Season 3 Episode 14: Pine-ing Pines

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The weekends were always one of the best times of the week because it meant the Shack was closed off, which meant everyone had a moment to take in the fresh air and catch a breather. Literally.

Dipper and Mabel were on the side of the Shack, filling up water balloons and putting them into a bucket; two separate buckets because what good is a battle without two teams? They were racing each other to try and get as many tied and into the bucket as fast as they could because there was only a certain amount of balloons in a package.

The Stans were sitting on the couch out on the deck and chuckling as they went back and forth with conversation and laughing at what their niece and nephew were saying as they continued to race.

"Too bad Wendy couldn't make it today." Mabel said as she fumbled with the balloon for a second, then finally managed to tie it up. "A battle can't be legendary without Wendy!" She dropped the water balloon in the bucket and grabbed an empty one as she clipped it onto the hose.

"I agree, butttt...maybe it can still have as much potential of being legendary. We'll just be missing her awesome skills." Dipper replied as he dropped a water balloon into his bucket and snagged an empty one as he waited for his sister to finish. "You're taking a billion years!" He whined.

"That's the point!" She snickered and then a water balloon was thrown at her, but it just bounced off and popped when it hit the ground. "Ha!! Loser!!"

"I don't see how that even follows physics and the laws of gravity!!" Dipper frowned as he snatched the hose and put his balloon on the top when she was done.

"Who cares! I'm already in the lead and the fight hasn't started, so, HA!" The girl grinned and then proceeded to stick her tongue out in victory.

Her twin just grumbled to himself and finally they both ran out of balloons. Mabel had the stronger and more filled balloons while Dipper had more but they weren't filled quite as full due to his worry that they were all going to pop.

Mabel grinned and got ready to throw a balloon at her brother but he stopped her.

"WAIT!" He dug his hand in his pocket, tongue sticking out of the side until he took out his phone. "Can't hit me with this thing on me."

"Then take it inside!" She whined, eager to start.

"...Rock paper scissors. Loser goes in and puts it on the table while the other gets a head start."

"Out of three!!" Mabel exclaimed.

He paused. "...Nah, just one. That would take too long."

"Fine." She huffed and curled her hand into a fist, copying her brother's movement.

"On three, we shoot. Ready?" He asked and she nodded.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors...shoot!!!" The twins exclaimed at the same time.

Mabel had chosen rock, like almost any person would start out, but of course, knowing the little nerd, Dipper strategized and picked paper; he won.

"YES!" He fist-pumped in the air and handed his phone to her while she groaned.

The girl trudged up the stairs, holding the smartphone in her hand and passing her Grunkles on the porch couch. She pushed open the door to find Waddles near the stairs, she gave a smile and walked over and rubbed his head before heading to the kitchen and placing her brother's phone on the counter.

Right as she was about to leave, she paused and backed up, and right in front of her was the portal gun a few days back. She glanced around and then grabbed it, stumbling slightly; not expecting for it to be as heavy as it was.

She looked to direction where the gift-shop was and memories flooded back of her failed romances from last summer. She frowned and looked at the gun. Maybe this thing could help her out. Maybe it would go well. She gave a small smile and nodded to herself as she held up the gun.

"'s this thing work-" She placed her hands on the trigger and pushed it and before she could say more she yelled and stumbled back as a portal shot in front of her. She grinned.

Outside, Dipper frowned and looked to the door and then around, making sure she wasn't about to sneak up on him. She wasn't there. He turned around to look at his uncles.

"Did Mabel still not come out?"

Stanford looked over to his great-nephew and shrugged, looking at the door. "Haven't seen her."

"I'm gonna go check on her." The boy then headed up the stairs and raced inside as he entered the house. "MABEL?" He shouted her name and stopped in his tracks.

Whirling was heard and it was coming from the kitchen. Dipper skidded into the kitchen just in time to see her sister jumping into the portal with the portal gun in her hands. His mouth dropped in shock.

Waddles, who had just been watching the entire time, oinked at Dipper.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"...She did what?!" Ford exclaimed as he looked to the direction where Dipper had pointed in the kitchen.

"I would've told her not to if I had gotten in here sooner!!" The brunette replied back, worry in his voice. "I'm sorry!"

"Don't be sorry, it's your sister who's going to be sorry as soon as she gets back here." Ford sighed as he rubbed his temple. "I hope she doesn't get into any trouble."

"This is Mabel we're talking about."

"That's a...good point."

Stanley sighed as he stood up from leaning against the wall. "I can't believe you left that thing in plain sight, ON the table! A portal gun, Ford! A portal gun!!"

"I know what it was!!" Stanford shouted back over Dipper, who was in the middle, biting his lip as they kept fighting.

What interrupted them, was the sound of a car alarm going off. All three looked to the hallway, the sound of the alarm filling the house and especially outside.

Dipper was the first one to run out of the kitchen, followed by his uncles. The teen's mouth was dropped as he stared at the crushed car that was near the forest. Stan's mouth was opened the widest as he ran over to the car and looked at it. It was completely totaled.

"What in the heck did this?! Do you know how much money this'll cost to fix it?!" He put his hands on his head and groaned.

Ford blinked and looked to the car then the forest. "I think I have an idea on what it was."

"It?" Dipper tilted his head and then gasped as he grinned. "This is some supernatural creature, isn't it?"

"This is Gravity Falls we're talking about, my boy, of course it is!" His uncle said this a little too excited as well.

"The only way i'll be sticking around is if and when we catch this thing, I get to personally take it out for busting this thing." He gestured to the car with his thumb.

Ford just chuckled in amusement. "I think it'll be a little too big for you to punch, Stanley."

Mabel screamed as the portal dropped her into another place around the world. It looked like California. She glanced around and the beach was the first thing she saw, which had tons of shirtless guys. She grinned.

"Alright portal gun, you haven't failed me now!! I finally might have a chance at this dating biz!!" The girl put her hands on her hips and then started to strut towards the beach, shoes sinking into the warm sand.

All of the guys mostly looked older or younger. She didn't mind tall guys, but older was probably an issue. She looked around and grinned as she spotted a guy with brown hair and freckles pulling on his blue shirt who looked roughly almost the same height and age.

She pulled at her turtleneck as the sun beat down from above. She forgot California was so hot. The girl took a deep breath and casually started to walk over to the boy.

"Hey!" She waved at the guy and caught his attention.

"Oh, hey." He responded back as he dried his hair off with a towel. He then stared and gave a look. "You're...wearing a the summer?" He sounded confused. "Why would you torture yourself like that?" He gave a small laugh.

"This? Oh, this!" She laughed at herself as she looked at her clothing then looked at the guy. "I guess you could say i'm not really from here...well I mean, I am, but i'm not."

His eyebrow raised. "Oh? Where you from, then?"

"Gravity Falls, Oregon!" She said proudly.

"Never heard of it."

"Yeahhh, a lot of people haven't." She gave a little laugh. "Soooo...what's your name?"

"Oh, i'm August." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Kind of stupid name, I know."

"Stupid? No way!! It's so cool!! My name is Mabel. A lot of people get it mixed up with Maple, like Maple Syrup."

"Maple? The P sound and the B sound is a difference, how could anyone mess it up?" He laughed. Mabel laughed back until the brunette with freckles pointed to the gun. "What's that?"

"This?" She lifted up the gun and showed it to him. "It's a portal gun!! My great-uncle made it!!"

His eyes widened as he looked at the girl. "Can I hold it?"

"Yeah, sure!!" She handed the gun to her new friend.

"This looks like it came from the future or something!!" He said in amazement then looked up. "Are you allowed to use it?"

"How else would I get back home?"

"Right, I forgot you aren't from here." August handed the gun back.

She grinned. "Wanna get out of here?"

He grinned right back. "I don't see why not." He dropped the towel he had in his hands and slipped on his flip flops and gave a thumbs up as Mabel shot a portal in front of the two and jumped in, her friend following after.


"The creatures name is Steve." Ford announced as his brother and nephew and himself were in the forest near a giant looking, wooden foot.

"Steve?" The two said with confusion and surprise.

Dipper paused and scratched his head as he snapped his fingers. "Oh!! He was in your journal, right?"

"Correct!" Ford responded.

"We're calling this thing a "he" now?" Stan rolled his eyes. "And you're telling me a giant tree-monster did this to my car?"

"Correct, again. I've never seen the actual full creature, just the separate parts like the legs and feet and hands. One time I tried to talk to him but he just threw a deer at me."

Stanley snorted and gave a chuckle in amusement. "Way to go, Mister Smart Guy." He started to laugh, just imagining the sight.

Ford's face turned slightly red with embarrassment but he turned away and looked to Steve, whose foot was just shown, poking out from the forest.

"We're gonna need the proper equipment if we're going to look at the issue more." Ford stated.

Dipper and Stanford walked down the sidewalks of town, since the car was busted. Stan refused to participate any longer in the mission so he stayed home and probably watched more of his drama TV shows that he hated to admit he liked.

People were panicking at their busted cars. Seems like Steve didn't just decide to pick on Stanley, but instead, almost half of the town. The pavement and street was cracked at some parts which suggested Steve must've came out into plain sight to mess with the cars.

Dipper looked around and made a face then looked up to his great uncle. "Why's Steve doing this? With all the cars, I mean. If he's such a recluse then why would he come show his face in plain sight and then proceed to wreck people's cars?"

"I don't know..." Ford replied as he kept looking ahead then looked both ways as he stepped into the street and then started to cross it. "Something must be triggering him to do so."

Dipper ran after and stayed by his side as the two entered a hardware store. "So...what exactly is this tool we need?"

The man walked by isles as he read the signs until finally going into one of the isles and picking out a megaphone. He showed it to his nephew, who looked kind of confused but Stanford smiled. "This."

Mabel wooted as the two teleported back to the Mystery Shack and she rolled out of the portal as if she were from action movie, but as soon as she stood up she regretted it because dirt was stained into her hair.

"Aw, blah!! Dirt!!" She exclaimed as she stuck out her tongue and ruffled it around, trying to get out the dirt.

August gave a small laugh and looked around and his attention was specifically drawn to the Mystery Shack. "This where you live?"

"Yep!" She replied as she shook her hair and then closed the portal.

"Looks shabby and rundown. Like a really old tourist trap type thing."

"It is a old tourist trap thingy!!"


Mabel looked around and frowned.

"What's wrong?" August asked as he saw her expression on her face.

"My brother and uncles were out here earlier, and we were about to have a water balloon fight until I left. Wonder where they went."

August shrugged. "I'm sure they're nearby."

"Yeah, they gotta be! This town is pretty small, after all."

"Exactly. So it'll be just fine."

She nodded and then looked around once more. "We should probably go look for them, anyways." She said as she got a nod in response. As they started walking, Mabel glanced over at August. "Sooo what's it like in California?" She mentally face-palmed. The first thing that came to mind was that question, and she lived in California. Great work, Mabel.

"California? It's pretty nice. Beach is nearby and it's got some pretty cool stores and restaurants. There's not much to say, it's pretty much like any other city you could go to." He shrugged. "How's Oregon?" The boy looked around at the sights as they walked.

"Oh, I don't live here, I live in Piedmont, but I come here for the summer!"

"But I thought you said-"

She gave a nervous laugh. "I know, i'm sorry. But anyways...Gravity Falls is great!! There's all kinds of crazy stuff happening here, always!!"

"You mean like earthquakes?" He tilted his head.

"No, like actual crazy stuff!! Vampires, Ghosts, Gnomes, Lake Monsters, Zombies-well that only happened once but that's besides the point!"

August just blinked. She had to be making this up. He waited for the 'Haha, just kidding!' but it wasn't coming. She was serious. He made a face and nodded, still not believing what he was hearing.

"Riiight..." He muttered and kept walking beside Mabel.

The girl frowned slightly but shrugged it off. That was usually a reaction people had when she told stories about what happened in Gravity Falls. She had tried telling he teacher back in school what had happened but nobody believed her so her summer essay was basically garbage.

"W-what's that thing?" August gulped as the two stumbles upon the giant wooden foot.

Mabel just laughed and looked at it. "I have no idea! My brother and one of my uncles are usually the ones to be wrapped in this type of situation and know what it is. I've seen my brother look through this journal that my uncle wrote with all kinds of the crazy creatures in it a billion times! Surely this has to be at least one of them!"

He still wasn't convinced, but he nodded however.

"Mabel?!" Dipper's voice came from her right, and when she looked over, sure enough it was him...carrying a...megaphone.

"Dipper!!" She ran over to her brother and smashed him in a hug, just enough time for him to hug back then snatch the portal gun from her grip.

"What were you thinking?! You just...went off without telling anyone and worried everyone sick!!"

Mabel's grin dropped and soon became a frown. "Well soorrryy, mom, I was just trying to make new friends, and look, I did!!" She gestured to August, who looked slightly uncomfortable.

Dipper held the gun closer and the Megaphone under his arm. "Who's that?"

"Dipper, meet August! August, meet Dipper! Now you guys can be the best of friends, too!!"

The two boys just made a face and gave each other looks and then looked back at Mabel. Stanford soon walked over to Steve to find all three kids standing by the foot. Dipper handed Ford the gun, who took it and put it inside his trench coat.

"Mabel, you know you weren't supposed to go messing with this machine without asking for permission!" He sighed.

"Not you too..." She groaned but he raised his eyebrow so she sighed and fessed up an apology. "Sorry Grunkle Ford...I won't do it again."

"I should hope not."

Dipper turned on the megaphone and looked up at the trees and then he looked to his uncle and handed him the machine. Ford took it with a nod and he began to talk up to where Steve would be.

"HELLO? TESTING." He said as the megaphone made his voice louder.

August made a face and then grabbed Mabel's arm, getting her attention. " guys are just going to the trees?"

"WHAT?!" Mabel shouted. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

The boy rolled his eyes and began to drag her somewhere else away from her uncle and brother, who were too focused on their mission anyways. They stopped in front of the shack.

"Sorry, it was just loud, I couldn't hear-" She began to talk but got interrupted.

"This isn't working." August stated first. " me. Not the friendship like. The "like like" don't you?"

"No...well I mean, yes, but having a friend is cool too!!"

"I don't..." He sighed and struggled with words. "You're..." He hesitated. "This isn't working because you just met me and are already trying to date me for one, and for two, you're...weird."

Her smile from her face dropped. "Nobody said we had to be dating..." She said quietly then spoke up again. "What do you mean by weird?"

"Weird as in you act like all this crazy stuff that happens is normal, and your family acts like loons, and you're don't take anything seriously! You're always joking and smiling about almost everything! It gets kind of annoying! Along with the little whistles your braces make!" At this point his voice was raised slightly.

Mabel was standing there, her heart racing and her eyes were stinging a little. Her heart hurt. Bad. "S-so what are you trying to say?" She managed to choke out.

"I'm saying it's late and I want to go home where I belong. This wasn't going to work out from the start. It was nice to meet you and all but this was never going to work. You had to see that coming." August responded as he folded his arms and pushed back some of his hair behind his ear. "Just take me home already."

The girl stood there, speechless for a moment. "I'll...i'll go get the portal gun..." She muttered as she started to head back into the forest.

Ford dodged a giant tree Steve had thrown at him and he muttered something under his breath as he tried to get Steve to communicate with him. He stopped when he was tugged on the arm. The old man looked down to see his niece standing there.

"Can I have the gun back? I need to take August home..." She said, not looking up.

"Is that what that lad's name was?" He asked as he slowly took out the portal gun from his coat and handed it to her. "Straight there and back. No messing around."

Mabel nodded and trudged off back to the front of the shack. Dipper leaned back and watched her leave, then looked to his uncle. "What happened to her?"

He just shrugged, having no idea.

Mabel came back to the front of the shack and August was still in the same place he was before. He looked up and sighed in relief as the girl shot the portal in front of him. She entered first and he entered last.

The two made it back to California, just in time to catch the pink and orange sunset along the beach. Mabel sighed and looked at August. She didn't have anything to say. And neither did he.

Without another word, the boy left and started to walk out of sight. Farther and farther and farther and farther until he was a little speck in the distance...then gone. When he left, Mabel took off her shoes and socks and walked onto the beach, then sat down on the sand, watching the sunset.

It was beautiful. Completely mesmerizing. The girl gave a small smile, but tears started to form in her eyes as she raised her knees up and put her head on them, letting the tears roll down her cheeks.

"Great job, Mabel. You messed it up...again..." She talked to herself, sniffling. "Why do you have to be such a silly...silly Pacifica said..." She sniffled once more. She knew that was the old Pacifica...but the words stayed in her head. "Where's the memory gun when you need it..."

After a couple minutes, she put her legs down and rubbed her eyes and tear-stained cheeks, then continued to watch the sunset. She laughed and she didn't care what she thought for that one moment. For that one moment she was just going to enjoy the sunset and feel good.

And that's exactly how it felt. Good.


When it was practically dark, Mabel returned back home to the front of the shack and headed inside. Her eyes hurt from crying earlier, and she had already had quite an adventure already, so she decided it was time for her to sleep on things, even though it was only eight.

The girl put the gun back on the kitchen table and passed the living room, where she saw Stan already asleep with the television still on...and to the "boring old lady" channel on, or so he liked to call it that. She gave a small smile and headed up the stairs to the attic.

Waddles oinked and hopped up the stairs, following his owner.

A few moments later, Dipper and Ford entered the shack, megaphone under the man's arm and scratches on the two of them. "That was good progress we made today." Ford stated as he smiled and ruffled his nephews cap. "We'll work on getting him to tell us more tomorrow. Rest up."

The teen nodded and smiled as he started to head upstairs. When he reached the room, Mabel was already asleep with Waddles by her side. He gave a small smile and sat on his bed, recalling how close his uncle and himself were to figuring out the reason why Steve was destroying people's cars.

The kid took off his shoes and vest and threw them at the edge of his bed then placed his baseball cap on the table and yawned as he slipped into his covers. While doing so he swore he heard his sister meowing in her sleep; which is what she did when she had nightmares, but it went away as soon as he stopped to listen.

Just to make sure he stared for a minute and let the silence fill the room, and still he heard nothing. Dipper closed his eyes after a moment, his eyes aching and begging for sleep.

Dipper blinked and sat up, rubbing his eyes...but the entire room was gray and Mabel was missing. He shuddered as he got a bad feeling about where he was at...this couldn't be real.

The boy slipped out of bed and poked his head out the door of the attic, calling out his sister's name and uncles and even Waddles, but he didn't get any reply.

"Looking for someone?" Bill floated out from underneath the floor and right behind the teen.

Dipper screamed and jumped as he turned. "Not you..." He groaned.

"Way to be rude about it, Pine Tree." Bill rolled his eye. "And speaking of rude, I think you were a little rude yourself towards your sisters boyfriend."

"Is that who that was?" Dipper frowned. He wouldn't be surprised. "I don't care about him. He wasn't even around for that long, maybe only 5 minutes!"

"Your sisters devastated that he dumped her."

"Yeah, well-" He paused and raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what?"

"He dumped her right outside the shack approximately 3.5 hours ago. Dipstick."

"I...didn't know that..."

"Of course you didn't!! You and mister six finger nerd were over there minding your own business, being the selfish little brat you are!!"

Dipper winced but shook his head.

"How about a wager, kid? I find someone who your sister would be interested in and they would never leave her, and in exchange, you give me that portal gun!!"

He just blinked. "...Are you seriously trying to make a deal with me right now?"

"What's it look like? I'm desperate, alright? Cut me some slack, kid." He rolled his eye again.

"No way in a billion years would I ever make a deal with you." He spit out his words.

"Aww, not even for the sake of your sister's happiness. Some brother you are." He laughed. "But that's okay. Fine by me, I don't care about anyone. I was just thinking you might."

"What do you even need Great Uncle Ford's portal gun for?" The brunette folded his arms and raised his eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"If you want to know, mister i-question-everything, it's because of Sil Houette. Nobody listens to me because you all think i'm going to make this worse, but really, I want to get rid of her just as much as you all do. She wants to end everything, as to where I just want to rule everything. If you want to die, go ahead, fine by me. I don't care, because i'm immortal. But keep this-" He tapped on the boy's head. "-in mind."

And with that, Dipper blinked then squinted as the sunlight shone in his eyes. He sat up to see Mabel just waking up, too. Waddles had licked her awake, so it seemed.

"Hey, uh, Mabel..?" Dipper spoke up after a minute. His sister looked over at him. " okay?"

" mean about yesterday?" She gave a smile. "Yeah, i'm perfectly fine. I don't need guys, I have you guys, my family. And myself. People who will never let me down and will always be there for me. Someone who I can count on."

He smiled at her. "That's a good lesson."

"I had some time to think about it." She smiled again and held out her arms. "Sibling Hug?"

Dipper chuckled. "Sibling Hug." He slipped out of bed and walked to his sister then the two hugged and patted in unison, saying the word out loud together.

The smell of pancakes filled the house...or rather...StanCakes in this house's matter. The twins looked at each other and gave a grin.

Last one down the stairs is a rotten egg!!" Mabel exclaimed as she jumped out of bed and started to run down the stairs.

"Aw, what?! No fair!! You got a head start, cheater!" Dipper yelled back as he laughed and skidded of of the room, waddles squealing behind the two and running after them.


As the twins stuffed their mouths with the hair-free pancakes after had picking the gray strands out, Stanford came in, looking like he had already been up for some time. He dropped the megaphone on the counter and stretched.

"Good morning, Grunkle Ford!" They exclaimed.

"Morning, everyone." He smiled and stretched.

"Where'd you go?" Mabel asked as she took another bite of her food and then proceeded to talk with her mouth full. "It looks like you've been up already for a looong while."

"I was."

"Did you finally figure out what was wrong with Steve?" Dipper asked hopefully.

"I did, actually! Seems like the poor fella had a splinter stuck in his foot and couldn't get it out. The only way to catch people's attention was by destroying their property, since he isn't big on talking."

"Still doesn't fix the fact we have to pay for a totaled car to get fixed." Stan grumbled as everyone looked to the window to see the damaged car.

A giant wooden hand reached out from the woods and started to drag it further. Stan dropped his spatula from flipping StanCakes and he was seen running outside from the window.

"HEY!! COME BACK HERE WITH THAT CAR!!" He yelled as he chased the car and giant wooden hand.

Everyone stared with pity for a moment before looking at one another and bursting into laughter because their Uncle had just gone outside in his boxers, chasing after the broken car and a giant wooden hand.


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