The Lamby Lamb Dare

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Announcer's Voice: "We have a new dare!" (Dipper stops trying to explain to the entire world what's going on and instead tells them that they're all crazy, that this is just a dream. Everyone seems to accept this.)

Dipper: "I hope this game at least takes turns."

Announcer's Voice: "Pride_Heart says, "I dare Dipper to put on a lamb suit, do the Lamby Lamb dance, and then ask Pacifica on a date."

Dipper: "YFIKHYFKGGFKYRYKYTRUKYDYDCITYDYIY!!!" (I figure that you don't want to hear what he really said. No, scratch that. You probably want to know, but for your own good I'm not telling you.)

Grunkle Stan: "Hey, nice job kid! I didn't think you had it in you to say these things!"

Dipper: "YEETERRDHDCHCFITYUUSDHCCHCIJGDUDBF!!!" ( Again, he really didn't say that.)

Mabel: "Um, Dipper-"

Dipper: "€√℅=}¿∆£|~©<>÷&9#=?)2•¡℅¶$5£'°!!!"

Mabel: "Um, sorry, people. We'll be back soon, after these short commercials!"


"Have you ever wanted a half llama-half chimp?"
( Group of children ) "No!"
"Well, now your dreams can come true! Just run over to Totally Not A Rip Off Inc, and you can buy yours now!"
( Child ) "How much does it cost?"
"Um... that's not important! What is important is that you buy your Llaimp today!"

C.E.O: Stanley Pines
For more information, please go to the nearest alleyway and wait. Mr. Pines will be there if you have money.


Mabel: "Okay, we're back. And we have a solution!" (Dipper has a gag in his mouth, as well as his Lamby Lamb suit on.)

Dipper: "Mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm!" ( "Pride_Heart, I will kill you!" )

Mabel: "Okay, let the show begin!" (A spotlight is on Dipper. The gag is removed.)

Dipper: ( with no emotion ) "Who wants a lamby lamby lamby. I do. I do. So go up and greet your mammy mammy mammy. Hi there. Hi there. So march march march around the daisies. Don't don't don't you forget about the baby. ( A wicked grin spreads across his face. ) Don't forget about that baby. Don't forget the baby!" (Grabs Pacifica out of her seat.) "DON'T YOU DARE FORGET ABOUT THE BABY!!!" (Grabs Pacifica's arm and drags her away, cackling all the way.)

Pacifica: "Someone help! I'll, like, pay you! A lot! Anyone!"

Mabel: "I'm comin', Pacifica!"

Pacifica: "Anyone but her!"

*Five minutes later*

(Moonlight shines over the quiet scene. Candlelight glows, illuminating a couple- Wait, never mind. It's just Dipper and Pacifica. Dipper is blocking Pacifica's escape, growling and drooling.)

Dipper: "Do you want a lamby, lamby, BABY??? Skip around the BABY!!! Skip around the BABY!!! Go greet your BABY!!!"

Mabel: (Hiding behind a nearby tree) "Where's the announcer guy? Dipper completed the dare!"

Announcer's Voice: "Yes he did."

Mabel: "So bring us back to Truth Or Falls!"

Announcer's Voice: "But that wouldn't be fair. Children all over the world would lose this chance to laugh! If they don't laugh, then the world would be laughless! You don't want that, do you?"

Mabel: "You stinky poo-poo head!"

Announcer's Voice: "Oh, fine. But you're no fun. Goodbye, laughter of children." (The white flash appears, and everyone is back in Truth Or Falls. Dipper is back in his regular clothes.)

Dipper: "Ugh... what happened? Everything went red, and then... well, I'm not sure."

Mabel: "Um... nothing happened." (Pacifica is seen running away screaming.)

Dipper: "Nothing?"

Mabel: "Um... no. Nothing. Well, unless you count Pacifica being scarred for life as something. But hey, I know I don't!"

Dipper: ( turns completely white. ) "Why me?"

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