Big Brother Stanley

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Christmas Eve everyone! Again...I already said that in the last chapter....but still....Happy Christmas Eve!

What if Ford and Stan weren't twims, but Stanley was 3-5 years younger than Ford? By: Lapi5_Lazuli

Dipper POV

I crash down to the ground. I rub my head and looked up at the portal. Then a figure came out. "W-Who is that?" I gasp. He was wearing these cool sifi clothes, googles, and a hood. "It's the author of the journals. My brother." Grunkle Stan reply. Then the man removes his hood and googles and there he was. They did look similar, Grunkle Stan and the brother. The brother was younger by a few years with gray in his brown hair.

I was just in shock. The author was Grunkle Stan's brother!

Soos passed out and that brought my senses back. I shook my head, "This is crazy."

Then the brother came up to Grunkle Stan. "Finally! You're here! After all the hard work! Brother!" Stan cheered with open arms. Then the brother threw down a punch down at him. Grunkle Stan stumbles back and cried out, "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Out of all the things Stan, this is the most outrageous thing you have ever done! You are fool!" The brother shouted.

"What?" Stan questioned. "No you should be thanking me!"

"Thanking you? After what you've done 30 years ago!"

"Why you ungrateful person..."

Then Grunkle Stan lung at his brother. The brother dough Grunkle Stan's attacked and then quickly pining him down to the ground. I was speechless about the whole thing and I couldn't say or do anything but Mabel did something. She took a step forward, "Whoa hey! Mabel here! I just want to know....what the heck is going on here!"

The brother go up, "Stan you didn't tell me that there was children down here."

Then Stan got up, "They're your family! They're shermy's grandkids."

The brother was shock, "I have a great niece and nephew. Wow." Then he went up to Mabel and shook her hand, "Greetings!...Do they even stay that now? I haven't been here for a really long time." Mabel chuckles, "Whoa a six finger hand shake. It's one finger friendlier!"

The brother chuckle, "I like this kid! She's weird."

I could feel my knees going weak. "I-I-I can't believe it...Y-You're the author of the journals."

"You've read my journals?" The brother questioned.

"I-I haven't just read them! I-I lived them! I've been waiting for this for a long time...t-to meet you. I-I don't know what to say! I-I got lots of questions and...and..." I then started to breathe heavily and I got this gut feeling. "I think I'm going to throw up!"

Mabel came up to me to help me out.

The brother face Stan, "We can do introductions latter but first...Tell me Stan is the security breach? Does anyone else know about this portal?"

"No, just us...also maybe the entire US government." Stan reply.

"What!" Then he looked out of the window and looked at the camera thing. Then he growled, "Gee you think the older siblings would be smarter." Then he faces all of us, "Alright, we got a while before they find this room. We just need to lay low and think of a plan." Then he started to pace around.

Mabel clap her hands, "Alright then, since we are stuck here for a while...who wants to tell us their entire back story?"

"Yes I have some questioned too Stanley." The brother added.

"Stanly?" Both me and Mable questioned. "But I thought your name is Stanford?" Mabel added. "You took my name! What have you been doing all these years!?"

"Yeah Grunkle Stan, no more lies! You owe us some answers here. What is the deal with this portal? Why did you keep it a secret?" I questioned. "Yeah Grunkle Stan, and...what happened to you and your brother?" Mabel added.

Then Soos came up, "I'm hoping this goes with my fanfic, Stan. Otherwise I would be very disappointed."

We all then started to gather around Stan. "Alright alight! I'll explain everything. It all started a life time ago.....The year was 1960 something in Shard Glass Beach New Jersey. I lived with my Ma and Pa in a life pain district of the family pawn shop. Dad was a strict man and hard to impress him. Mom was a pathological liar which serves her well as a bone sidekick. Then there was my nerdy younger brother, by three years, Stanford Pines. As if his abnormal high IQ at such a young age wasn't strange enough he also had this rare birth defect, 6 fingers on each hand. This basically explained his obsession with Sifi mystery weirdness. As for me, the older brother, I had personality and responsibility. But as different we were...we were the perfect team and every day we would wonder the beach looking for adventure...."

Flash Back in Stan's POV

Me and Ford walked in this cave. I was in the lead. "Are you sure about this Stan?" Ford questioned. "I'm sure of this! It's a cave and there must be treasure here." I reply. Ford smiled, "I like treasure."

"Not the candy one Ford. Real gold! You know like in those pirate movies."

"I-I knew that."

Then we went over and then we saw this boat, "Pirates!" Ford gasps. Then he grab my arm, "A-are they going to hurt us?" I laugh, "There's no pirates on that ship Ford. They've abandon ship and left it for us!" Ford smile, "really?"


Then we both drag the ship out of the cave to the beach. We started to paint it. "The Stan O'War!" I cheered. "This will be our ship Ford! We will sail across the 7 seas together!" Then suddenly this rock came and hit Ford at the back of his head, "Ow!" I glare up and I saw bullies laughing. "Hey! Leave my brother alone!"

"Shut you ugly." He growled. I got up on my feet, "I'll show you who's ugly after I'm done with you!"

"Listen dweebs," Then he pointed at Ford, "You are a six finger freak that is a wimp and you are just a dumber and sweater vision of him! You two will never have any friends!"

"I'll show you!" I growled, "You leave me and my little brother alone! Get lost! You are the ugly guy and you will not have any friends."

The bully came and then shoves me down to the sand. "I'm going to teach you a lesson Fishley!"

"You leave him alone!" Ford cried out throwing small and weak hits on his arm. He shoves Ford down to the ground. "Grab him." He ordered and his friends grab Ford. Ford screamed out. "I said leave him alone!" I shouted as I threw down a hard punch at his face. He stumbles back with a bloody noise. I then tackle his friends that held Ford. All of us, including Ford, fell to the ground. Then I was pulled off. A hard hit came down and hit me in the gut. Then another blow to the face. I fell to the sandy ground.

"Stan! Stan!" Ford cried out, "Leave him alone!"

"Shut up you six finger freak!"

Then they threw down a hit down at Ford. He fell to the ground. Then they stop beating us, "Next time freaks I'll make it worse." Then they left.

I had a bloody noise, lip, and I ach. I crawled over to Ford who was crying with a bloody lip. I hug him, "It's alright Ford, they're gone. Hey...don't listen to them on what they said alright. Your six fingers are amazing and you aren't a freak alright. Don't worry Ford, you got me and I'll always be here for you."

"You promise?" Ford sniffled.

"I promise." I then raise my hand, "High 6?" Ford smiled, "High 6." Then we high 6.

(Flash back over)

Dipper POV

"Those where the good old day. Those bullies were right about us not having any friends but you only need one true friend or sibling. Ford's brain seems to impress everyone each year while me I was pretty good with my life of protecting my younger brother and the sports did well for me. Also our project with our ship to sail around the 7 seas." Grunkle Stan continues, "Sure I got my sure of trouble but when your brother is the smartest kid around, you can get away with education. Even though he was three years younger than me but he does my homework easily. I graduated with As and Bs and planning to stay for three years at home so Ford could finish school and for us to go on the seas. Till one day....

(Another Flash back in Stan's POV)

I was at home watching over my baby brother. Then Ford came, "Stan! Stan!" I looked up, "yes? What is it?" Then Ford handed me this paper and it was this pamphlet of this fancy college. "Stan I had the chance to go to this college! They were impressed of my science project and so the college is coming to check it out. Stan...there is a chance I get go to this school Stanley! My dream school!"

I looked at the pamphlet, "Well, what about...what about our plans for traveling the sea?"

Ford sigh sadly, "Stan I know you've been waiting for me to get out of high school so we can travel but...Stanley but this has always been my dreams!" Then he sat by me, "Look if the college doesn't except me then we can travel the seas when I graduated alright."

I nod my head, "Alright."

Then he pats me on the back and then left. I look at the pamphlet and crush it in my hands.

That night I went over to the school to see Ford's project. I wanted to see how good it was or bad. To know if there was a chance that I'm going to lose my brother. Then I saw it at the table. It was good. I threw down my bag and growled at the machine, "This is all your fault!" I then hit the table and the machine just stop and started to smoke. Then this vent thing fell to the ground. "No! No!" I then pick up the vent then and then place it back where it was and screw it in with my nails. "There....good as new." Then the machine started to work again. I then looked around, "Better get out of here."

I left and then went home. The next night Ford came home while I was watching T.V. "Hey bro, what's up? How did that college thing went?" He came up to me. "Did it go that bad?" He threw a bag at me, "Really Stanley! How could you! After all that we've been through! You came and ruin my machine and I didn't get into the college! You knew it was my dream to go!"

I stood up, "Ford I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Yes you do! You ruin my machine because you want to travel. Why are you so selfish! Did you really think traveling the world would work? Make us money? NO! The college that I was meant to go would have made me rich! You ruin me!" Ford shouted at me and shoves me down to the couch.

"Why you..." Then I was grabbed by the shirt and was yank by my dad. "You did what!"

"Stanley?" Mom questioned as Shermy cried in her arms.


"He destroyed my machine!" Ford shouted.

"You waste full being! You coast us millions!" Dad shouted. Then he shoves me outside, "I should have kicked you out three years ago. You should have gotten a job instead of staying here waiting for failure. Stanford was our way to rich glory. I do not want to see you face till you get us the money back." Then he threw a bag at me.

Then he closes the door. I looked up and there was Ford. "Ford! Please you got to believe me! I-I didn't mean to! It was an accident! Please!" I then raise my hand, "High 6?" Ford looks at me, with tears in his eyes. He just looks away and closes the curtains. "Ford...Stanford!" I tighten my fists, "Fine! I'll prove to you I'm something! I'll get the money! I'll be back! I'll be back!" I then got to my car and drove away.

(End of flash back)

Dipper POV

"It was the dumbest mistake I have ever made. I had no brothers, no home, no nothing..but I have a plan to fix everything." Grunkle Stan continues.

"This is crazy." Mabel gaps, "The story is so sad. It shouldn't be like this between brothers! I know what you two hug it out!"

Nothing out of the brothers. They look away.

"Hug it out! Come on! Hug 2,000! Hug 3.0! Hug machine!"

"Kid would you knock it off!" Grunkle Stan snaps, "I'm trying to tell my life story! I have decided I wasn't going to show my face at home until I prove that I could make of something of myself. Unfortunately the treasure hunting things wasn't going to tell. Apparently gold is this rare metal. Luckily I struck to a different kind of sales. I have made my mark...unfortunately the dye used to make the shams made things worse. They weren't crazy for that. Luckily they were chasing me with Stan's pitchforks. I was band from New Jersey but with a quick name change, Steve Pineiton was ready to take on Pennsylvania. That didn't work. I travel across the country sometimes out of it but I was one step ahead of the law looking for something that would be my big break."

Mabel gasps, "Oh so that is with all the fake IDs"

"What about you?" I questioned Ford.

Ford nod, "I went to Backupsmore. In the place like that I have to work twice as hard. Luckily that is what I do best. I went to undergrad to PHD three years ahead of schedule and I got this huge cheek for scientific research but what to study. My whole life I've been tease about my 6 fingers but that got me thinking about anomalousies. Things that were odd, unusual, and uncording to my investigation there was one place with a higher consideration of these things anywhere else. A small town in Oregon...Gravity Falls."

"For me, your old Grunkle Stan was doing great. I came up with a sophisticated new business strategy. I was in great shape on living on my own. The best part was that I didn't need help from no one." Grunkle Stan reply.

"Sure, whatever you think." Ford grumble. Then Ford shook his head and continues, "I was heading out on my own also. I used my grant money to start investigating the properties of this town but what would I find? Bingo, I then started to investigate. I knew I had to record my research so I decided to keep a journal"

I scream out, "The journals!"

Then everyone looks at me. I clear my throat, "Sorry...just got excited...about the journals...sorry...continue."

There was still silent. I rolled my eyes, "Come on if you said something about pigs or sweaters or glitter Mabel will scream." I folded my arms, "It's the same thing."

"Alright..." Ford questioned. Then he clears his throat, "It was fascinated. The more I look the more I saw. It was finally at a place where I felt at home, both something nagged at me. Where did it all come from? It seems to me the answer must lie outside of our world, a dimension of weirdness leaking into ours. I realize the only way to understand Gravity Falls would be to build a gateway, a portal, to the source of its weirdness. But I couldn't make it alone. I decided to call up my old college buddy Fiddleford Mcgucket. A young and brilliant mechanic who's wasting his talent trying to make personal computers in some garage in Paliwato. Many long nights were spent perfecting the machine. It would be the crowning achievement of my studies, an answer to the source of this town's anomalies. Time has come to test it. It ended up badly. I was in over my head and feared that I was going crazy, and I needed find someone that I could trust. So I called up my older brother."

(Flash back in Ford's POV)

Then there was a knock on the door. I grab a cross boy and I open it, "who is it? Have you come to steal my eyes!" I screamed out as I pulled out my cross bow. I didn't know if it was my brother or not, better to be safe than sorry.

"Well I can always count you for a warm welcome" Stanley reply.

I sigh with relief as I lower the cross bow, "Stanley did anyone follow you? Anyone at all?"

"Eh, hello to you too little brother." Stanley grumbles.

I grab him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him into the house. I then shine a light into his eyes, to make sure Bill wasn't in him. Stanley shoves me away, "Ah! Hey! What is this?"

I stepped away, "Sorry! I just had to make sure you weren't...Ah! It's nothing." I then shook it off and walked more into my house, "Ah come in, come in." We walked into the living space, or what at least what is supposed to be a living space but I use it as test most of my rooms here.

"Look are you going to explain what's going on here? You are acting like mom after her 10th cup of coffee." Stanley asks as he walked in the room.

"Listen, there isn't much time. I've made huge mistakes and I don't know who I can trust in anymore." I reply walking towards him with my journal one and some papers in my hands. I then turn the skeleton's head to the side, so it wasn't looking at me.

"Hey, easy, let's talk this through okay? Like in the old days." Stanley reply, trying to comfort me. He grabs me by the shoulder.

I sigh, "I have something to show you. Something you won't believe."

"Look, I've been around the world okay. Whatever it is I'll understand."

I then took him to the basement. I then showed him the portal.

"There is nothing about this that I understand." Stanley gaps when I showed him the portal. "It's a transuniverseral gateway. A punch hole through a weak spot of our dimension. I created it to unlock the mysteries of the universe. But it could just as easy be hardest for the terrible destruction." I reply. Then I pulled out my journal number one. "That is why I shut it down and hide the journals which explains how to operate it." I then walked up to Stanley, "There is only one journal left and you are the only person I can trust to take it, my older brother, but things are competed and now he is a part of this mistake that I made." I reply as I hand Stanley the journal, "I have something to ask of you...remember our plans to sail around the world on a boat?"

Stanley looks at me and smiles and nod.

"Take the book, get on a boat, and sail as far away as you the edge of the earth. Burry it where no one could find it." I reply as I walked away.

Stanley growled, "That's it! You finally want to see me after 10 years and it is to tell me to get far away from you as possible!"

I turn around sharply, "Stanley you don't understand what we are up against!! What I been through!"

"No, no, you don't understand what I've been through. I've been in prison in three different counties, I once had to chew my way out of a trunk of a car, and you think you've got problems? I've got a mullet Stanford! Meanwhile, where have you been? Living it up in your fancy house in the wood, selfishly hording your college money because you only care about yourself!"

I glare at him, "I'm selfish? I'm selfish, Stanley! How could you say that after coasting me my dream school! I'm giving you a chance to do the first worthwhile thing in your life and you wouldn't even listen!" I snap backing away from Stanley.

"Well listen to this, who want me to get rid of this book? Fine! I'll get rid of it right now!" Stanley snaps out pulling out a lighter and flip it open and the flame grew.

"NO!" I cried out and lung to Stanley and I was the only one that grab it.

"You don't understand! Of course you never understand!" I cried out as I was wrestling the book with Stanley.

"You said you wanted me to have it so I'll do what I want to do with it!" Stanley snaps as he jerk away from me and threw the book over the flame.

"My research!" I cried out. Then I tackle Stanley. Stanley dropped the book and the lighter. I then got up to my feet but Stanley tripped me, Stanley then grabs the book and started to run out the door. "Stanley!" I cried out as I tackle him, "Give it back!"

We went through the door into the control room. We started to fight with each other. Banging around, starting up the machine. "You want it back?" Stanley taunts, "You have to try harder than that!" Stanley shoves me to the ground. Then the machine started to turn on.

"You left me behind you jerk!" Stanley cried out as we were wrestling with the book. "It was supposed to be us forever! You ruin my life!" Stanley continues. "You ruin your own life!" I snap. I then kick Stanley. Stanley flew back and he screamed as he hit the symbol on the side of the desk.

"Stanley! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I gasp as I got to my feet. "Are you..." Then Stanley jerks up and hit me on the face. I tumble to the ground over the lever. The machine spark with life. I got up to my feet.

"Some little brother you turn out to be. You came over about your dumb mysteries and your family. Well then you can have it!" Then Stanley shoves me with the book in my hand. I passed the line and I started to fly up in the air towards the opening.

"Woah hey! What's going on! Hey! Stanford!" Stanley cried out.

Stanley came after me.

"Stanley! Help me!"

"Oh no! What do I do?" Stanley asks.

"Stanley! Stanley do something!" I cried out as I threw my book towards them as the portal started to suck me in. "Stanley! Stanley!" Then I went through the portal.

(End of Flash back)

Dipper POV

"I lost him," Grunkle Stan continue, "I didn't know if he was dead or alive in some distance galaxy but I knew his journal must have the answer in getting him back....somehow. I didn't get much sleep that night or the night after that. I tried for weeks to turn that dumb machine on but without the other 2 journals. It was hopeless. Finally I ran out of food. I had no choice to go into town....I came up with a plan. I have to save my brother's house and I needed to pay his mortgage somehow. So I change his house to a tourist attraction. For the first time in forever, people were enjoying in what I was selling. In so the murder hut was born! Later renamed as the Mystery Shack. Finally I found something that I was good at. Finally being a liar and a cheater paid off. The old me was dead and I faked a car crash to prove it. By day I was Stanford Pines, Mr. Mystery but by night I was down in the basement trying to bring the real Stanford back. I couldn't risk anyone knowing the truth that could sabotage all that I've been working for. So I lied to everyone. The town, my family, your parents, and even you kids."

I sigh, "So all this time you were just trying to save your younger brother. Grunkle Stan...I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you."

"It's alright kid...I wouldn't believe me either." Grunkle Stan reply.

"I hear voices!" Someone called out, "There is a secret room!"

"Oh no the agents!" Mabel gasps.

"Man I totally forgot about those guys." Soos reply.

"Forgot..." I wonder, "That's it!" I then pulled out the memory easer. "Where did you get that?" Ford questioned. "We ran into the Blind Eye society and they had this memory easer." I quickly explained.

Great Uncle Ford took the memory easer, "This could work. I just need a frequency." Then he went over to some controls and started to mess with wires. "There...Now everyone get down!" Ford ordered, "And cover your ears!" We all did so and this hit. I felt the energy of it.

"Alright, I got an idea. Give me some papers." Ford ordered. "Here you go!" Mabel smiled. Then she hands him some paper, but I saw that they were some draws that she drew.

Then Ford went up and he talk to the agents. He was amazing.

I wanted to know about more about him but Grunkle Stan sent me and Mabel to bed before I could say anything. It was very disappointing.

Grunkle Stan POV

I stood by the mirror with Ford. "Look at you, old man." Ford chuckle, "I'm the old man? You are the old man here. Look how much white you have."

"What about your grays."

"They're not white and I still have my brown hair. At least I'm not the one that looks like dad."

"Argh!" I shove Ford, "Don't say that!" we both laugh. Then Ford sighs, "Look Stan, after this is over...we can't see each other. You can stay here for the rest of the summer to watch over the kids but after that I want my name, my house, and my life back."

I grinded my teeth, "You aren't really grateful what I've done for you."

"Stan, are my older brother and you did helped me yes but I'm old enough to do things on my own. I don't need my older brother hovering over my shoulder! Now what you've done made this even more as a mess. Look, I'll handle things down in the basement to try to contain it all that you cause."


"Stan just do what I'm asking you. For once you can listen to the younger brother for once in your life? Look you are older yes but I'm smarter if we think about this. What is going to happen I need to contain it and you just need to watch over those kids alright? It is the best thing you can do right now. Do you understand?"

I sigh, "I understand but get this...once this is all over...I want you to stay away from those kids. Got that!"

Ford nod, "Of course, my work is too dangerous for kids anyways."

Then Ford went off. I grinded my teeth. I got my brother back, physically but not mentally. I wish my old little brother was back. The one that I protected, loved, and will do anything for him. Maybe that little brother can come back. Who knows?

So I hope you like that. I wish you all a merry Christmas! Leave me another What If and i'll try my best. Thank you and merry Christmas!

Hardy Twister

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