Bill Leaves And A Surprise Visitor Arrives

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Dipper: "I'm ready to make a deal, Bill."

Bill: "Ha. I knew you'd be ready eventually, Pine Tree. But you don't really get to do anything. Don't worry, you'll get your own deal... someday. But this is a deal for the people! Let's scroll the comments, shall we?"

*Bill's eye flashes white.*

Bill: "Must... obey...
@savvymoore097 dares:
Dipper, you must have a deal with Bill to become his servant if he stops and undoes everything."

Dipper: (frowning) "If that's the price, then..."

Bill: "Ha! No way. Pine Tree is completely useless now. I'm about to destroy reality, here! My mini-Bills have almost completed the orb!"

*The mini-Bills continue to focus and a massive black dome grows, nearly complete*

HonestMongoose: "Bill, my lord, I'm sorry. But the Internet laws bind me..."

*Bill goes stiff and holds a hand out to Dipper. Dipper takes it, and blue flame erupts everywhere. There's a flash of blue light, and the mini-Bills are gone, along with the Cipher Dome. Dipper has also disappeared.*

Bill: "Noooo!!! This Internet is proving to be much more meddlesome than I anticipated. And these stupid Internet laws! They've ruined everything. And you rebels, you may have win for now, but on the day that I find you, do not expect mercy! In fact, how about I make an example out of... gamerboss32!"

Gamerboss: (appears next to the Pines) "Wait, what? How is this happening? I was just reading, and now-"

Bill: "Yes, yes, you're stuck in a made-up story. Irritating, isn't it? I feel you, kid. But that's what happens to those who stand in my way!"

*There's another flash of light, and Bill disappears, laughing.*

Mabel: "No! He took Dipper as his slave! We've got to go after him!"

Ford: "No, it's too dangerous! Anyway, there's another problem at hand..."

Gamerboss: "I'm dreaming! I have to wake up! This is all pretend!"

Stan: (slaps Gamerboss in the face) "Did that feel pretend, kiddo? Listen, you just cost me a twin, and you're gonna pay-"

Ford: "Please, Stanley. None of this is Gamerboss' fault. He helped us by leaving dares, remember?"

Stan: "Yeah, yeah. I guess..."

Gamerboss: "Wait, so I'm actually stuck in Gravity Falls? This is amazing! And horrible! And- holy cow, I've got so many questions! So, Ford, when you were stuck in the other dimension, did you-"

Ford: "Wait, how did you know I was stuck in another dimension? Stan, did you blab about it?"

Gamerboss: "No no, it's just in an episode- er, on TV- never mind, actually. It's a long story."

HonestMongoose: "Greetings, everyone. And welcome, Gamerboss. I seem to have recovered a bit from my Bill craze. And I think there's only one thing we can do."

Mabel: "I agree! Let's go get Dipper!"

HonestMongoose: "Um, actually, no. We must wait for more dares."

Stan: "That's pointless! We need to rescue-"

HonestMongoose: "Actually, Dipper was already Bill's slave in an earlier dare. He was fine. Anyway, we have some new dare rules.
1: Your dares can include Dipper, although they probably won't work.
2: If you want Gamerboss to be in a dare, just ask him for permission in the comments or on his profile. Don't worry- I gave him a phone with Wattpad on it, so he can still comment and write.
3: Try to keep Bill out of the dares. First of all, he's recovering from that assault on reality, and second, I want some variety."

Mabel: "So we're just going to sit here and do more dares while Dipper suffers?"

HonestMongoose: "Yup. Anyway, we have a newbie-" (Gamerboss pales) "-So there's fresh pain and embarrassment."

Make sure to remember the rules above, and dare away! Don't worry, we'll save Dipper eventually. Probably.

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