Escaping To/From McD's

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Bill: "Argh! What is this feeling? I feel like I must say...
gamerboss32 dares: I dare Dipper and Mabel to go to McDonalds."

Grunkle Ford: "No! It's full of loopholes-"

Bill: "Ugh... I must... Obey... Ugh..." (A sudden light flashes and Dipper and Mabel disappear.)

Dipper: "Hey! W-we escaped! Mabel, that gamer guy did it!"

Mabel: "Uh, Dipper?"

Dipper: "Oh yeah, gamerboss32! That was his name! You are amazing, gamer!"

Mabel: "Dipper, we-"

Dipper: "Yeah! Go gamerboss! Woop woop!"

Mabel: "Dipper! Everyone else is still gonna die!"

Dipper: (Pales) "Oh, nononononono! We have to get back there!"

McDonalds Manager: "Uhh..." (Sees 2 cartoon-looking kids standing, yelling about how everyone is going to die.)

Dipper: "Uh, don't mind us, sir. And... Which way to Gravity Falls, Oregon?"

McDonald's Manager: "Uh..."

Mabel: "Never mind him, Dipper! We have to get back to the Internet world!"

Dipper: (Takes a deep breath) "You're right, Mabel. There's only one thing to do."

*5 minutes later*

Dipper: (Takes one last bite of fries) "Okay, now we're good to go."

Mabel: "Now there's only one thing to do!"

*5 minutes later*

Dipper: (Running) "Okay, we're now wanted criminals at McDonald's. Great. And just because we didn't have any money on us!"

McDonald's Manager: "You will pay for that or you will pay for that!"

Mabel: "Grunkle Stan would be proud."

Dipper: "Speaking of Stan, we need to get back to Oregon!"

McDonald's Manager: "I'll kick you back to Oregon, you little thieves!"

Mabel: "Thanks for the offer, but-" (A blue flame appears in the sky, and from it comes Bill Cipher.)

Bill: "Woah, woah, woah! Hey, now, kids! Guess who's back!"

Dipper & Mabel: "Bill!"

Bill: "Oh yeah, sorry about earlier. That Announcer guy must have a rough life. You should really appreciate that guy!"

Mabel: "Well, he's not very nice to my bro-bro, so..."

Bill: "Hahaha! I know! That's the point!"

Dipper: (Folds arms) "We all know you're not here for a friendly chat, Bill. What do you want?"

Bill: "Well, I couldn't let two Pines simply live! Also, you have something I want..."

Dipper: (Gasps) "The journal!"

Bill: "Save yourself the pain, kid, and hand it over!"

Mabel: "Okay, Internet! Help us out! We're stuck with some family members about to die, a triangular terrorist, and a very angry McDonald's manager! Save us!"

Bill: "Your imaginations mean nothing compared to mine! And don't even think about teleporting them out of here! I know that trick now."

The same rules as last time apply. Bill will detect and foil any big dares. Send in some small ones to fly under his radar! And teleporting might not work next time, so I don't suggest trying that. Even the littlest details could help the Pines out!

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