Stan & Stan Live

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HonestMongoose: "Well, it's been awhile, folks. But gamerboss32 and the Gravity Falls gang can't just hide forever! So here we go:
- dares (yes, their name really is -), I dare Stan and Ford to make a show about being irresponsible."

*Stan gasps as dramatic music begins to play.*

Stan: "My entire life has led up to this moment! I'll be rich! I have so much irresponsible-ness, you won't believe it! Count me in!"

Ford: "Well, normally, I'd disagree to do such a foolish, childish activity, but I've studied Truth Or Dare, and I don't have a choice."

HonestMongoose: (nods in agreement) "No. No you don't."

*Please wait while the Grunkles prepare for their show.*

*Lights begin flashing and music plays as the audience views a fancy room. Grunkle Stan walks in, and everyone breaks into applause.*

Stan: "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Stan And Stan Live, my TV show!"

*Ford enters, clearing his throat.*

Ford: Don't you mean our show?"

Stan: "Oh yeah, I guess you're here too. But anyway, let's just roll the clip!"

AnnouncerMongoose: "Stanley Pines, a cash-seeking man who spends his days cheating old people out of their money."

*Stan twirls around in his fancy suit and flashes a smile.*

AnnouncerMongoose: "Stanford Pines, a man who flees from any human contact and has a plate in his brain."

*Ford notices the camera and shoots it with a laser gun.*

AnnouncerMongoose: "Together, they're two grumpy old men with basically no lives! And they're here to teach you how to be completely irresponsible."

*Crowd cheers as the twins, now live, wave.*

Stan: "Now, now, ladies. Please, calm yourselves. We need to get this show underway."

Ford: "Yes, Stanley, why don't you start with telling us how to ruin your brother's life?"

Stan: "Hey, let's not forget who built a giant evil portal because a triangular demon told him to!"

*The Grunkles glare at each other when suddenly, Mabel presses her face into the window, having floated up with balloons.*

Mabel: "And I'm Mabel, a girl seeking love who has terrible secrets!" (Turns her head dramatically) "Oh wait, am I late?"

*A helper closes the window.*

Stan: "Alright, folks. First off, I want to say that I hated my brother enough to knock him into a world of firey death. You're learning from a true master of irresponsibility, here."

Ford: "And I wrote all of my life's savings in flammable books, which I then hid in spots that can be found by twelve-year olds."

Stan: (Laughs) "How much dumber can you get?"

*Half an hour later*

Stan: "And so, I punched the small child, who I then used as a weapon against the proper authorities."

*Hearty applause begins, and some woman screams in joy before fainting.*

Ford: "Oh, just look at the time, folks! I think we're going to have to wrap it up here. So for tonight, I'm Ford-"

Stan: "And I'm Stan!"

Stan & Ford: "And goodnight from the most irresponsible people on the planet!"

HonestDirector: "And cut!"

Ford: "You know, Stanley, that was actually pretty fun."

Stan: "Maybe... even after this dare, you wanna keep the show going? I mean, uh, just for the cash?"

Ford: (Smiling) "I suppose..."

*The Grunkles have a moment of bonding before Stan frowns.*

Stan: "Wait a minute..." (turns to examine HonestDirector, AnnouncerMongoose, CameramanMongoose, HonestTechGuy and others.*

Stan: (Screaming with rage) "We've been overtaken! The mongooses are everywhere! Our show has been infiltrated! Arrrrgggghhhh!" (Throws a chair at the nearest person and dashes away.)

*Ford blinks a few times in silence, shrugs, and begins scribbling notes onto some paper.*


Bill: "It... it failed. My precious Weirdmegeddon... it failed..."

Dipper: "Your what?"

Bill: (ignoring Dipper) "I can't believe I lost to you stupid Pines! You ruin everything! Everything, I tell you! Your old IQ ruined my own world, and now..." (closes eye, trembling with rage)

Bill: "Okay, new plan. I've gotta prepare for the unicorn spell, the zodiac, and your stupid memory gun. C'mon, Pine Tree. We have a Cipher to avenge and some old friends to meet..."

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