Pines Vs Cipher

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Bill: "Ha! Well, kids, I sense that someone is trying to save you. Pathetic!"

Dipper: "Come on, Internet guys! Make it good!"

Mabel: "We've gotta beat Bill!"

Bill: "Here we go!
gamerboss32 dares:
I dare Dipper to shoot the memory-blaster at Bill."

Dipper: "Oh yeah, that will work!"

Bill: "I don't think so, kid! You have to have a memory-blaster to shoot a memory-blaster! And you don't have one, and there's no way I'll let you go get it!"

Ford: (exits the Shack) "Dipper! I heard the dare, so... catch!"

*Ford throws the memory-blaster and Dipper... misses it.*

Bill: "Ha! Your athletic inability is hilarious!"

*The memory blaster lands near Dipper, luckily not broken.*

Stan: (also exits the Mystery Shack) "Hey, uh, I hate to intrude, but... I think you need all the help you can get!"

Bill: "That's for sure, oldie! Mwahahahaha!"

Ford: (tosses Stan some kind of ray gun, and keeps one for himself) "Hurry, you two! We'll distract him while you get the memory-blaster."

*Ford and Stan attack Bill. Dipper and Mabel run to get the memory-blaster.*

Mabel: "I got it!"

Bill: "I don't think so!"

*A shot from Ford's ray gun flies at Bill. Bill takes his hat off, so the shot misses. It flies at Mabel instead.*

Mabel: "Aaahhh!" (The shot hits her, and the memory-blaster flies out of her hand. Mabel falls to the ground.)

Bill: "Ha!" (catches the blaster) "You never had a chance, Pines!"

Soos: "Hey triangle dude! Over here!"

*Soos charges out of the Shack, holding Waddles high above his head. As Bill turns, Soos throws Waddles at him, knocking the blaster from Bill's hand. Waddles lands safely and squeals furiously at Bill*

Dipper: "Mabel, are you okay?"

Mabel: (laying on the ground) "Dipper... just beat Bill, okay?" (flinches in pain)

Dipper: "Don't worry, Mabel. We'll beat Bill." (turns back to Bill) "Okay, guys. Let's do this!"

*The memory-blaster flies into Dipper's ready hand. He points it straight at Bill."

Dipper: "Surrender, Bill. It's over."

Bill: (with a hint of panic in his voice) "Go ahead and shoot me, Pine Tree! Go ahead! See what happens!"

*Dipper fires, and a bolt comes out. It flies straight at Bill, hits him, and..."

Bill: "Ooh... oh... oh..." (blinks a few times) "Okay, I'm back. Ha! What did you expect, Pine Tree? That one little shot would make me forget everything? Ha! It's all over, Pines. In mere hours my Mini-Ciphers will have charged up enough power to break reality. And the Internet won't save you. Heck, most of it sides with me anyway! You're doomed."

Dipper: (clenches his fist.) "Bill... Bill, I only have one thing left to say. I'm done fighting you." (holds out hand) "Let's make a deal."

HonestMongoose: "Almighty Lord Cipher is the master dealer. It is time to make a deal. You may leave dares about deals or anything else, but know this:

The day is done, and Bill has won.
The one-eyed beast prepares the victory feast.
Gravity... is... falling.

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