Season 3 Episode 15: Vampire Slayers

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The hottest day of the summer. That's what it felt like. It was going to be a repeat of last year...except this year, the Pines were banned from the Gravity Falls Local Pool due to last year's incidents over the past days including breaking multiple pool supplies in order to get a merman home and Stan being stuck to a chair until the kids had to find him and somehow get the glue off.

Dipper, Mabel and Wendy were sitting in the gift-shop, groaning. Mabel was slumped down beside the popsicle cooler and Dipper was right beside her. Wendy was bent forward, her head laying on the counter with her hat off and her hair put to the side.

"It's so hotttt..." Mabel groaned again as she slowly stood up and slid the door open to the popsicle cooler then retrieved a grape pop, which was already starting to melt as soon as she took it out.

As she slid back down and sat against it again, she fiddled with the white packaging around it then finally opened it, and watched the purple solid start to melt before her very own eyes; her hands were getting sticky from the popsicle by now. She sighed but licked it anyways, well...what was left. About half.

"What're we supposed to do today if it's so freakin' hot?" Dipper was using his Pine Tree hat as a fan as he watched Mabel's popsicle drip again. "I doubt anyone would want to go outside."

"If you were to go outside you'd probably melt into like...a puddle or something, dude." Wendy replied as she lifted her head up to look at the boy.

Mabel jumped up with her popsicle in her mouth as she pulled it out to talk. "I'll be the judge of that!! Well...not literally, since this is going to be a contest but-"

"What're you talking about?" Dipper interrupted.

"Let me finish! A contest to see who can last the longest outside! Winner gets all the popsicles in the cooler!" She beamed at her idea and melted grape hit the floor.

"Count me in!" Wendy replied back almost immediately

The trio headed outside, Dipper being the last one out of the door. He had his hat back on and was trudging behind the two. He didn't necessarily want to get involved with the challenge, anyways. Grape wasn't all that great of a flavor and since Stan was Mr.Cheap-o, that's the only flavor he got because: "the box was cheaper with the same flavor".

Mabel beamed and stood still, the sun beaming and making all three sweat like there was no tomorrow. It felt disgusting. The clothes stuck to their backs and there was slight humidity, which made it worse.

Dipper squinted as he thought he saw something from the trees' shadows. Then again...for all he knew, he could just be getting heat stroke and was seeing things that weren't even real. He turned to look at the girls who were determined to win the contest.

"Uh...guys, I think I saw something from the trees-" He started to talk but got interrupted by his twin.

"Dipper! We're trying to have a contest, nothing unusual or supernatural about that! Kick your paranoia down a notch, mister." Mabel scolded as she tisked.

"No! I saw something!"

"You getting heat stroke, little dude?" Wendy gave a small snicker. The three had only been out there for five minutes at most.

"No. I'm not." Dipper muttered as he folded his arms. "And if none of you are going to listen to me, i'll just go ahead and prove my point." He started to walk towards the trees. Outside he seemed confident, but the inside was a nervous wreck. His heart was pounding like crazy and he was hesitant with every step.

The teens watched, not moving from their spots in order to win the contest. "You lose!!" Mabel shouted as he stopped in front of the trees, looking at his sister.

As he opened his mouth to speak, Dipper's mouth got covered by two pale hands and a muffled scream was heard as he got yanked back into the forest. Mabel and Wendy got wide eyed and started to run over to the trees, deciding that the contest would have to wait until later.

Sil's shadow was following behind Wendy's without the red-haired girl knowing.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dipper was shoved forward in an empty clearing. The boy stumbled and nearly fell, but as he caught his balance, he turned and faced the creepy looking shadows in front of him. There were about 4. And they were really tall.

"Who are you?!" He finally managed to speak.

"That is not our business to tell." One of the shadows said.

" kidnapped me and aren't even going to tell me what you are? What is this, Scooby Doo? Do I have to pull the mask off of you to figure out what you are?" He sarcastically responded. "I'm not playing games."

"And neither are we." A voice said from the shadows.

The shadowy figured finally stepped out and revealed themselves to be...vampires. They had some sort of necklace around their necks with a blue gem in the smack middle. It glistened in the sun and shone out against their black clothing.

"You're..." Right as Dipper spoke, Wendy and Mabel bursted out from the woods and into the clearing.

"VAMPIRES?!" Mabel shouted in shock and immediately grimaced. She recognized every single one of the vampires and in fact had dated one of them. She wanted to barf and be sick. They were the worst. And nothing is worse than running into your ex.

"Exavier...And...other vampires? What are you doing here? And why did you take my brother like that?!" Mabel retorted with a glare on her face.

"Mabel, darling!!! The so called Exavier exclaimed with his arms outstretched.

The girl backed up, clearly uncomfortable. Wendy looked down and spotted this then turned and faced the tall vamps. "Leave her alone!" She barked.

"We do what we want." One of the vampires who looked a little fancier; something that rang 'leader', spoke. "Allow me to introduce myself. DraqSun is the name. And i'm-"

"The ruler? Leader? Main of the pack? C'mon, man, it was obvious." Dipper spoke as he rolled his eyes.

"Silence, boy!!!" DraqSun hissed. Literally. "I won't hesitate to turn you into one of us."

"You never answered my sisters questions from earlier!!! Why did you bring me-us here and what do you want?! Maybe we can just come up with a simple compromise! Get back to having a normal day!" Dipper threw out some ideas. He just wanted to leave and be done with these idiots.

"Compromise...hmm..." Draq paused and took this into consideration but got smacked upside the head by something. "...N-no that won't be necessary." He rubbed his head.

"Then what do you want?" Wendy butted into the conversation, an eyebrow raised.

"For you to be dead." A familiar voice rang out and soon slithered across the shadows onto a tree to where everyone could see. It was Sil.

"I should've known this led up to you!!" Dipper frowned as he stared at the silhouette.

"You really should have!!" Sil remarked.

"Look, leave us alone and nobody gets hurt. I don't want to have to fight you or anything...well...maybe I do, but that's not the point!" Wendy put her hand over where her axe usually would be, just from instinct, even though it wasn't there.

Sil just laughed in amusement. "I'm not here to bother anyone else except you, dear! Draqsun and his cronies are here to do that!! Not me! I can't take the responsibility of being the antagonist all the time. With that being said, I think it's fair if we start the show! Go on, boys, sick 'em!!"

The vampires charged forward and grabbed Dipper and Mabel's arms and dragged them away from Wendy. The two yelled for her as they kept fighting to be let go. Mabel was more close to being let go from her arm strength, and her brother was getting there. Somewhat.

"Let my friends go, you maniac shadow!!!" She growled. "What's up with you anyways?! Why do you want to go against me? I'd understand if you were the shapeshifter because...well...we froze him, but what did I ever do to you?!"

Sil just ignored the question and snickered as she looked at Wendy. "You're not even going to run after them? Yikes, some friend you are."

The teen took no hesitation and in the middle of the sentence, she took off and started running as fast as she could. The hot air blew through her hair and it hit her face. Sweat dropped down from her, but it still wasn't going to stop her from helping.


Mabel looked uncomfortable and seemed to be arguing with Exavier while Dipper was more focused on trying not to get bit.

"You actually tried to bite me and turn me into a vampire!!! That's why we broke up!!! It wasn't working out!! Don't go blaming this on me, mister!!" Mabel argued to the vampire.

"I thought vampires couldn't even be in the sun!!" Dipper blurted out as he ran from one who lunged at him.

"Oh, we can't, we have this nec-" One blurted out until Draqsun hissed and told him to shut up.

The boy raised an eyebrow and yelped as his hand was caught by a vampire. The vamp grinned and lifted the boy up by his arm as if he weight no more than a feather. Flashbacks of the night where he had almost got zombie-ified came flooding back, causing him to get watery eyes.

Dipper yelled and Mabel screamed. The 13-year-old kicked and struggled and right as he was about to be bitten, an axe was thrown into the stomach of the vampire and Wendy was there. Her sleeves were rolled up and she had a bandana on to keep the hair out of her face.

The vampire just stared and dropped the boy, who landed onto the dirt; dust flew everywhere. He looked at the axe, and Wendy pulled it right out, getting some red on the sides, but that was the least of concerns. The vampire sighed and did some sort of prayer before he poofed away and was gone. White dust was soon replacing his spot on the ground.

"WENDY!!" The twins cried out in relief as they hugged her, and she hugged back.

"Aw, how cute!! You think it's over!!" Sil laughed from the shadows. "Lumberjack girl can't do anything but use that old rusty axe of hers."

DraqSun stared at the pile of white and then stepped forward, looking at the twins and the red-haired teen. " killed Ed."

"No duh." Wendy spit out and twirled her axe. "And there's more where that came from."

DraqSun growled and his eyes glowed. He started to grow in size and became much more intimidating. He started to grow as high as a branch of a tree...then higher to the size of a couple branches...and then he was as tall as a tree. He looked down and let an ear-piercing screech out, getting everyone to cover their ears.

The other vampires screeched as well, as if not because they wanted to, but because it was from instinct and it was a call of some sort. Bats started to fly everywhere and footsteps were heard just as well. The bats turned into vampires and started to surround the group. There were tons.

Sil laughed and kicked back as she got popcorn from thin air. She tossed some into her mouth and watched the show begin. "WELL, REDGIRL, WHADDYA GONNA DO? YOUR AXE CAN'T BEAT ONE HUNDRED VAMPIRES!!" She laughed again. She was definitely having fun.

Wendy gulped and looked to the twins. She didn't know what to do, and neither did they.


"W-what should we do?" Dipper gulped and stared at the giant swarm of vampires.

Almost all of them were licking their lips...longing for the taste of human blood. Mabel yelped from surprise as Exavier grabbed her arm and dragged her farther away from her brother and friend.

"Look, date me and I won't let these guys touch you! You won't be bitten or anything! Please take me back, Mabel!!" He begged.

She made a face and looked over to Dipper and Wendy being surrounded by the vampires. Wendy had her axe ready and Dipper was close-by, gulping but in a fighting stance.

"DO IT OR I'LL BITE YOUR BROTHER!!" Exavier screeched, eyes glowing.

"What's up with everyone wanting to bite me?!" Dipper shouted as he overheard.

"F-fine!! I'll do it!! I'll...i'll do it!!" Mabel shouted. "I'll do it..."

Sil spit out her popcorn and then looked to the older twin, as did everyone else. "She's not serious." She scoffed and kicked back again.

"In...fact. If your tall leader buddy shrinks down, i'll even marry you!!" She blurted out as everyone gasped in horror and shock.

"MABEL, ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Dipper yelled from across the crowd.

"Yeah, dude, that's like...the ultimate step to a relationship. I thought you hated this guy!!!" Wendy butted in.

"Yeah, well, i'm not going to let you guys get hurt! Face it...we couldn't take on one hundred vampires, even if we tried." The 13-year-old said. "This is the only other option."

Exavier had a huge grin on and his two sharp teeth glistened in the sunlight as he chuckled. "Well...don't mind if I do." He looked up and screeched to DraqSun, who looked down and screeched if they were actually having a conversation.

DraqSun grew smaller and his eyes were back to the normal red without the glowing part. He then shooed everyone away. They aww'ed and turned into bats and flew off as Draq dusted himself off.

"Sorry about that fit...anger tends to get the most of me and so I end up growing in size. Genetic problem." He shrugged.

"It's...okay?" Dipper said questionably.

DraqSun patted the kid on his back. "It's okay, indeed. If you hadn't had said that, I would've taken every last drop of blood you had!!" He laughed...even though it wasn't a joke.

The brunette awkwardly laughed back. Wendy ran over to Mabel and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Dude, you don't have to do this! We could make a run for it now, and then never have to deal with this again!"

Mabel looked around. " me on'll be okay. I promise. I have a plan!" She whispered and winked.

Dipper looked hesitant but sighed and slowly nodded at the red-head, who sighed as well and looked at her friend...who was more than a friend. She was her family.

"Break a leg, kid." Wendy gave a small smile and ruffled Mabel's hair. "But don't actually."

She laughed. "I won't."

Exavier took Mabel's hand and she gave a small, definitely not sincere smile back, but he couldn't tell, thankfully. Dipper and Wendy looked at each other as the vampires, Mabel and DraqSun started to walk away.

"Wait!! What about our deal?!" Sil whined as she looked at Draq. "You said you were going to pick and torment them!! All you did was arrange a stupid marriage that won't even succeed!!"

"Consider this deal broken. It's no longer in use. Plus you're kind of a jerk anyways." DraqSun started to walk off, following the other vampires and Mabel.

"HEY!! Says the guy who literally just tried to kill three kids!!" She rolled her eyes. "I could've easily done this myself...this is why when you want to do something, you do it yourself." She muttered to herself then turned to Wendy. "Too bad they didn't bite or kill you, I would've loved to see the life get drained out of you!!"

"Shut up already!!!" Wendy barked at her and raised her axe. "You're lucky you aren't here in person, i'd already have thrown this axe at you."

Sil mocked her in an almost-way-too-perfect voice. "Boo ho0, I can't do anything!!"

"You son a-" Wendy glared but took a deep breath and turned to Dipper. "Let's get back to the shack. I've had about enough of being outside as I can take...that is until we have to go get Mabel. There's not too many shadows in the Shack anyways." She muttered the last part and wiped the sweat from her forehead as she headed back, her friend following behind.

Sil growled in annoyance as she slinked back into the shadows and left them alone for now. At least until later.


"I'm telling you dude, grape isn't all that bad." Wendy gave a small laugh as she licked her grape-pop she had taken from the cooler.

"You tell lies." Dipper responded as he stared outside the window. The sun was starting to go down and Mabel still wasn't back from the forest. He tapped his foot anxiously then turned to his friend. "Do you think she's okay?"

"I'm pretty sure she's okay. You trust her, right? I know I do." She got up and stuck the pop in her mouth as she walked over to beside the brunette and flipped the sign to: 'CLOSED'.

"Yeah...I do...but sibling instinct, ya know?" He kept staring out the window.

She pulled the popsicle from out of her mouth. "I getcha." She pulled up her stool and sat beside him.

After a while of talking, and the sun being completely down, Mabel ran out from the forest, sweater teared a little and she looked out of breath. Dipper gasped and ran outside to greet her and Wendy did just as well.

"What the heck happened to you?!" Her brother asked as he hugged his sister for a moment.

"Well...kinda a long story." She replied as she let go from the hug and started to head inside with her family.


Mabel looked around as she spotted the giant blue gem looking rock in the center of the cave wall in the colony she was in...or wherever the vampires stayed. It was in a giant cave but in the forest. As Exavier was getting ready...which basically was just whitening his fangs, she stared at the rock.

"Ah, I see you found the Lazuli Stone." Exavier looked at the giant stone, too.

"Is that what that is? What's it do?"

"Powers our crystal so we're able to go into the sunlight without dissolving into ash." Exavier responded as he showed off his necklace. "Figured you should know...since're going to become a vampire soon anyways."

She froze up. "What?" Maybe she heard a detail or word wrong.

"In order to complete a marriage, it has to be a vampire and another vampire, so that means you'll have to turn in order to finish the ceremony." He grinned. "Isn't that exciting?"

"Oh! Yeah! Absolutely!" The girl gave a fake smile and then looked at the Lazuli stone. "Can I...look at your necklace?"

He pulled it out of his shirt and then showed it off.

"No, no, not like that. Like, hold it. I wanna feel the true power of this baby!"

He shrugged and then paused before handing it over. He squinted at the girl then dropped it into her open palm after a moment. She smiled and looked at the gem on the necklace...before chucking it outside of the cave, and with her arm strength, it flew out of sight.

"HEY!!" Exavier screeched as his eyes glowed red. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! NOW I CAN'T GO OUTSIDE!!" He hissed.

"That's the point, Dum-Dum!!!" Mabel exclaimed as she heaved up a giant rock from inside the cave and chucked it at the Big Lazuli Rock.

The entire cave shook, threatening to fall down and collapse with a few more hits. Seemed like the Lazuli was the center of the cave. Exavier screeched...doing that weird screech language thing. Mabel took one last look at the rock as vampires started charging at her, and she threw the rock, aiming at the center.

She felt the cave shake once more before she started to take off, thousands of bats swarming her and screeching. The girl waved her arms rapidly, shoo'ing the bats and stumbling from the shaking cave. At the exit of the cave, she felt someone grab her ankle. She looked down to find Exavier.


Mabel yelped and yanked Exavier off just in time for the cave to fall down. A couple bats had escaped, but they were squeaking and catching on fire due to the sun and lack of a working Lazuli stone.

The girl stared at the cave in a moment of silence before she sighed and headed back in the direction towards the shack. Her clothes were ripped and her head was buzzing with her thoughts.


" overthrew a vampire society?" Dipper asked, hands holding his head up as his elbows touched the gift-shop counter, interested in the adventure he missed.

"Dude...that's legendary." Wendy, who was sitting next to Dipper, responded with a smile.

"I know, I know. My legend should be painted onto a cave wall and people will then know the story of Mabel Pines!! Vampire slayer!!!" She stood up on the counter and fist-pumped in the air.

Dipper moved himself from leaning on the counter and looked up, arms and hands down and holding onto the stool he was sitting on. "I think that's a little exaggerated."

"I don't think so. Sounds pretty accurate to me." Wendy snickered.

The boy rolled his eyes but smiled. Footsteps were heard down the hall and soon enough, Soos peeked out from behind the doorframe and gave a smile. "Oh, there you doods are!! Was wondering where you were all day! Melody and I had a great time at the arcade today. What'd you guys do?"

The three looked at one another before looking back at Soos, who had his grin still on.

"It's a long story."


Sil rolled her eyes to herself. "Stupid Pines. Stupid Wendy. Stupid EVERYTHING!!" She yelled and took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself.

She looked around and took her spot next to the Mystery Shack's gift-shop window and glanced inside to find Soos, Melody, Wendy, Dipper and Mabel all laughing. Ford and Stan came in and things just got happier from there on.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes again. "Stupid...happy...families..." She paused and memories came flooding back but she shook her head and growled.

"Soon there won't be anything left to be happy about. This entire world will be gone...everyone and everything...nothing. Will. Be. Left." She laughed and put her hands together.




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