Grunkle $tan

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Announcer's Voice: "Hello, players!"

Dipper: "Aaaaaah! Who said that?"

Announcer's Voice: "We have a dare-"

Dipper: "Seriously, who is saying that? I'm-"

Mabel: "Shhhh! The voice from the heavens says we have a dare, silly!"

Announcer's Voice: "It's from Mewstar! She says:

I dare Dipper to steal a penny from Grukle Stan and blame it on the lepricorns.

Dipper: "Okay, one, I officially want to strangle this "Mewstar", and two, I can't do that. Grunkle Stan isn't here, and-" ( The world flashes white before coming back into color. Dipper is alone in a room in the Mystery Shack. ) "W-what? Wait, where's Mabel?"

Announcer's Voice: "You are alone. The only way to bring everyone back is to complete the dare! Have fun!"

Dipper: (Sighs) "Fine. I just have to get to the cashier." (Dipper walks to the cashier. Wendy is working.) "Oh! Wendy, have you seen Mabel? Or Stan?"

Wendy: "Nope. But hey, I'm glad you're here. I've gotta go. My family has our family reunion today, and I've gotta go say hello to the relatives. Can you watch the cashier for me?"

Dipper: (Sighs again) "Yeah, fine. Whatever."

Wendy: "Thanks, man." (Walks off)

Dipper: "Okay, let's see... nickel, quarter, five-dollar bill, twenty-dollar bill, one-hundred dollar bill?!? How badly can Grunkle Stan rip these people off? Ah, here we go. A penny!" ( Grunkle Stan enters. )

Grunkle Stan: "Hey kiddo. Have you seen-" ( Notices the penny ) "You're putting that back, right kid? RIGHT???"

Dipper: "Er, um..." (Puts the penny in his pocket) "The lepricorns stole it."

Grunkle Stan: "Why, you filthy little thief! I would fire you, but letting you stay is a better punishment!" (Charges at Dipper) "Get over here, you!" (Dipper runs away... obviously.)

Dipper: "I did it! I did it! Get me out of here! I'm done!"

Announcer's Voice: "I would, but your pain and distress is amusing to children everywhere! Like Mewstar, for example!"

Dipper: (Stares straight at you, Mewstar.) "I will find you." (Grunkle Stan wraps his arms around Dipper.)

Grunkle Stan: "Hahaha! Gotcha! Now I'll strip you to your underwear and make you dance on live television!"

Dipper: "Noooooooo!!!" ( The world flashes white, and Dipper returns to the Truth Or Dare room.) "No, please, don't do it!"

Mabel: "Haha, look who's back! It's bro-bro! You'll never guess who showed up while you were gone!" (Dipper turns to realize that the entire town of Gravity Falls is now connected to the Truth Or Dare room.)

McGuckit: "Doodleedaday! The world waits for more dares to roll in!"

Dipper: ( facepalms ) "Oh boy."

If your question/dare was not picked, please feel free to repeat it in the comments in this chapter or come up with a new one. Keep em' coming!

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