Season 3 Episode 13: Dimension Dementia

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The sun shone bright through the windows of the shack, bringing sunlight into every single room. Mabel and Dipper were lucky enough to sleep in today, though, Mabel didn't sleep in too much, since she was naturally an early-bird...unlike her brother who took full advantage of this privilege and slept in a couple more hours; it was now 10am.

The boy rubbed his eyes, which still had bags under them, per usual, and headed down the steps of the stairs; still in his pajamas. While he was heading towards the kitchen, he passed the gift shop, and as if on cue, Ford stepped out from the vending machine and luckily nobody was in there except Wendy who again, had her nose stuck in a magazine.

"Dipper, my boy!" Stanford called out just as he passed by, but backed up into the doorway of the gift shop again after hearing his uncle.

"Oh! Morning, Great Uncle Ford." Dipper gave a half-awake smile as he rubbed his eyes once more which was followed by a yawn. "How're you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine." He smiled back, holding his hands behind him as if he was hiding something. "How would you like to go on an adventure today?"

Dipper looked suddenly 10 times more awake than he did just moments ago as he got a huge grin on his face. "Would I?!" He exclaimed, getting a look from Wendy as she seemed to be eavesdropping, since the two were talking in plain sight. "Just you and me?"

"Well, now that you mention it..." He tapped his chin thoughtfully for a couple seconds. "I think it'd be educational for everyone to come." 

The teen looked slightly disappointed but nonetheless, was still excited. "What's behind your back?"

The man revealed a gun with an aqua colored clear glass top containing an electronic chip to the end and a concentration of lighting in the rest. The barrel stuck out from the front, attached to black tubes that ran down the sides, and on the top was an antenna to get some sort of signal, maybe to connect to the mind of person holding the gun to get them to their destination.

"Ta-da!! It's my teleportation gun. When I got stuck in the Portal, I obviously got stranded, but I had to have some way to get to other dimensions. The refugees I found whom had also given me a dimensional translator, spared one of these for my sake." He smiled and nudged the machine, getting a little dim spark from the lightning. "I'd completely forgot about it until now and figured it could use a "test run"."

Dipper's jaw was dropped as he stared at the machine in amazement. "This is! The technology is so advanced, it's like this thing wouldn't be able to exist for a couple more decades, at least!"

"I know, isn't it fascinating?" Ford grinned.

Stanley yawned and scratched himself as he was heading to the kitchen to get his daily cup of coffee and newspaper, and as he was going to pass by the gift shop, he stood in the doorway to watch the nerds talk, hoping someone would see him, but nobody did so he just spoke without turn, interrupting the two.

"Woah, woah, Ford, what is that thing?" His nose scrunched up as he glanced at the machine his brother held in his hands.

"Well, it's a transportal machine-"

"English, poindexter."

"Right." He pushed up his glasses. "It's a portal gun that could take you to any of the dimensions, to be blunt."

"Portal gun?" He raised an eyebrow. "Sixer, it wasn't too long ago you...ya know, were trapped in a portal. And now you're tryin' to tell me you're going back in one?" The man folded his arms and then glanced down to see his nephew. "...Please tell me you're not tryin' to bring the kids along with you."

"Grunkle Stan we've-" Dipper butted in but got cut off.

"You're not in this conversation, kiddo." He snapped back, which got him to shut up.

"Stanley, I handled myself for thirty years inside several-no, more than that, probably thousands if not millions of dimensions over that period of time. A couple hours in a couple dimensions with supervision isn't going to hurt."

Dipper looked both and forth between both of his uncles and watched as Stanley rubbed his temples and sighed. "Look, just 'cause you went across hundreds of dimensions doesn't mean I'm trustin' ya." He gave a sigh again. "I'm comin' with you."

Mabel jumped out from a random barrel that had been filled with cheap question mark keychains and gave a grin as she pulled herself out of the barrel. "Yay!! Grunkle Stan's coming on the intergalactic space mission thingy!!"

Everyone looked to Mabel, each person looking equally as confused as the others. " long have you been in there?" Dipper finally spoke.

"All morning!" She replied cheerfully. "Soos and I were playing hide and seek and he still hasn't found me." She gave a giggle. "My hiding place was the ultimate hiding spot."

Just then Soos ran into the gift shop, panting as he pointed triumphantly at Mabel, who still had some keychains stuck in her hair. "I FOUND YOU!!" He shouted and fistpumped in the air. "Point for Soos!!" Everyone looked over to him. "...Oh, sup, doods!"


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone minus Wendy and Melody(who said that they'd stay at the shack to run it)were outside near the back of the shack, ready for the adventure that lie ahead of them. The smaller Pines twins grinning with excitement, Stan folding his arms in slight annoyance and Soos standing there...just because nobody had the heart to tell him he couldn't come, and because according to Mabel...the more the merrier.

Ford finished tinkering with the last couple things and looked behind him. "Step back, everyone." He instructed.

Everyone did as told and as the man rested his finger on the trigger, he focused and aimed the gun's barrel ahead, eyes narrowing as he pushed the trigger, shooting ahead with his eyes shut just from instinct.

When he opened his eyes moments later everyone gasped in awe as right in front of them was a swirling white and blue portal, whirring in a circle in a pattern that just kept going around and around and around. Ford beamed with pride seeing the machine was actually up and working and successfully made a portal.

"Alright, now, a few rules before any of you think of going inside, because i'm not completely irresponsible." He gave a look at Stanley, who rolled his eyes "One. Everyone sticks together in at least groups of two or more, but preferably you all stick together with me because none of you have traveled out of Earth. Two. Enjoy the scenery." He gave a smile.

Soos was the first one to run up to the portal surprisingly enough. "This looks like something from a video game, dood!! But it's real!" He seemed amazed and went to walk inside but got stopped by Ford.

"I'll go first. We don't know which dimension lies ahead. The first one is always a mystery. It's a minor disfunction the machine has." The older man stuck the portal gun in his trench coat and then took a deep breath and stepped inside.

A moment of silence before a six fingered hand stuck out of the portal and gave a "follow me" motion as the rest smiled. Well, except Stanley, again, who just followed with his arms folded. Last one inside before the portal was shut closed.

"Wow!! We made it!!" Mabel grinned and fistbumped her brother out of excitement. The two made explosion sound effects. She turned right around to face Soos who had his fist out as well, and gave him one too.

"Woo-Hoo." Stan used sarcasm as he looked around to the strange scenery. "Ford, where are we?"

"It appears we are in the M-wait..." He paused and looked around. He wasn't wrong. He grumbled and spoke with annoyance. "The M dimension."

"The M dimension?" Stanley gave a small snort. "Sounds like somethin' straight out of a children's book."

"Yes, I admit that it's the most annoying thing-er, place i've to the Hawktopus." Ford sighed and pulled out the portal gun from his trenchcoat. "Might as well just leave right now."

"WAIT!" Mabel attached herself to her Grunkle's arm. "This is our first dimension!! We have to see it! Pleaseee give it another chance? Ppplllleeeaaasseee?"

Stanford looked down at his niece who was latched to his arm and then the M shaped buildings in the distance and looked back at Mabel...who had pulled out her all-time-famous puppy eyes. He stared and then sighed as he put down the gun.

"I suppose..." He said with defeat.

Mabel removed herself from his arm and lunged herself into him for a hug as she squeezed him with a huge smile on her face. "ThankyouThankyouTHANKYOU!" She let go. "I have a good feeling about this place!"


The group headed down further into the town and found themselves looking at anything and everything M-shaped. Buildings, people, cars, all of them looked like M's. They even came upon a citizen that ironically looked like Stanford...and everyone found amusement in that.

"Hey, that one looks like you, poindexter." Stan smirked and pointed to the M who had glasses and and what looked like a stretched out red sweater with gray pants, also stretched out to fit on it.

The smaller twins and Soos looked over and started to giggle and then burst out laughing when it fell on it's face.

"At least i'm not that clumsy." Ford huffed.

"How can those little things even walk?" Dipper questioned between a laugh. "Their little legs are so short it's like they have to waddle everywhere."

"It's almost as cute as when Waddles walks!" Mabel giggled. "But he beats them by 1,000 because he's the cutest waddler in the universe."

"I second on that." Soos added with a nod in agreement.

"Have you had enough here, Mabel? I told you this place was malarkey." Stanford looked to his niece.

"Yeah, I guess so. Though, it wasn't as bad as you made it seem, and for the record, I liked the hawktopus." She smiled and looked to the little town. "Definitely was a first good dimension.

"I'm sure there's better ones, but at least it wasn't horrible." Dipper added to the conversation. "She's right. You made it sound like it was the worst place to be. The real worst place to be is gonna be high school." He joked and got a giggle from his sister.

"Moving on." Ford pulled out the portal gun and aimed ahead, pressing on the trigger and shooting.

Everyone headed into the next blue portal, still with Stanford first. They ended up in a place with trees all around, seeming as if they were in a forest. In the distance was what looked like a Mystery Shack. The man closed the portal and looked around.

"Woah! Is that the Mystery Shack?" Mabel pointed ahead to the roof of the shack that could be seen.

"Looks like it." Dipper answered.

"It is." Ford replied to both. "I have a feeling this is an Alternate Universe Dimension. AU for short. In these sorts of things, anything could happen. It's an alternate version of yourself with some sort of thing in your timeline that's different from the one you currently live in."

Just then, someone in a brown jacket was seen racing through the trees, grappling hook in hand with a pack of gnomes racing after. They had foam out of their mouth and were doing their little screams and shoutings. Jeff was at the front leading the pack.

Dipper's eyes widened as he squinted and then ran forward a little to follow up on what had just happened. Something was telling him that the person he just saw looked familiar. The boy hid behind the tree and got a close enough view to catch sight of who it was.

It was him.

Well, he looked different and for sure acted different. This version of him had his hair slicked up, revealing his birthmark as if it were no big deal. He also wore boots, the brown jacket, and the shirt he always wore underneath.

"You stole my grappling hook." Mabel remarked as she was beside her brother, causing him to flinch from surprise.

He shushed his sister and continued watching beside her. The Dipper with the slicked back hair stopped in his tracks and aimed the grappling hook right at the gnomes. They didn't stop running so he just aimed and fired, knocking a couple to the ground. They screamed and a couple ducked.

"Anyone else want some?" He retorted as the gnomes grumbled and Jeff stepped forward.

"This isn't the last you'll see of us, boy!!"

"That's what you always say and every time i always end up beating your a-" Ford rushed over and put his hands over the twins ears and then dragged them away when the sentence was done.

Stan had his mouth dropped but it was in more surprise than shocked. The talking was in the background but he moved his hands off of their ears and then Mabel looked to Dipper with her eyebrows raised.

"What?" Dipper stared and looked awkward.

"You said a baddd word!!"

"No I didn't!!! This alternate version of me may have, but i didn't!"

"But it was you!!"

"You just want something to use against me!!"



Soos stepped in and broke up the fight, putting his arms out to separate both. "Nobody is perfect and this universe definitely isn't."

"I say we move onto the next one!" Mabel said.

"Please do." The boy muttered with his cheeks red.

"Aw, I wanted to stay in this universe. It seems like Dipper is finally acting like a man in this one." Stan laughed at his own joke, getting a couple more in and more red cheeks from his nephew.

"Can we just go already?" He blurted out, hat hiding half of his face.

Ford patted the boy on his back. "Don't worry, Dipper. I wasn't much of a tough kid when I was your age. I used to always fail Physical Education." He gave a small chuckle, taking a trip down memory lane. "You'll turn out fine."

He gave a small smile to his uncle and pushed up his hat, his flushed skin going away. "Thanks, Great Uncle Ford."


He retrieved the gun from the inside pockets of his trench coat and aimed then fired, sending a portal out in front of them. He took one step inside the portal first and found himself in a dark dimension, random things floating everywhere and a yellow glow coming from behind a floating chair.

Ford's small smile dropped immediately and instead his face went to fear. "Oh no."


Stanford came out the other side of the portal, back to everyone. He stared at the portal and then back at everyone and then back at the swirling blue portal again.

"Grunkle Ford? Is everything okay?" Mabel asked as she peeked over to her great uncle, who didn't look at her, seemingly half here, half lost in thought.

"Yes, yes, everything's fine, but that dimension is bad news." He replied as he shifted his focus for the portal gun and aimed it at the portal, shooting at it and closing it.

"Bad news? What, did you find a hawktopus dimension or something?" Dipper questioned as he leaned over and watched his uncle for a moment.

"No, thank the stars, but it's worse." He continued to mess with the gun and aim at the same spot where the portal was before and shoot another portal in the spot.

He walked forward and stuck his head inside, but the dimension remained the same. It was still the Nightmare Realm. He pulled his head out and frowned as he closed it again and aimed in a different spot, repeating the process and getting the same dimension again.

"What's wrong with this thing?!" He hissed out as his teeth clenched.

"Mr.Pines, are you sure everything's alright? I am a handyman, er, formal handyman. Do you need me to take a look at it?" Soos looked to Stanford who shook his head.

"Thank you for the offer, Soos, but i'm going to pass."

Soos nodded in response. The man ran a hand through his silver hair and sighed, glancing to Stan, his eyes saying he needed to talk to him. He glanced to the kids and so did his brother.

Stan cleared his throat. "Kids, why don't you go check out some of the trees with Soos?"

"Trees? But Grunkle Stan-" Dipper started to talk but once again was cut off.

"Now." His tone was a bit more stern this time.

Mabel grabbed Soos's hand and dragged him over to a couple trees not too far but not too close as her brother followed behind, looking back one more time before turning back around and catching up with the two.

"What'd ya mess up this time?" Stanley spoke. "Can't believe you're not the one telling me that, this time."

"It's a shocker." He gave a small quiet laugh. "Although you aren't the one always messing up...i've had my fair share."

"Yeah, no kiddin'"

"Anyways, the dimension...that I saw." He remained silent for a moment. "Bill was there."

"The triangle guy?" His eyebrows furrows. "Can't ya just move onto another dimension?"

"Didn't you see me try?!" Ford snapped, getting wide eyes from his brother and he sighed, rubbing his temple. "I'm sorry, i'm just a little stressed out."

Stan put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Don't stress yourself 'til death. We don't need that coming anytime soon." He joked and got a small laugh in response.

"Something's wrong with it...the gun won't let me move onto a different portal. Either it was always like that and I didn't pay mind to it, or there's a malfunction to it somehow."

"Look, we can get past it quick and easy, just get inside, shoot another one of your portal things and then we'll be on our way. It'll be fine." He took his hand off.

"Thank you, Stanley. I can't remember the last time I actually got along with you. Including the times on the Stan O War." He snickered.

"Hey, don't go all gettin' used to it. This was a one time thing."

Soos walked back over with Mabel and Dipper. The girl had a caterpillar climbing up her arm as she giggled.

"I named him Mister Fuzzy." She smiled as she showed him off to both Grunkles.

"Very nice." Ford gave a smile and then looked at the gun again and held it as he aimed it and shot again, sending a portal in front of them. "We're going to be quick and fast. No staying in this dimension. Got it?" He spoke to everyone; they nodded.

"Wait, why?" Dipper questioned.

"Questions later." He entered the portal and everyone followed behind.

The dimension was dark and definitely lived up to its name. Ford shot another portal as he closed the other and began to push everyone into the other one, making sure everyone was in safe and sound before he could.

"We need a plan to get that gun." Bill was heard talking in the distance amongst the noises of chaos.

Stanford froze in place and helped the last person enter the portal, which was Stanley. He said he'd be a couple minutes and although his brother gave him a look, he let him go.

Ford stayed right beside the portal and remained silent as he continued to eavesdrop on the conversation. It sounded like he was having a meeting with his cronies.

"Wait, the transportal gun you mentioned a while back ago? We're still going for that?" Kryptos said.

"OF COURSE WE'RE STILL GOING FOR THAT!" Bill hissed back. "If i wasn't going to go with that as my plan, then why would I mention it?! You all are idiots, I swear."

"S-sorry boss." Keyhole spoke.

"Anyways before you losers interrupted me, I was going to say that I have a plan and it is going to be put into action whether you like it or not so you better obey me or else i'll make sure i'm going to be in every single one of your nightmares."

"Y-yes boss." They both stuttered back.

"Good boys!!!" He made it sound like as if they were dogs, and then proceeded to laugh at his own joke afterwards.

Right as Stanford was about to leave, Bill's voice rang out louder and not directed at his cronies. "Hey Sixer, leaving so soon?"

Shivers were sent up his spine as Bill's arm grew larger and knocked the chair out of the way, revealing Ford to the rest of the crew. His eyebrows furrowed as he gave a glare to his enemy.

"Class A hiding skills you got there. I think he deserves a round of applause!!" He triangle snickered and a couple claps rung out. "Ugh. You all made it sound too sincere. Morons." He rolled his eye.

"Back off, Cipher and I won't have to do any damage to you." He growled out.

"You? Damage?" He laughed in amusement.

"I mean it." He held his gun closer to himself and backed up towards the portal more.

Bill glanced over to the portal and then back at Ford. "Which dimension you heading into?"

"Why would I ever tell you anything?"

"Hey, remember that thing I said about you handing over that gun of yours? You are all in for some serious destruction if you don't hand it over and let me use it. I could potentially help you idiots while helping myself at the same time. If I had a choice I would only save myself but I don't necessarily have a choice, now do I?"

"You're just trying to suck me into one of your dirty tricks." The man retorted.

"I'm being dead serious. And if you aren't taking me seriously, you'll be the ones dead soon. You wouldn't want that, now would you?"


"I thought so. So, Fordsy, just hand over the gun and everything will go the exact opposite way of destruction."

He paused for a second. "You're Bill Cipher-"

"Don't wear it out."

"-You love chaos and you would do anything to make it happen. Anything to make total destruction. I fell for your tricks once. I'm not falling for them again." He spit his words out and turned around, walking into the portal and shutting it behind him.


Stan found himself at a gambling table with everyone beside him. He was having the greatest time of his life since Ford asked him to sail around the world on the Stan O War. The memories of Las Vegas were flooding back to his head.

Stan at the moment was winning, and he was practically teaching Soos and The Kids how to play since it was mandatory to gamble. For everyone to gamble. Dipper was having too much trouble freaking out about if he messed up and how he didn't want to see the angry side of his Grunkle.

Mabel was actually pretty good at gambling and was doing great, helping her Grunkle out and making the two a good team. Soos had tried to make good use of himself to the team but he just ended up making it worse, so he passed whenever he could, just like Dipper.

A blue portal appeared behind the game and Ford stepped out and closed it behind him, pushing himself through the crowd of people who were watching the gamblers play their game. The creatures were shouting with excitement as each one rooted for a team.

"STANLEY!" Stanford shouted as he said multiple "excuse me's" and "pardon" and "old man coming through".

Dipper's attention turned to Ford's voice. He looked over to Stan and shook his arm. "Uh, Grunkle Stan?"

"Not now, kid, i'm on a roll!" He said as he shook the dice up and spilt them on the table.

"STANLEY!" He shouted again, and this time he got his brother's attention as he squished through the crowd, finally making it to him.

"It only took you ten thousand years." Stan retorted to his brother as he watched the opponent make a move.

"If it took ten thousand years we'd technically be dead, Stanley."

"Same difference." He replied back without even thinking as he said without looking.

"We need to get out of here."

Mabel looked up at Ford. "Aw, why? I just learnt that i'm a great gambler! Grunkle Stan showed me how! Now I can actually play a game with Waddles and Grunkle Stan!

"We don't know how long we've spent in dimensions, Mabel. Time goes by differently here and it's not getting any slower. We could've been gone for days for all I know."

Dipper gulped. "What if it's been years?"

He chuckled. "Don't worry, I can promise you it wasn't years, but it would've been longer than expected, so we need to get a move on."

A sigh of relief came from the boy and he stood up and so did Soos. "Anyways, dood, that would've been awesome. We might've been able to look into the future! With robots and stuff!"

"Yeah, and a Time Baby destructing everyone and everything in it's sight." He shuddered.

"Fine, fine, i'll just cut the game short." Stanley sighed and stood up as everyone watched him.

Some monsters blinked unevenly and everyone stared as Stan didn't make a move until he leaned forward and grabbed an armful of the gold they had bet on for the game and took off running as fast as he could and then proceeded to shout: "SUCKERS!" behind him.

Shouting emerged from the crowd and especially from the opponents they were playing against. Mabel and Dipper, who had already predicted this would happen, since of the amount of time they spent with him last summer and learnt he was definitely one of the biggest cheaters and scammers, had already took off as well.

Soos followed and Ford was the last one to go...which was a bit of a dilemma because he had the portal gun with him and that was their ticket out of Lottocron Nine, otherwise known as the Gambling Dimension.

To make it worse they had just stole an immense amount of gold.

"FORD, GET YOUR BUTT UP HERE!!" Stanley shouted as he was out of the building and they needed an escape and quick...considering how fast the crowd was catching up to them.

The man huffed and puffed as he held he gun in his hand and aimed and shot it right at Stanley, and as if he read his mind, he ducked and the portal was shot to right in front of him. Stan ran in as fast as he could, the kids running after him. Ford was the next one in and Soos just barely made it out alive.

Ford shot the portal closed right before their opponent could get its grubby little self into the portal. All of them took a minute to catch their breath, heart beating as fast as it could.

Soos had actually collapsed on the ground and spread out, starfish style as he caught his breath...while others just bent down.

"S...Stanley...what are you even going to do with that foreign gold? You don't even have pockets big enough to hold it." Ford said as he squinted, interested in the response he was going to get.

"Sure, I don't, but the kids do." He snickered.

Stanford face-palmed as he gave a sigh and ran his hand down his face and looked around. "Where'd we even land?" He stood up completely and looked around. They were in front of a tent that looked pretty familiar.

"That looks like the tent of telepathy to me." Dipper pointed out as he looked at the light blue tent with the weird looking star with the eye in the middle.

Mabel stood up all the way as well and ran over to the tent and stuck her head in, eyes going wide as she looked at her brother and motioned for him to come over to where she was. Dipper ran over to his sister and poked his head in as well and his mouth dropped as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The two moved their heads out of the tent and stared at one another then spoke simultaneously. "We work in the Tent of Telepathy?!" They then proceeded to make gagging noises.

Stan had heard this and dragged them away from the tent. "You live under my roof an' the rule still remains the same. No going near that tent! Now shove this gold in your pockets." He said as he handed them some, and with a sigh, Dipper obliged, while Mabel did it as well.

Ford shot another portal. "Alright, everyone, let's get a move on, there's no telling when we'll reach our own dimension."

Soos stood up and the rest of the group entered the portal and passed through other dimensions.

In one dinosaurs were still living and humans had learned to harness them.

In another Dipper and Mabel were detectives, just like Sherlock Holmes. It seemed like they were trying to figure out a murder mystery.

In another one it looked like Globnar had gone wrong and the twins were erasing from existence...and that dimension they left rather quickly.

In another it looked like tennis balls were the ones chasing dogs, which was weird because the tennis balls were as huge as the dogs were supposed to be and the dogs were about the size of a tennis ball.

And finally, when Ford shot the portal and went inside, it looked right about normal. The shack was in the same spot and there was a beautiful sunset in the sky. He sighed of relief. The feeling of finally being home felt great.

Everyone followed after and sounds of excitement and sighs of relief were heard. Melody ran out to greet Soos and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Wendy flicked the sign to "CLOSED" and ran out and gave the twins a knoogie, asking questions of how the adventure went.

Ford closed the portal after the last person had exited...which was Stan. Ford watched everyone chatter with a small smile on his face. Stan walked over and put a hand on his shoulder and gave a smile to his brother. Despite all the crazy stuff that had happened today, and the fact he didn't want to come along in the first place...

He had fun.


Dipper headed upstairs and got ready for bed that night. He gave a smile as he took off his shoes and vest and laid them on the edge of the bed, ready for tomorrow. He then took off his hat and placed it on the table beside him and continued to snuggle into the bed.

Oh, how he missed it. Sleep was a curse...but yet a curse that felt so good, especially after a huge adventure like the one they had today. He sighed and looked over to his sleeping sister and her pig who were cuddling together, per usual.

He smiled once more and closed his eyes as he pulled the covers over him.



Sil appeared and laughed as evilly and mischievously as one could and snickered as she snapped and suddenly everything was in flames. It looked like she was leading an apocalypse, but he didn't want to make assumptions.

Dipper was forced to stand there and watch everything burn right in front of him with screaming and the feeling of hot air from the flames surround him.

"DIPPER!!!" His family screamed for him but he couldn't move one bit. Tears formed in his eyes as he screamed for them back.

Dipper shot up, sweating and his hair in tangles. His heart was beating faster and faster as he thought about what he had dreamt about. He rubbed his eyes to keep the stinging away

Hopefully it was just a dream.


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