school!! What's one horror movie gonna do?"

The man paused in thought and then looked down at his great niece. "Mabel. You'd make one good politician with those persuasive skills of yours."

"Wait, so, is that a yes?" She gave a small grin in hope that it was.

"I suppose so...i'm just glad you didn't go to ask Stanley. He would've said yes in a heartbeat without even thinking." He chuckled to himself.

Wendy put the magazine down and hopped down from the stool she was sitting on; her boots hitting the floor with a thud as she gave a smile and pushed back some hair that landed in her face as she landed.

"I'm pretty sure Casper can run the cash register in here for a couple of hours." She saluted and headed to the car as well.

Stanford sighed but gave a small smile as he flipped the gift-shop sign to "CLOSED" because the day was practically done anyways and the shop was a ghost town inside anyways.

As the teenagers were dropped off to the movie theater Ford made them promise not to tell their parents and they all zipped their lips with a smile as they raced to the ticket booth and put all their crumpled up cash and coins together in order to buy the tickets.

Ford being the protective old guy he was wanted to make sure they got inside safe so he watched from the car until the trio entered the inside of the theater safe and sound. He gave a small smile as he remembered how when Stan and himself turned 13 they were just as excited to see movies like that themselves.

He shook away the memory and started to drive off, but on the way he found himself getting sidetracked. He felt as if something were wrong for some reason. Just that little voice nagging in the back of your head. He stopped at the old familiar metal tree that had some of the brown paint peeling off, showing some of the cold metal beneath.

He placed his six-fingered hand on the trunk of the "tree" and froze when he heard one of his car doors open but when he looked back to the old mobile there was no sign of anyone being there. The wind was blowing however, so he decided to take that as the excuse though he still didn't believe that was what happened.

From the corner of his eye he swore he saw something black zooming across the forest but it had to be his imagination...or...that's what he thought at least.

After all, it was getting pretty late.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Around 9:30 when the movie was let out, Ford met the teens right outside the theater, car parked right in the front as all 3 piled into the car. Mabel got in first and went right back to hugging her arms and staying silent as Dipper sat in the middle and started chatting up the parts of the film with Wendy as she sat on his right.

"I take it you all had fun?" The old man turned back to look at all of them.

Two nodded and one didn't.

"Mabel?" Ford looked at the girl and so did the other two.

"There was some scary parts...and...A LOT of swearing..."

"Don't forget the jumpscares. My hand is still red from you gripping it so much and I can still feel the heartbeat in it." Dipper gave a small huff.

"Maybe this'll teach you a lesson that sometimes despite the rating, you aren't ready for some movies." Ford replied as he put a hand on Mabel's shoulder before he turned around and put his hands on the wheel and started to drive back to the shack.

"...I just got scared...that's what horror movies are supposed to do! I'm fine it was great! I liked it." She folded her arms.

"It was pretty good...but in my opinion it was delivered poorly." Wendy shrugged. "I've seen scarier."

Dipper snickered. "Then how come I saw you flinch?"

"Hey, you almost screamed like a girl back in there, i wouldn't try making fun of me." She gave a sly grin.

"Did nottt..." The boy replied back but knew it was true at one point.

"So, Grunkle Ford, what did you do?" Mabel pipes up and looked in the mirror above the dashboard.

His eyes met hers for a moment before he continued looking ahead at the road. "Oh, you know...just...hung around."

Dipper blinked and he frowned for a moment. "You did not just-" He made the quotation mark gesture with his fingers "-hang around" you did something."

His great uncle just glanced in the mirror and then looked at his nephew before remaining silent. If he were going to spill anything it would likely be alone because it might be some private information or maybe he didn't like the fact others were listening. Dipper seemed to have got the hint because the rest of the drive back to Wendy's cabin was in complete silence.

The redhead waved goodbye as she got out of the car and headed into her house. The ride after that was filled with Mabel's chattering on and on about basically the entire plot of the movie since silence was not in her vocabulary.

After the Twins got out, Mabel raced upstairs to meet her pig who she was going to give lots of love to especially after the movie. Dipper was the last one to exit the vehicle and when he did, Ford met him on the porch.

"I stopped at the old bunker Fiddleford and I constructed. Just the entrance...though it's highly likely that the entrance is packed with cobwebs and insects by now."

"I'm pretty surprised you haven't been down there yet. I mean...I can see why you haven't for 30 years never even looked back at it after all this time? Well.." He paused. "A year."

"I'm just anxious of what could be down there-"

"Great Uncle Ford, i've told you before that we froze the shapeshifter. It's all taken care of!"

"Well..." He scratched his chin. "Maybe i'll head down there tonight."

The boy nodded then paused and looked up at him with a mix of disappointment in his expression. "Wait, without me?"

"Yes, without you." He glanced at the old owl clock on the wall and nudged his nephew towards the door of the shack. "It's late anyways, you should be in bed."

"Sleep isn't necessary..." Dipper muttered but didn't argue because he would end up losing anyways because the adults always win.

Ford watched him head up the stairs before he headed to the gift shop and to the vending machine and walked down the stairs after inputting the code and closing the door after himself.


Dipper plugged in his phone charger with his phone into it and hopped onto his bed. He pulled up his phone to the bed and sat closer to the edge, laying on his stomach and feet in the air as he began to type.

Mabel glanced over at her brother and then down at his phone, which he rarely used unless he's doing some sneaking around or planning something or taking pictures of the supernatural scenes around him. Obviously it wasn't the last one. She slipped off her bed and glanced over his shoulder just in time to see a "Meet me at Midnight" before he yanked the screen away from her view.

"Oooohhh!" She dragged it out in the teasingly way. "Who're you textinggg? Is it that one girl i matchmaked you with at school?" She gasped, getting ahead of herself. "ARE YOU TWO DATING?!" She shouted this rather loudly, which gave her the concequence of getting a hand slapped over her mouth.

"Shut up!!" Dipper hissed out his words and removed his hand soon after because of the wet saliva sticking to it now. "And no! I'm not texting..." He paused. "...I don't even remember the name. And that was not matchmaking. It was more like, shoving me out of the lunch line and into some girl."

"Then who are you texting?!" She jumped up and down in excitement, obviously thinking this over and getting way too hopeful that it was someone she matchmaked him with.

"Just Wendy! Calm down! You're gonna wake someone up!"

She stopped jumping and wiggled her eyebrows for a moment. "I thought you were over her."

He groaned and threw his face into a pillow before he brought it back out and sat up. "Can't I just text someone as a friend without you thinking that I have a crush on them? I'm not like you, who has at least 1,000 in a year!"

She sighed and sat on the bed beside him. "What was the whole "meet me at midnight" thing about then? If you don't tell me i'll jump on your bed!"

"Right, like that's gonna bother m-" Before he even got to finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the jumping on his bed that actually was pretty annoying. He toughed it out and kept a frown on his face as he continued to text but within 5 minutes she started saying his name repeatedly. After 10 minutes he groaned and threw his hands up. "FINE! I'll tell you!! Just...stop jumping on my bed!!"

She flopped down and grinned, proud of herself. "Will do!"

He huffed and placed his phone down and got a vibration from it a moment after but he looked at his sister. One hand on the device and one on the sheets of his bed. "Grunkle Ford said he was going to the bunker tonight and I want to go. I can't go alone because it'd be risky, so Wendy's coming too."

"And so am I!" She jumped up and ran to her bed as her pet pig entered the room and jumped on the bed as well.

"I'm...not so sure if I want you to." He responded.

"I'm coming!! Even if you chained me up with a million billion locks I would still end up right behind you!"

The boy stared at his sister and sighed as he rubbed his temple for a moment. He wasn't going to underestimate his sister because he knew her. And he knew that she was coming whether he liked it or not because she's Mabel, and she somehow always gets what she wants, one way or another.

"Fine! Fine. Just you, me, Wendy, and nobody else!"

No more than about 10 minutes later when the twins were getting ready to leave, Dipper found himself talking to Soos. Mabel peeked out from behind the big man and gave a sheepish grin as well as a mouthed "I'm sorry." Dipper facepalmed but let it slide. The trio met Wendy outside just in time to see Stanford sneak off.

Wendy definitely looked tired. She rubbed her eyes and gave a small yawn. "Why're we doing this again? Y'know, Ford typically can take care of things himself."

"I think Dipper's just jealous that Mr.Ford is going on an adventure without him for once." Soos stated as everyone looked at him.

"What?! No, that's not...well.." He paused to think about the reason why they were doing this. "...Maybe you're right.."

"Boom!" Soos did a fistpump in the air at his right answer.

"Let's just get on with it." Wendy said groggily as she rubbed her eyes again.

The four followed Stanford all the way to the bunker and watched him cautiously enter the bunker with a flashlight in his hand that lit up the room just enough until he powered the place up. The man inhaled and crinkled his nose up as he smelt a weird smell from somewhere...but that wasn't important right now. He kept his flashlight in his hand as he started to go deeper into the bunker.

By the time the gang had got to the bunker entrance, Ford was already gone and had already made it though the security system. Since Dipper read the journal front to back last year, it would be easy to make it past that room...unlike the first time.

The old man headed to the cyrogenic chambers he had and in the first one, like he had heard from his nephew, the shapeshifter was trapped there. Frozen and in a rather disturbing form. Only except...

He wasn't there.

Ford's hairs stood up on his arms as he got a sudden chill. He gulped and began to panic as he looked around every single chamber but saw nothing. "But...Dipper said that..." He paused. He couldn't be alone. "WHOSE HERE?! SHOW YOURSELF!" He shouted.

"Who're you looking for?" A michevious voice said as he felt a hand on his shoulders. He couldn't see one, however, but when he took one look at his shadow he saw it was noneother than Sil, who was "standing" right by him.

He shoved the hand off his shoulder and took a couple steps back. "Where is he?!"

She let out a victorious laugh. "I set him free! Aren't you so proud of meee? Wouldn't matter anyways, I don't need your approval. I bet you can't guess who is at the top of his "to-be-terrorized-list"!"

"I have a feeling it's either Fiddleford and myself.."

Sil made a incorrect buzzer sound. "WRONG! Here's a hint, smart guy. One starts with a W and the other starts with an M."

He stared with a blank clueless look on his face. "I don't get it."

"Well, let's see. It happened about 10 episodes before you showed up, so I should stop treating like you know, shouldn't I?" She got a look before she continued. "I disabled the cooling chamber and freed the guy. He asked me: "How can I ever thank you, beautiful lady?" and so I said: "You don't have to. Just mess with Gravity Falls" and off he went! Pretty nice of me, huh?"

"...I'm starting to compare your sanity to Bill's." He finally spoke after a few moments of silence.

"That pathetic triangle?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "He was trapped between dimensions for several years. Meanwhile I was trapped between reality and make-believe for a couple thousand. Compare that." And with that, she disappeared.

Ford stared at where she was a couple moments ago, mind focused on what were to come next...well...more like possibilities. When he turned around he was found face to face with all 3 teens...and one man-child. He stared and rubbed his temple for a moment as he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Not even going to ask. I already know. Head back to the car." He spoke between a breath.


As the 4 piled into the car, Ford followed behind and sat in the driver's seat and slammed the door, giving almost everyone a chance to flinch. They weren't going to go back home; not with the shapeshifter on the loose, so they started to get driven around town, looking for the beast. Thankfully, it was late at night, so not many people were out and about...exception of them.

"Great...just great.." Ford mumbled but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Bill's on the loose, Sil's on the loose, and now the shapeshifter is as well!" His fingers tightened their grip around the steering wheel.

There was a moment of silence before Soos(who was in the passenger's seat to save everyone from being squished) spoke up. "It's not your fault, Mr.Ford, sir. Sil Houette just got in your head." The man said kindly.

Stanford glanced at him for a second then back in the rear-view mirror at the rest of the gang momentarily. "And that reminds me." He furiously jerked the steering wheel as they made a rather fast turn, in which everyone would've flung out of their seat if it wasn't for the safety of the law; seatbelts. "Bill can possess people, Sil can invade shadows and the shapeshifter can turn into whatever he wants!! They all have some sort of camouflage, so good luck trying to find them, everyone! This'll be one heck of a rollercoaster, like you wanted! Right, Dipper?"

The boy's eyes widened as he gulped and glanced down, sliding down in his seat in shame. Mabel glanced at her sibling and then back at the mirror. "Grunkle Ford, please calm down. I'm sure it'll be all okay! It's like that horror movie! One moment you're scared and the next you'll be smiling again in no time!"

"I'm sure he's just tired...after all, it is almost one in the morning." Soos replied with a smile as he looked at the clock on the dashboard.

"Normally i'd consult Fiddleford about this, but one, I don't want to scare him, two, it's late at night. When people are supposed to be sleeping." He eyed the kids who gave nervous smiles. He parked the car and hopped out as fast as he could, being the first one out of the car.

"Hey, you've got us." Wendy snapped back, but got no reply.

"He won't just appear before us. He'll hide and disguise and be smart about it. We'll have to-" Before he finished his sentence, he tripped on something and landed to the floor with an oof.

"Hey, a gnome!" Mabel pointed at the little man on the ground, who Ford had just tripped over.

"QUEEN! QUEEN! QUEEN!" It shouted as if that's all it knew how to say.

"Wait, whaaa?" She tilted her head a little with a small frown. "I thought Jeff dropped that act." She stood up with her hands on her hips.

The girl was about to say something else, but before she could, Wendy suddenly punted the gnome into the air. Everyone watched it fly through the air as it hit the pavement on the other side of the street.

"That's your shapeshifter, Ford!" Wendy declared as the gnome morphed into a cat and ran into an alleyway.

The old man didn't hesitate. He jumped to his feet and started to run after the creature. This was so...unlikely of the shapeshifter, however. Usually, the first choices the monster would make would be to fight and choose way bigger forms to take over. Not small.

Just before entering the alleyway, he stopped by the side and started to eavesdrop as he heard two voices speaking. Both recognizable.

"Why are you running and hiding?!" Sil hissed out. "I thought I told you to cause some chaos!"

"But that's him out there. I can't outdo him. He knows me too well. He'll have me back in that glass chamber in no time."

"I don't care!! Neither should you! You should be doing your intended purpose, which is literally 3 steps!! Eat, kill, repeat. Use that freedom as an advantage!"

"Well..." The shapeshifter took it all in. "That does sound pretty satisfying."

"Plus, didn't you want revenge? Now is your chance for doing such a thing!"

"I do have a hit-list."

There was a whoosh then there was the sound that Ford recognized as the shapeshifter reverting back to his normal form. Before the man could rush down the alley, the monster raced out and slithered up ontop of a roof of a store, looking down at everyone with his beady red eyes.

"Well, would you look who it is? Not only is it those who defeated me, but it's also Mister Six-Fingers himself."

"We both know very well that I can't have you loose in Gravity Falls, so just come down so we don't have to make this more difficult!" Stanford shouted from the ground up.

"How do you know I haven't changed?"

"Haven't changed?" He scoffed. "Believe it or not, that's what your species is known for! Changing! Don't try and twist your words with me!"

"Fine." The monster jumped off the building and landed right in front of the gang. "So what, I haven't changed. And with that being said, i'd like to get to the part where I rip every single one of you to shreds. Starting with the redhead, then moving onto the annoying boy, his sibling, the fat one, and then finally..." He shapeshifted into a werewolf and bared it's teeth, drool coming out from the side of the mouth as he stared at Ford. "I'll finish off with you."

Another voice was thrown in. None other than Miss Sil Houette. "Imagine being trapped in a cage. Unable to go anywhere, without any knowledge when you'll escape. Wouldn't you want to hurt the one responsible for your horrible fate?"

"You're not helping, Sil." Mabel awkwardly butted into the conversation.

She just giggled. "I'm not trying to, kid."

The shapeshifter duplicated himself 5 times, each identical to the other. Ford's eyes widened. "Well, that's new." He stated as he gulped. Seemed like everyone had their own little personal nightmare to take care of.

Everyone screamed and bolted as their shapeshifting monster ran after them. Sil laughed and kicked back as she watched the show she had just put on for her own pleasure. 
Soos started running as fast as he could, panting as he started to slow down not too much after, but it seemed as if he had lost his shapeshifter along the way surprisingly enough.

Mabel...however wasn't so lucky. She was no longer being chased by the shapeshifter...she was being chased by the monster from the horror movie they'd watched just that day. And she hated it. Every. Single. Moment.

Dipper and Wendy had met up at some point after running different directions. Their shapeshifters merged together, making a hideously horrifying version of the two of them together, much like the one Dipper had of Mabel and himself when they first reached the bunker for the first time.  It laughed distortedly and ran after them on 8 legs. Finally they caught a moment to breathe as they hid behind a building.

"Dipper," She said as they were catching their breath. "I need you to run to my house and grab my ax, so at least we have some kind of weapon against this guy."

The boy nodded bravely and flipped his hat around backwards before he took off in a bolt towards her cabin. Right as he made a move, Wendy jumped out from the hiding place behind the building and distracted the beast.

Stanford had turned the tables and brought out his own weapon from underneath his trench coat but in the process of their battle, he had a hard time deciding whether he should vanquish the creature or not because once upon a time, the shapeshifter and him actually got along and were friends.

"Come on, Stanford, we both know you don't want to hurt me." The shifter said from the shadows, lurking around.

"You've done a lot since those days." He responded. " "A lot" as in the dark things I told you not to do!! You don't know the difference between right and wrong!"

"Oh, I do. I just choose to avoid it. Evil's in my DNA...and you'd know it most." He snickered.

"Soos!! Soos!!" Melody's voice rang out and her boyfriend ran over as fast as he could, sweating and smiling.

"Melody!!" He hugged her felt a little different to him. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"I heard about the shapeshifter!! And Sil, it's just...all so...gahhh...i'm having a hard time finding the right words!" She seemed to be struggling with speech, and not just for that reason.

Soos just gave a smile and started to sneak away with her so they wouldn't be caught by the monster.

Dipper looked both directions before slipping into Wendy's room from the window and dropping in with an oof as his landing wasn't as smooth it was supposed to be because his calculations were a little off and the window was taller than he remembered.

He looked around to see if he could spot the weapon and then as a last resort he looked under the bed. He grinned and as soon as he went to grab it, the ax slid out from under the bed and started to float in the air on its own. The boy's eyes widened as his nose crinkled up but it wasn't too much longer where he saw the shadow and knew who was messing with him.

"Going for the ax, again? Boorrrinnggg!!" She twirled it around and even threw it and caught it just to scare him.

"Why do you always have to bother me every time every day?! You're so annoying!" He retorted back as he finally reached for the ax when she stopped moving it.

Sil Houette threw the ax out the window again, rather far and made clicking noises with her mouth like someone would do for a dog. "You want the ax? Go get it, boy!!" She clapped her hands together. "Go get it!!" All she got in return was a nasty glare. "What's wrong with you?" She huffed.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!"

She just laughed in response as if this were all a big joke...and it probably was to her. "I already told you! I wasted an entire episode on-You know what? Forget it."

The 13-year-old's eyes widened when he saw the lights turn on as Manly Dan got up and headed down the hallway. Sil disappeared and left the kid to fend for himself. The man yelled as his head hit the roof and as he continued to walk down the hallway, heading closer and closer to Wendy's room. The girl had pillows set in such a way that he'd think it'd be her. Especially since he won't be paying full attention since it was late.

Dipper raced to the window as he jumped out and tumbled onto the dirt ground, hissing and wincing in pain, but still alive. He spotted the ax not too far away. The boy got up and ran to the weapon, finally picking it up. Granted, it would be a little hard to carry it all the way back because of his strength. If this had been last year the first day he got here, he would've already collapsed with the ax. Gotta give him some credit, he did get stronger.

As the lights turned back off, Sil watched the kid run off from the shadows.

Mabel ran as fast as she could. Her heart was racing to what seemed to feel like over 100 miles per hour, just like she felt in the battle in Weirdmageddon, running from the giant Bill-Spider...except for this time it was a hell monster. She ran behind a building, catching her breath as her heart wouldn't stop racing and making her feel as if she were going to die if she didn't run. Which...was accurate.

She took deep breathes and tried to remember how the main characters in the movie defeated it...but then she this movie...the monster won. The girl glanced to her left, lucky enough to find the theater where she had her "Sock Opera" last year. She gave a small smile, knowing she could take cover in there.

As she hid among the row of seats, she crouched down and peeked up from behind one, facing the stage. "Alright...think, Mabel, think. What did we use to beat monsters in the past?" She whispered to herself. "Tickles, spray paint, karaoke machine, memory gun-SEVERAL times, giant Paul Bunyan, kittens, grappling hook.." She grinned and whipped the weapon. "GRAPPLING HOOK!" And with that she hooked onto the rafters just in time to see the monster lurking around and making it onto the stage.

The teen's heart raced as she glanced around. She noticed that there was a loose beam not too far from her. If she got underneath it, the beam would fall and would hit the shapeshifter by it getting smacked or impaled...either or was fine. She took a deep breath and swung back and forth and kicked the beam. It shifted and the monster moved closer to investigate, and as it did, she swung back and kicked it again, getting it to tilt and plummet downward.

The monster screeched as the sound of metal hitting the ground and the shapeshifter were heard. Mabel winced at the sound and carefully lowered herself to the ground.


Soos and Melody snuck around, protecting his girlfriend at all costs, making sure nothing would and could get her. "Remember, we gotta be careful. If we ran into one of those shapeshifter dudes, it would be really bad. Matter of you know what happened to the one that was chasing me a while ago?"

Silence. No response.

"Uh...Melody? Are you okay?"

Her eyes blinked unevenly and she started to snicker, grinning but not seeming genuine with seemed more like a evil grin that a villain from a movie would use to send shivers up the hero's spine, knowing that something was going to happen and whatever it was, wasn't good. Melody slowly walked closer and Soos backed up.

Soos caught on. Especially because of the grin, that indeed, made him creeped out. "Oh.." He nervously laughed. "You see, this'll be really hard for me to do, because, well, erm...i just, uh-"

"What's wrong, hun?" She kept grinning and walking forward. He kept moving back.

"Never in my life would I have thought I would be doing this to a real, honorable, loving woman..." He gave a grin. "Good thing you aren't one, shapeshifter!!" He raised his arm, pulled back his sleeve and threw a good, hard, punch. It had to be one of the best ones he'd ever done because he sent "Melody" flying across the street, slamming into a building; knocked out. "Well..." He paused for a moment. "Unless you weren't telling me something. Who am I to judge?" He then ran over as the monster reverted to it's normal form subconsciously.

Dipper wandered the streets and froze, hearing shuffling coming from the dumpster. He held the ax close to him, gripping the handle tightly as he slowly started to walk into the alley where the dumpster was. He stood on his tip-toes and threw the lid of the dumpster open and held the ax up higher, only to find Wendy hiding inside. She stood up and gave a smile as he sighed in relief and lowered the weapon.

"Hey, man!! You found it!" She ruffled him on the head. "Good work, kid."

He smiled and jumped into the dumpster as well. "It wasn't easy. Sil met me there." He sat down and folded his arms.

"Annddd of course she did." The redhead sighed and shrugged. "It seems like she's known for that type of thing by now."

There was a sound of metal clanging on the floor. Dipper and Wendy poked their heads out from the dumpster and jumped out. Wendy twirled her ax around to the fallen trashcan that laid in front of them. And out crawled Mabel, who plucked a banana peel out of her hair as she stood up with a smile.

"Mabel!" The two exclaimed as they hugged her and then let go.

"I took care of my shapeshifter!! Bet you two haven't!" She said pridefully.

Wendy and Dipper just glanced at each other. "More or less." She replied back.

Footsteps were wait...more like running. This person was running, and running fast. Another Mabel with a couple scrapes skidded to a stop as she stared at the 3.

"There you are!!!" The Mabel with the scrapes said.

"It's the shapeshifter!!" The normal one cried out. "Use the ax!!"

Wendy twirled it around and laid it over her shoulder as she watched, not making a move.

"I'm having deja vu..." Dipper whispered to his friend as they watched both of the girls argue.

"Listen, Wendy, Dipper, I-"

"FAKE!!" The normal looking one shouted, not letting her finish her sentence.

The scraped Mabel huffed in frustration. "I was trying to say that this is the shapeshifter!! We fought after I smashed a beam on it...because it's surprisingly strong and lifted that thing off of it in like, 5 seconds!! I thought it was dead but it wasn't and we fought and that's why I have these scratches!! You gotta believe me! That other copy didn't even use your names!"

"I guess...she does have a point there...but we can't be too sure." Dipper replied.

"How about this. Give us a sign." Wendy replied with her fingers gripping her wooden handle tight.

The normal looking Mabel winked. The Mabel with the scrapes gave her famous brace-filled grin. Dipper glanced at his friend and whispered her something as both Mabels watched. Wendy looked at the Mabel with the scrapes and then swung the ax at the normal looking one, who let out an inhuman screech. They'd picked the right one. The screeching continued until the shapeshifter reverted to it's form. Now dead.

"Thanks, guys!" Mabel hugged the two of them tight as they laughed at first but then struggled to get out of her surprisingly strong grip. She finally let go. "Where's everyone else?"

"We haven't seen 'em yet." Wendy replied as she looked around and stepped out of the alleyway with the 2 kids following after her.

"HEY, DOODS!!" Soos shouted as he got all of their attention, waving both arms back and forth.

"And I stand corrected."

"Now all we need is Grunkle Ford." Dipper stated as he looked around the area. "Only problem is that I have zero clue where he is and could be."

Soos ran over to the gang and gave them a bone-crushing hug, similar to Mabel's, but a lot more tighter. Mabel gasped and wiggled out from Soos's grip as she snapped her fingers.

"Think, guys!! Where would Grunkle Ford be?"

"Avoiding human contact in his basement?" Wendy suggested as she elbowed Soos to let her go.

"No! Where were we earlier?"

Soos let the teens go and gave a sheepish laugh. "The bunker!!" Dipper gasped as he figured it out.

"Bingo bongo!!" Mabel grinned.

Her brother gave her a stare at the weird saying and there was a moment of silence. "Moving on."

The four raced off to the bunker. They'd taken care of their shapeshifters, so there was only one left. The real one. The bunker was pretty far away so there was no way they were all going to get there in time. And luckily enough, it seemed like Ford wasn't there anyways. He met them about halfway when they reached the edge of town, much near Fiddleford's mansion. Sil was the only one standing in their way, and right next to her was the shapeshifter.

Ford looked back to see all 4 and he sighed in relief seeing they made it all in one piece.

"Great!! Looks like everyone's here!! Just in time for the show to start!" Sil grinned.

"What show?" Dipper questioned with his nose crunched up.

"One of my tragic backstories." She fake sobbed for a moment. "You all think Bill is the most evil villain ever, and while admittedly, he isn't the worst, he isn't the best at his job. He's a real monster who doesn't care about anyone or anything. I never mentioned it before but while you're all here you might as well know because, hey, if we're gonna be around each other this much, we should know each other better!"

"Get on with it." Ford growled out.

"Bill rampaged on my people. He destroyed hundreds of my people just because when Madoc and I stood my ground, defending what was best. They all got burned. And little old Siliana over here got no glory whatsoever, being the demon possessed monster that she was! It was all Bill and Madoc in the history books-"


"The Shaman I told you about, remember?" She rolled her eyes as if she was annoyed by the fact he didn't remember. Her expression softened for a minute. "Ha, that, he did all he could do to get Bill to leave me and Gravity Falls, pacts, offerings...and all in the end, none of it mattered." She looked sort've sad for a moment but she shook her head. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter. None of you care anyways. So, moving on!!" She elbowed the shapeshifter. "They're all yours. Eat up." She went to leave but paused and didn't look back. "Oh, and he made my eye bleed. My right eye. Suppose you'd know something about that, wouldn't you, Stanford?" Then she was gone.

Everyone watched her leave and Ford touched his right eye as memories flooded back to his head. The shapeshifter licked it's lips and slobber dropped from it's mouth to the floor. He laughed and right as he screeched and lunged forward, he froze in place. Literally. He was ice blue and stuck in position. Stepping out from behind him, was noneother than Fiddleford. He smiled and moved an invention he had in his hand, showing everyone.

"Can't go wrong with a freeze-ray in this type-a situation!"

Exclamations and comments broke out from everyone, including stuff along the line of this:

"Wow! That was amazing!!"

"How did you know we were here?"

"You saved us!"

"That machine is great! How long did it take you to make it?"

Fiddleford turned then smiled at Stanford. "I got your call, earlier. If you ever need mah help, don't hesitate, okay, pal? I'll help ya out in a heartbeat. Especially with an ol' situation like Shifty."

Ford gave a smile back. "Thank you so much, Fiddleford, I don't know how I would've defeated him without your invention, or rather, alone." He gave a nervous laugh.

"Again, you have us; I have an ax! Remember?" Wendy commented.

"Right." He gave a small chuckle.

"You'd better get him back to the bunker before this ice wears off and he breaks loose again." McGucket said.

"Oh! Yes! Right!" Ford snapped to himself. "Alright everyone help me get him to the car." He turned to everyone and got a nod in response.

"G'night, Fordsy." He waved with his free hand, other holding the ray.

"Night, Fiddleford." He replied back before he turned back around.

The car drove down the street with the shapeshifter tied ontop of the roof of the car. And when they reached the bunker, Ford made sure to seal the ice chamber nice and tight. As he put his old friend into the chamber and shut it, he stared at shifty disappear behind the fog, leaving Ford only to see his reflection on the glass. He sighed.

This was for the best.

He turned back around to face the rest of the gang who looked about just as exhausted as the old man was, if not more. He gave them all a warm smile and they all headed up the stairs and out of the bunker to finally get some sleep.


As the kids went upstairs Ford gave a wave and a yawn as he watched them leave and then moments later he ended up in the gift-shop. He looked at the vending machine door and opened it. The machine opened with a swish.

The old man headed down the stairs and gave a sigh as he trudged into the elevator, pressing the third button leading to the third floor. The elevators doors shut. The man stared ahead with his hands behind his back as he stared at the door until it opened.

The door opened and he stepped out; sitting in the swivel chair by his desk. He then glanced around and raised an eyebrow as he found a box that had it's lid open. Ford stood up and walked over to the box and right before he was about to put the lid on, he found something that caught his eyes.

He let out a gasp as he pulled out a machine of some sorts and gave a small smile not believing his eyes.

Looks like he had an adventure planned for tomorrow. And he wasn't going alone.


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