Chapter 11: The Protector

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The guard led me down this long hallway that had a lost of twists and turns. Then the guards shoves me through this door. Then the door closes behind me. I was outside. I'm guessing this was the courtyard. I looked around. There were many many different creatures both male and female and they were all huge and tough looking. They were all wearing the same clothes as me but some have their shirts off revealing their branding.

Outside there was many table, basketball, and weights. Everything was cover in cement and there were high walls and there was a catwalk above the whole courtyard. There was guards on the catwalk but none on the ground or even near it. I wonder why.

Everyone started to look at me. It was creepy and it wasn't like the looks that Gideon gives me it was dark and cold looks. Like saying, "Oh newbie...ready to punish the newbie by killing her..." Something like that. Then at the corner of my eye I saw Pacifica. Then I went over to her. She was extremely glad to see me, "Oh my gosh Mabel! I'm so scared right now. Everyone is looking at me weirdly and darkly." She said as we hug then we separated, "Where is Gideon?" We both look around from where we were at. "I don't see him." Pacifica said, "And everyone is looking at us." I saw that everyone was now. I grab Pacifica's hand, "Come on." I muttered then we started to walk through the crowed of creatures that were still looking at us. I hear Pacifica muttering to Gideon through the stone. Then Gideon came around the corner, "Glad I found you two quickly."

"Where do we go now?" Pacifica ask. "Well don't we need to find Dipper?" I added. "Alright we will walk around to see if we can find Dipper. We aren't going to call out his name. We want to be hidden as much as possible. We are just going to walk around. This is a huge courtyard and there is a lot of people. It may take some time." Gideon reply. We all agreed to that plan and we started to walk around the courtyard and stick close to Gideon.

There were so many creatures and they are all creepy looking. The same with their symbols.

Then suddenly an arm grab me and yank me hard away from Gideon and Pacifica. At first I thought it was Dipper but then I saw the face. It wasn't Dipper. It was this weird looking creature. It was brown and it looked like a human but it had four eyes, scales, sharp teeth, and his breath really stinks.

"Aren't you a pretty creature." The creature hiss. I tried to pull away, "Um thanks but I must go." He just tightens his grip and try to pull me in more, "Ah you aren't going anywhere." Then Gideon step in, "Back off! She is mine!" Gideon snaps so strongly. The creature hiss, "Well wait your turn!" Then he shove Gideon hard. Gideon ran into a huge creature who grab him and held him tightly. Pacifica gasp and tried to get me away form the creature but then another creature grabs her and pull her away, "Let me GO!" Pacifica screams.

I started to squirm out of the creature's grip, "Let me go!" I snap, "And leave me and my friends alone!" Then the creature stuck out his long, skinny, and slimy tough and lick my whole face. Gross! "Oh love, you aren't going anywhere." Then he grab my shoulders and slams me to the ground then he climbs on top of me. "Get off!" I screamed. Then he use his tough again and licked my whole face and neck. "Stop! Get off of her!" Gideon hiss, "Let me go and I will show you how sorry you will be!"

"Humm, a rare one you are....i'lll take the pleaser of having you." The creature sneer. Then everyone started to cheer and gather around. Then he head for my face and I try to stop him, "No! Stop! Get off of me! Help! Someone please help!" I screamed out. Then he started to try to take off my shirt while he was trying to get to my face. With one hand I tried to keep his face away from mine and with the other to keep my shirt down. I may have keep his face away from my face but not his tough. He kept licking my face and neck. "Come on dear." He hiss. I tried squirming to get free but he was too heavy and strong. I was doom.

Then suddenly someone grab the creature by the shirt and yank him away and throwing him to a table. "You stay away from her!" A voice snap so strongly. Then everyone just got quite. I wipe face and eyes and I could you save med. It was Dipper.

Boy he sure grew up and I was so happy to see him. He grew up nice and tall. His hair was still the same but thicker. He doesn't look like a young boy anymore, he looked like a young man now.

The creature stagger up to his knees and hiss, "Ah little Dipper wants a shot."

"Shut up Locka! I'll skin you!" Dipper hiss. Everyone laugh, like they wouldn't believe him but by his tone...I'm 100% sure that he could and will. "NOBODY TOUCHES MY SISTER!" "ohhh, little Dipper wants to be the touch guy now." a weird purple creature that had gills on his neck snickered. I actually think it might be a girl.

Dipper ignored the weird bull thing then pointed at the two creatures that are holding Pacifica and Gideon, "You two. Let them go." Dipper ordered. Everyone laugh and they wouldn't let them go. Dipper was trying but nothing was working.

Then I watch as the lizard creature reach under the table and pulled out a knife. "Dipper!" I cried out then eh Lizard creature jump to his feet and swing his knife at Dipper. Dipper turns his head saw him coming. Dipper twist his body so smoothly to move out of the way. Then the lizard creature  swing the knife hard for Dipper head and Dipper bend back.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Everyone cheered as I crawled back, trying to get out of the way.

The lizard creature swing his knife a few times and each time Dipper dough it. "You are wasting you time and energy." Dipper warns, "Stop now or someone will get hurt." "yeah her!" Then he opens his mouth and his large tough came out and with one quick lash it hit's Dipper's face like a whip. I even hear the snap of the contact. Dipper backed away and the Lizard creature came down at me with his knife.

Dipper quickly went up to the lizard creature and he redirect the knife. The lizard creature made a gasping sound and blue spit came out form his mouth and landed down at my face. Then the lizard man fell to the ground next to me and there was a knife to his chest.

Everyone came dead silent. I look up at Dipper. There was a fresh cut on his cheek, on top of this older cut on his cheek. Making an X. Then I watch Dipper looking down at his hands. His hands shook very slightly  then Dipper clutch his hands into fists and his face a bit dark. Then he look at me and reach down and pull me up to my feet. "Let them go." Dipper ordered. They didn't listen. Then Dipper reach down and pulled out the knife from the lizard creature and pointed at them, "I said, LET THEM GO!"

Then the two creatures hesitantly let them both go. Then guards came charging with this weird guns. "Put the weapon down!" They order. Dipper grind his teeth and tighten his jaw. Then he look at the knife and then just drop it and raise his hands up in the air. Two guards quickly went up to him and roughly grab his arms and help them tightly behind his back and they roughly march him away. "Dipper." I muttered as I watch him disappeared.

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