Chapter 12: Roommates

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Pacifica ran towards me and hug me. "Oh Mabel! I thought you were doomed!" She whimpers. I even started to cry. I was almost....I can't even say it. Gideon places his hands on us and led us away from the guards, who were retrieving the body. I heard them talking. "What came to that kid? I never seen he do anything like that." One ask. "Doesn't matter about the kid, the weapon. Where did that came from?" "The main this is...what are we going to tell him demon?" I didn't heart he rest. Gideon lead us....who know where but we were still outside.

"We don't have much time before they take everyone back into their rooms as they clean up." Gideon started, "Mable are you alright?" I nod my head slowly. I was still crying. Gideon then came up to me and wipe the blue spit from my cheek. Strangely it comforted me. Probably because I know that Gideon wouldn't hurt me. I never been so scared in my life. There was two things that is killing me inside. One I was almost....taken....Then second I never thought that Dipper could kill someone like that. I saw how he look at his hands. Something was going on. But I guess it was just self-defense. Yeah, just self-defense.

"W-what are they g-going to do w-with D-Dipper?" I whimper. Gideon thought for a moment and sighs, "Well it depends. He broke a rule....well sort of. They are going to blame him though. They will punish him but I'm not sure what the punishment will be. I know it isn't death. Dipper is a property of someone so if they kill him then they have to face his demon and paper work. that wouldn't end well. So he'll live...I don't know what pain they will put him through."

"Alight....what are we going to do now?" Pacifica ask.

Then a guard came up to us, "Go to your rooms." He said with a robot tone.

"We don't know where our rooms are." Gideon reply. The robot creature thought for a moment, "I'll take you to your rooms. Only the Females." Gideon grabs our shoulders, "Remember, don't look at anyone, don't talk to anyone. Just stick with me or Dipper. You'll be fine." We both nod softly, then me and Pacifica fallowed the robot. We were all leaving, all the weird creatures and us.

The robot leads us though the while hallway. "Room 18017, Mabel Pines, Pacifica Northwest, Saria Blumber, and Gother Blahbo." The robot order. There was no door as we enter the room. At least me and Pacifica are roommates. That is a good thing. It was a strange cell. There were four bed that are attached to the wall as bunk beds. The room was still the same old white and clean. I never seen such a clean prison before. Then there was a door, I think it was a door, against the wall.

We got into our room. "I would say the top bunk is mine but I'm not picking till the other two are here." Pacifica shiver, "I hope they don't beat us." Then another female came in. She was very skinny, green skin with purple hair and the darkest blue eyes, and she had black finger nails and she had two small horns at the top of her head.

"Ulocka Meso." She spoke as she place her hands on her hips. She looks mean. "I-I don't know what you are s-saying." I stuttered.  I hope she doesn't hurt me or Pacifica. "You speak the Liggy Language. Lucky for me my demon teaches me every single language in all the universes." Then she raise her hand and bowed, "Saria is the name. Yours?"

"Ah...Ah...Mabel." I sniffle. I was still trying to calm down from crying. "Pacifica." Pacifica reply. Then our last roommate came in. She was a snake...a very big snake. Then the door closes behind us and locks, "sssssss" The snake said. "Shsshshshss" Saria replies. Then she faces us, "This is Gother. She only speaks the Three S's so I'll translate. Don't worry we are both good and friendly.

I felt better about that. "So who's your demon?" Saria ask. "Chalka...both of us." Pacifica explains. Saria was shock about this, "Chalka? He isn't a great and all powerful demon. I would better watch out for you two. You two are females and here for Chalka who isn't a powerful demon. He's more as a demon want a be." "Sha!" Gother replies. "Gother agrees."

"What about you two?" Pacifica asks.

"I'm the servant of Ba. He is a powerful demon on the Manna Universe. He is simply the demon of knowledge. At first I was here to be harvest but then he found use in me so now I'm just here under storage for when ever he needs me. Gother is the servant of She. She is an alright demon, better then Chalka that is for sure." Saria replys.

"Shshhshshs" Gother hiss.

Saria nods, "Gother wants to now more about you two. What is your race? Like what kind of creatures are you."

"Humans." I explain.

"Humans!" Saria gasps, "Now way. How could Chalka get a human! Well he isn't' the first to bring humans here. That one dude that killed Locka was a human. He's been here for about 4 moons. I thought he was just a tiny little wimp that gets check out everyday by his demon. What an attention magnet. I don't know why his demon wants him so bad. He is just a little wimp that hides in the corners and hope that nobody will see him but they always do. I was very surprise that he killed Locka."

"He didn't kill him!" I protested, "It-it was just self-defense. He would never kill someone on purpose."

"What are you breathing kid?"

"Well he is brother and I..."

"Wait Dipper is your brother?"

I nod my head. Saria's mouth drop and I could tell that Gother's mouth drop a different way. Saria cover her mouth and pace a little. "What is Chalka thinking! He is such an idiot! Mecjjfsakdl ajsflkd." "What-what is wrong?" Pacifica ask. Saria stop pacing and look at us. "You really don't know?"

"Know what?" I ask.

"Well, you are the property of Chalka...whatever kind of demon he is but I know he is a very weak one and a demon want a be. Dipper is the property of a way more powerful demon name Bill Cipher." Saria explain.

"Wait Bill Cipher!" I gasp. Then the world seem to be spinning. I sat down on the bed, which was basically a plank. Dipper is here because of Bill. Bill took Dipper away from me for 4 years. Why? What did Bill needed of him? Did Dipper made another deal with Bill? What happen that night when he 'disappeared'? There were many thoughts going through my head.

"I've seen you heard of him." Saria reply folding her arms across her chest.

"Of course I have. He's been on our planet in our universe. We ran into so many troubles with him. Do you know how Bill got Dipper?" I ask eagerly. Saria shrug, "I'm not sure. I was here then a young boy came, which was Dipper. That is all I know."

I can't think straight. I thought Dipper might have tried a spell or something. I just couldn't believe that Bill Cipher would just take Dipper. There's got to be a deal in there. What was the deal?

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