Just a dimension away

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Grunkle Stan hardly noticed the absence of the kids. He was too focused on not leaving the basement, anxiously waiting for his brother's arrival.

Meanwhile, Star, Dipper, and Mabel all were on a mission. As Dipper and Mabel were about to enter the portal, the girl laid her eyes on her brother. He stared off into the swirling hole of the dark, black portal. To him, it didn't appear promising. To Mabel, however, it was just a tunnel with a light at the end, no matter how long that tunnel was.

Star had entered through the portal before them, so she was way ahead of them.

"It's for the good of our friend." Mabel muttered to Dipper.

Without saying a word, Dipper stepped into the portal before Mabel. Before following her brother, Mabel peered behind her back, beholding the kitchen she stood in. Utensils lay scattered on the ground where Star had left them.

Mabel kept her arms out in front of her, worried that she was going to bump into something inside the portal. She went at a slow pace when she walked, since her eyes felt useless to her in the darkness. Finally, after only about ten seconds, she could make out a light. As she reached the light, she met up with Dipper.

Dipper couldn't move. He was too busy taking in the scenery around him. The boy stood on oddly - shaped jagged rocks. The ground was rock - solid under his feet and the purple sky held dark clouds. There seemed to be no sunshine, giving off a gloomy feel that went up his spine.

Mabel took in everything at once. Pine trees and mountains took up the eerie dimension. She hadn't even noticed Star was way ahead of them now, running to the dark castle that stood on a high mountain. It loomed over them like a huge shadow.

Mabel smiled and faced Dipper. "How bad could this possibly be? Sure, it's a bit ominous on the outside, but the inside is probably the least unsettling thing about it."

Mabel then tried to catch up with Star, Dipper right at her heels.

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