Gravity Falls Falls

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Announcer's Voice: "We have a dare!"

Dipper: (Color has not yet returned to his body. He is standing with his eyes closed.) "I don't even care anymore. Just let me die in peace."

Announcer's Voice: "RadiantSkies says: I dare Grunkle Stan to eat Smile Dip. Let the end of time begin."

Dipper: "Wait, what? A dare that isn't for me? Really?"

Mabel: (Pouting) "Why haven't any girls gotten anything?"

Dipper: "Well, Pacifica, kinda..."

Mabel: "Ooh! She's sooooooo lucky."

Grunkle Stan: "Hey now, kids. Let's return to the problem at hand. What on Earth is Smile Dip?"

Mabel: (Grins crazily) "Oh, don't worry. I know a place that will give you everything you need..."

*Dusk 2 Dawn*

Grunkle Stan: "Ugh... why are we here? This place is abandoned!"

Mabel: "Yeah! So all the old stuff stayed in here."

Grunkle Stan: "I don't know about this, kid. Wasn't Smile Dip banned from the earth because of the enormous amounts of suger it has?"

Mabel: "Yes. Yes it was." (Shoves Stan into Dusk 2 Dawn)

Grunkle Stan: "Okay. You've got this, Stan. It's just a child's food! It'll be good." (Walks over to the Smile Dip.) "Okay, here we go." (Takes a pack of Smile Dip and eats it.) "Haha! It tastes like... something amazing!" (Eats some more packages?) "No, like something perfect!" (Chugs even more.) "Maybe this is what money tastes like! Perfection!" (The Smile Dip is gone. Grunkle Stan's entire body is flashing rainbow colors, and he can now smell colors.)

*Grunkle Stan's mind*

Grunkle Stan: "Hahaha! I'm finally free from the limits of imagination! A rule of friendship could last forever! I see it now! All I have to do is cross Happy-Time Canyon!"

*Truth Or Falls*

(Grunkle Stan's rainbow body is shooting rainbows, flying around, and sparkling. A lot.)

Police Officer: "You are wrecking havoc upon the world. Please surrender now. No one has to get hurt."

Smile Dip Stan: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" (A rainbow hits a nearby car, turning it into a unicorn. As rainbows fire crazily, the police and everything else are turning into unicorns.)

Police Officer: "This has gone too far! Call in the big guns!" (A rainbow hits him.) "Neigh!"

*Stan's mind*

Grunkle Stan: "Ah-ha! The ancient Candy-Rainbow Prophecy says that to make a happy reign across all the world, we must first find the Crown Of Happiness! To get that, we must fight- wait, no, make friends with the Super-Happy-Yet-Mildly-Terrifying Guardian! This is gonna be sooooooooo much fun!" (Skips to a door) "The crown should be through this door." (Opens it and gasps) "Who the Fairy-Friendly Flowers are you?"

Aoshima: ( Makes dolphin noises )

*Real(ish) world*

(Smile-Dip Stan sits upon a candy throne. A few humans have survived and are busy serving Smile Dip Stan. Unicorns are wandering the streets.)

Human Survivor: "M-my lord! What does thou require?"


Human Survivor: "Oh no! W-what do we do? What is a HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA?"

Mabel: "As His Royal Rainbow Ruler's assistant, I have some advice. Since we don't have any HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAs, maybe you should change your name to HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA: "Y-yes! Now I am HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Here I am, Your Royal Rainbow Ruler-y-ness! What doth thou requireith nowith?"

Mabel: "No no no, you're over doing the ith's. To the Super-Happy-All-Smiles execution!"

*Stan's Mind*

Grunkle Stan: "The light is in the darkness! Onwards, Aoshima the Super-Happy-Yet-Mildly-Terrifying Guardian!"

Aoshima the Super-Happy-Yet-Mildly-Terrifying Guardian: ( Makes dolphin noises, then grows another head, shoots fists out of both heads, the new fists turn into heads, then those heads blast rainbows )

Grunkle Stan: "Yes! The crown is right there! And..." ( Smile Dip starts to wear off.) "Why am I riding a flying, muscular, multi-headed dolphin?"

*Real World*

Mabel: "Well, Smiley Stan, I think we've done a great job! Of course, we're the only humans alive, as far as I know. But on the bright side, unicorns frolic freely, and-"

Grunkle Stan: "And why am I riding a flying, muscular, multi-headed dolphin?"

Mabel: "Aoshima?!? I knew it! The future was pulled into the past when everyone became a unicorn!"

Grunkle Stan: "What the heck? Why am I in a king's robes? And on a throne? Unless..." (Turns to Mabel) "Mabel, sweetie! Does your Grunkle Stan rule the world now?"

Mabel: "Yup. See, Grunkle Stan? Smile Dip is a good thing!"


Mabel: "Oh, do you need him? Sorry, we just executed him."

Grunkle Stan: "Oh, that's- wait, what?"

Mabel: ( eyes are swirly ) Smile... Dip!!! Is for ALL!!!"

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