Dark Life Part 2

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Happy Christmas Eve! Yay!

A part two of Dark life By: TheDarkMarty

Dipper POV

My name is Dipper Pines. I've been living with Bill Cipher for a year, well almost a year and a half now but who's counting? I'm 14 years old, almost 15 now. I'm here with my twin sister Mabel, my Grunkle Stan and Ford, Fiddleford, Robbie, Gideon, Wendy, Soos, and Pacifica. We are the 10 of the Cipher Wheel. We, with all 10 of us together, can open a portal to other worlds. We do this for Bill Cipher, our amazing master. He is working on making the world a better place. A lot of people say he is ruining things but really he is making things better, it will only take some time and there is always going to be weak ones, but all in time...everything will be perfect.

How I got here, well to make things short is that my parents sold me to Bill. Then Ford and Stan took my sister. Then Ford and his group with my sister came here where me, Robbie, Gideon and Pacifica was. Then they came, Ford and his group, to come and take me. Luckily Bill is very persuasive and they change their minds and now here with me and the others.

Everything was perfect until.....

I was running down the halls again. Mabel was close to me with a fireball ready for the tag. I play these game lots of time and it never gets old. There is so many things that happened that could happen in the game, since there is no rules but only tag someone with a fireball...anything could happen.

I then turn around and I was push straight to the wall with this force.


Those where always his tricks. Gideon is a shy and timid 12 year old boy with pale skin, white hair, and blue eyes. Gideon then took off running, knowing that his trap was set off.

Then a fire ball came and hit me to on the side, "Your it Dip!" Mabel laugh as she ran pass me. I grumble as I got up to my feet. Then I started to run down the halls again, searching for someone.

Then I turn around this corner and saw Robbie. Robbie was this older one then us kids. He was about 17 with black hair pale skin and brown eyes. I then threw a fireball at him and he stumble back, "You're it Robbie!" I cheered as I ran down the hallway.

As I went around this corner I crash into Pacifica. Pacifica was this 14 year old sparky girl with short blond hair. She smiled as she pulled me to the side, "Hey Dip." I smiled, "Have you been it yet?"

She shook her head, "Nope! I could tell you."

I shrug, "It doesn't matter."

Then Mabel came around the corner, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." We both reply. Then Mabel gave that face....not that face. "Humm" I shove Mabel, "Knock it off."

Then a sound came, "Oh no look you is coming back!" Mabel snickered. Then Mabel shoved both of us to the ground and took off running laughing. "Mabel!" I shouted. Then Robbie came around the corner and formed a fireball in his hands.

"Not a chance!" Pacifica sneer as she waves her hand. Then Robbie shot right down the hall. Then Pacifica grabs my hand and we ran down the hallway.

Mabel POV

I ran laughing at my brother and dear friend. I ran down the hall then my vision started to get blurry. I stop and I caught myself by the wall. My vision went blurry then this image appeared.

I was sitting down on this fallen tree with Ford sitting by me. I looked up at him, "What will Bill do if he had all of the 10?" Ford sighs, "He will us the 10 to open the portals to other worlds and he will destroy them. Like how he destroyed this one."

"You mean take full control over them." I added.

Ford nods his head, "Yes."

I shook my head, "We can't let that happened. That is why we need to get Dipper out of there as fast as we can."

Then my vison went blurry.

I fell to my knees as my vision started to clear up again. I shook my head, "Holly sparkle...What was that?" I questioned out loud.

Dipper and Pacifica came around the corner, "Mabel, what's the matter? Ran out of breath?" Dipper asks. I shook my head, "No not that..."

"Then what is it?" Pacifica asks as she grabs my shoulder. I shook my head, "I-I don't know."

Then a fireball flew over our heads crashing to the wall with a huge blast.

"Oh shoot!" Dipper growled. Then he grabs Pacifica and mine hand and we started to run away from Robbie. Luckily he doesn't aim very well. Another fire ball went over my head.

We went around a corner and we crash into someone. We all fall to the ground. I raise my head, "Grunkle Ford!" Ford raises his head, rubbing it, "What are you kids doing? You aren't playing tag are you?"

Then Robbie came around the corner, "Haha! Got you...Oh...Ford!" Robbie reply. Ford shook his head, "Oh you kids."

"Sorry Ford." Dipper replies as he got to his feet.

Ford got to his head, "It doesn't matter, go along and be careful." Dipper chuckle, "We'll try." Then he helped Pacifica up to her feet. I got on my feet on my own. Dipper, Pacifica, and Robbie ran off.

"Mabel?" Ford questioned.

I rub my arm, "Grunkle Ford...there is something I want to talk to you about."

"About what?" Ford questioned, getting down on one knee to be closer to me.

"Well...as I was running around...I got...I got this vision. Not like that visions that you see of the future, something else...like a memory that I don't recall." I explained.

"Please explain what happened."

"Well I was talking to you, and we were outside together on this fallen tree. We were talking about...talking about how Bill was...evil." I quietly explained.

Ford was surprise about this, "Bill...evil? Is this a joke?"

"The vision did happened." I reply.

Ford nod his head, "Well to be frank with you Mabel, something happened to me a day ago....yes a day...Well I was walking around and then this vision came up. I was outside, looking a bit younger with Stanley. We were talking also...about how this world is destroyed and we needed to find the 10 to save it...before Bill did. Like if Bill got all the 10 then the world would be destroyed....and many more."

"Ford what could this mean?" I questioned.

Ford scratch his head, "I don't know Mabel, I'll figure it out but for now....keep it between you and me alright."

I nod my head. Ford patted me on the back, "now go and play." I nod as I ran off and started to play with my friends.

In the afternoon we were all join together. Bill was circling around us, "Alright my young ones, it is time to open a new portal to another world to improve it!" Everyone smiled. I gave a small smile. The vision was bugging me. I don't know what it means but it was still blinding my train of thought. What could that vision mean?

Bill claps his hands, "Shooting Star!"

I raise my head, "yes?"

"Weren't you listening?" Bill snaps.

"Sorry...just lost in thought." I reply shamefully. I then walk to my spot in the circle. Bill just rolls his eye, "Girls." Then he moved out of the center of the circle, "Alright! Open it up!"

I close my eyes, searching my magic life line. Then I found it. I then raise my hands and let the energy flow through. Then I open my eyes and there it was. The portal, it started to form. Then within seconds the portal was completely opened.

Bill, if he had a mouth, smiled. Then he claps his hands, "Alright, all of you! In to the portal we go!" Then many demons came around from the halls and then storm into the portal. Bill walked around the portal holding a crystal ball. He then raises the ball and the portal started to go into it. Then soon the whole portal was in the ball.

I collapse to my knees. It does take a lot of energy to open portals about every week.

"Great job everyone! One world that we just save!" Bill cheered.

Everyone gave soft chuckles.

"Now get some rest...and no more fire tag." Bill said that last part with a sneer. We all gave a small smile, for all we know is that all of the kids are going to break the rule by the morning.

I did go to bed gratefully that I can to sleep now after.

I was in darkness. Voices were everywhere.

"Bill is going to destroy everything!"

"You're lying! Ford is going to destroy everything!"

"Bill is going to use the 10 to open other portals to other worlds and is going to destroy them!"

"Bill is the greatest person ever! I will never leave him!"

"He took Dipper, we got to save him before it is too late."

"What has Bill done to Dipper?"


"We will never sell you Dipper. Never! You are our family and we never sell our family, even it means food and supply....never."

"Your son is one of the 10!"

"You're Pine Tree."

"I knew it. If the son is one of the 10 then that means that the sibling must be part of the 10. You are the Shooting Star."

"Why are you here Mabel?"

"I'm one of the 10."

"Great! Then Bill can teach you! He can teach you magic and much more!"

"This is what I'm born to do."

"What are you doing with him? I thought you were with Mom and Dad, living your better lives?"

"They're trying to take Dipper away!"

"Well, well look who we have here! Sixer!"

"Stay away from my kids!"

"It's a deal."

"You just sold your family! How could you do that! You just sold Dipper to death!"

"Oh right....well...you think about it after you're long sleep. When you wake up....you will change your mind....all of you.....and the world...no...all of the worlds...will be mine and all of you are going to help me."


I then shot right awake panting. I looked around, Pacifica shifted in her bed. I shook my head. Now my mind was really messed up. What was that dream? What did it mean? I just shook my head and fell back asleep with no dream this time.

Dipper POV

I was in the breakfast hall. Then Mabel came in, she seemed really tired. "Mabel? Mabel are you alright?" I question. Mabel nod her head, "yeah, just hard time sleeping."

"Then you should talk to Bill then." Pacifica who was sitting next to me. Pacifica took a large bit out of her cereal, "He can help you. He is a dream demon after all."

Mabel nods her head, "hey I'm going to get some food." Then Mabel left.

I sigh. Pacifica swallowed her food, "What's wrong Dip?" I sigh, "I just a bit worried about Mabel."

"Like I said Bill can help her. Don't worry about it." Then she kisses me on the cheek, "got to go, I got a session." Then she got up from her seat, "See you later." I smiled, "Later."

Then Mabel came and sat by me, "Where did Pacifica went off to?"

"She has a session." I reply biting into my toast. I then look at Mabel, "Are you sure you are alright?" Mabel sigh, "I don't know, it was a tough dream."

I nearly choke on my toast, "A dream?"

Dreams where a big deal around here. Bill controls dreams around here and Bill gives us good dreams so we can sleep well. A bad dream means that you are being punish.

"Dipper it isn't like that. I wasn't doing anything bad. This wasn't like any other dream. It's something different." Mabel explained.

"Wait! Your own dream!" I gasp.

"Sh! Can't you be even more louder?" Mabel hiss.

"Sorry." I reply, and then I whispered, "Your own dream?"

"Yes....I guess. I also have been having these weird visions." Mabel reply.

"About what?"

"I-I'm not supposed to tell."

"You told you that?"


"Ford! Mabel! I'm your twin brother! Don't listen to Ford and just listen to me, your brother. Tell me about these visions, don't care what Ford said. Tell me."

Mabel pauses for a moment. Then sighs, "Alright...Well I have been having visions about Bill being evil."

I drop my toast.

Mabel gave a soft chuckle, "I know weird. And the dream last night...there was some people speaking. Some I remember like how they were, some I remember parts of it, and others I don't remember at all...but they are all familiar like I heard them all before."

I swallowed.

"Dip? What's wrong? What does this mean?" Mabel asks.

I knew what exactly what this mean. Before Mabel came here, a year ago, with Ford, Stan, Fiddleford, Soos, and Wendy to come and take me away from Bill. They thought that he was evil and that he took over the world. I don't remember what Bill did for Ford hit me with this ray gun and I was knocked unconscious, but I do know that Bill did something for them to like him. It is just a way to have the 10 together.

Mabel grabs my arm, "Dipper talk to me!"

I shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts, "O, nothing...I...I got to go." I stood up. Mabel grips my arm, "Dipper!"

I shook away, "Sorry Mabel, but I...I got a session that I forgot that I had." I then went off.

Mabel POV

Something was up. I knew I shouldn't have told Dipper but it just happened. He pulled 'I'm your twin bother, you got to tell me everything because I'm family, your brother, your twin brother' card. It always gets to me.

Dipper knew something about it thought, I could tell from his face. He knew something about this, or something about it. Argh! Why won't he tell me? Or why did he have to play the brother card? Argh! Why can't things be simple? Curse on being a 14 year old girl and hormones! (I agree with you Mabel...so agree with you.)

I didn't feel like finishing my breakfast so I just got up and threw it away and then I went over to find Ford. Then I found him walking to the breakfast hall. "Ford, we need to talk."

"Good cause I need to talk to you also." Ford reply. He grabs my arm and we went around this corner, "I had this dream last night."

"Me too." I reply.

I then explain to him about the voices. Ford nods his head, "This is not good news. I'm afraid that our minds have been manipulated."

I raise my head, "Bill."

Dipper POV

I had to get to Bill. I had to tell him that the brain wash, mind trick...whatever is rubbing off and Mabel is remembering. Who knows about the others? I knew I wasn't brainwash, because I didn't need to brainwash to know that Bill is the greatest master in all worlds.

I went up to his office and knock on his door.


"Bill! It's me. Dipper...I mean Pine Tree." I reply.

The doors open, "Oh Pine Tree! Come in! Come in my boy!"

I enter the office. It was a nice and big office. Bill float up to me, "What is it Pine Tree?"

"We got some bad news. You know about a year ago Ma...I mean...Shooting Star, Crescent, Sixer, Glasses, Question Mark, and Ice bag came here to take me away. So you change their minds...well the other memories are coming back....the ones where they think that you are evil." I reply.

Bill pause for a moment, "This isn't good."

"What are we going to do?"

Bill gave a dark look, "Don't worry Pine Tree...they won't gain back their bad memories that easily. By tomorrow....they won't remember that they had them."

Mabel POV

Me, Ford, Stan, Fiddleford, Soos, and Wendy came together. Apparently we all have been having dreams and visions. Stan slam his fists on the desk, "Great so that demon did mess with our minds and took of over! This is just great."

"What are we going to do?" Wendy questioned.

"We are going to open one last portal, all of us together and this time....we are going to put Bill into it and save this world. Once Bill is inside that portal, a certain portal that we can open up, then everything will reset." Ford explained.

"What kind of portal is that?" Soos asks.

"It is a Reset Universe. What goes in...the world where it left will reset like he or she was never born." Fiddleford explained.

"Cool." Wendy nods her head.

"Luckily Bill doesn't know about us remembering." Stan reply.

I then gave a worried look. "Mabel..." Ford questioned, "Did you tell someone about your visions?"

I sigh, "Yes...Dipper."

Everyone groan, "This is just great."

"Well I'm sorry alright! He played the card and I couldn't say no. I've tried, trust me I've tried!" I reply.

"Its fine Mabel, don't worry about it too much alright." Ford reply, "Now that means we got to act fast."

"Don't we need to get the others to agree?" Wendy asks.

"I don't know...I think if most of us thinks of the Reset Universe then it should appear, Fiddleford?" Ford questioned.

Fiddleford thought for a moment, "I'm not sure but the chances are high. There is 6 out of 10 that would be thinking about that. 60% so maybe it might just work."

"I'm sure we can convince of the others." Stan pointed out.

"Not Dipper." I pointed out, "He trusts too much into Bill."

"Was he brain wash?" Soos questioned.

"No and no mind tricks either. It was all faith and loyalty." Ford reply.

"What about the others?" Wendy questioned.

"Pacifica is going to be tricky also. She is like Dipper." I pointed out.

"Alright Robbie." Wendy reply.

"I guess we can." Soos added, "He doesn't really think Bill is all that. So he will be easy to convince."

"Gideon?" Wendy questioned.

"He's scared and I'm not sure. He might be too scared to go against Bill. So maybe no. So Dipper and Pacifica are nos, Robbie and us yes, and Gideon maybe." I added up.

"So 70-80%, sounds good to me." Stan concluded.

"Of course to you Stanley." Ford growled.

Stan glared at Ford, "Shut up, I wasn't super smart like you in school. To me a 70 or 80 was good enough."

Ford sigh, "It would have to do this time though."

"Good, then we better hurry before Bill comes after us." Stan finished.

Then we talked about the plan on how we are going to do this. We were all going to meet in the portal room but first Soos is going to talk to Robbie to join our side in pushing Bill through the Reset Universe. Then I'm going to try Gideon. He's seems to be watching me a lot and I'm guessing he has a crush on me, so maybe he would listen to me. Ford and Stan will work on bring Pacifica and Dipper to the Portal room, while everyone else is going to try to bring Bill in.

I ran through the halls, trying to look for Gideon. Then he came around the corner, "Gideon!" I cried out. He seemed really startle when I call out to him. I ran up to him, "Gideon we need to talk."

"Um....sure...W-whatever for you M-Mabel." Gideon stuttered.

I gave a small smile, so had a crush on me. I grab his shoulder, "Look Gideon, there is something you need to know. I want you to help me do a favor for me." Gideon looks up on me. He then nod his head, "W-What do I need to do?"

"Gideon...." I then quickly explain everything, "Got that?" Gideon was still uncertain about it, "A-Are you s-sure?" I nod my head, "Of course. This is the only way to save everyone, me and you." I then kiss on him on the cheek, "We are trusting you to help....I'm trusting you."

Gideon nod his head fluster. I gave a small smile, "Great, now let's go to the portal room and save everyone."

Then we started to head to the portal room.

I entered there with Gideon.

"Dipper!" I gasp. Dipper was in there with Bill. They turn around and face us. I knew he would have told Bill and it happened so quickly. Then suddenly everyone else came through the other halls. "Bill!" Ford growled, "It's over."

Bill, if he had a mouth, smirk, "Oh it isn't over."

Then Bill then just pulled out a knife and then suddenly stabs Dipper.

"Dipper!" Both Me and Pacifica cried out.

Dipper gasps out in pain. Then Bill removed the knife and Dipper drop to the ground and tears ran down my cheeks, "You see Sixer, you need the 10 to stop me and I need the 10 to be ruler over all...well after Pine Tree told me about your memories coming back I had to think of a way to get what I want and you not getting what you want. So I talk to some head demons from the other universes and they said that they found another way to go to world to world. There are other wheels out there Sixer, other wheel that could open portals for me, luckily using Pine Tree's last living blood and you 9 can open one more portal and that is for me to go to the other wheel."

"Not a chance!" Ford shouted as then he pulled out his ray gun and shot the knife out of Bill hand, "Now Fiddleford!" Fiddleford then pulled out this weird looking gun and shot Bill. Bill stumbles back into the circle and just froze.

"Spots now! That won't hold him for long!" Ford ordered, "Stanley grab the knife!"

I then ran to my Shooting Star spot, tears ran down my face and mix emotions bubble through my body. I was mad at Bill...no...furious at Bill for stabbing Dipper. Heartbroken that Dipper is just lying on the ground, bleeding to death.

Stan races to the knife and then ran to Pine Tree's spot and smears the blood over the Pine Tree and place the knife in the spot. Then he ran into his spot, which was just right next to Pine Tree's spot.

"Quick, open the Reset Universe!" Ford ordered.

I close my eyes and then brought my magic out. I then open my eyes and the portal started to open, "This is for Dipper!"

Bill then broke from his frozen state but it was too late for him. He was too close to the portal and it started to suck in him.

"You can't do this to me! All my hard work!" Bill cried out. Then he glares at me, "Well, if I'm going down and being erase from this world....so will one of you!" Then Bill stretch out his arm and grab me by the leg. I fell to the ground and he started to bring me in. "Let go you evil chip! Let me go!" I screamed and I tried kicking his hand but he had a strong grip.

"Close the portal!" Stan called out.

"No not yet! Not until Bill is in!" Ford snaps.

"Are you crazy! He is going to drag Mabel out to not being born!"

"We only have one shot at this Stanley! Dipper is dead and on his symbol is the last living blood of him! This is the last portal! Bill has to go in! Just wait for the right time!"

"Hang on Mabel! Don't go in!"

I was clawing at the ground. I then looked up and I could see Dipper, lying on the ground in his own puddle of blood. There was lots of blood. Dipper was lying still and pale. Dipper was gone.

"Portal is destabilizing!" Fiddleford reported.

"Mabel left her spot so the portal is shutting down. There isn't much time!" Stan gasps.

"Just one more second!" Ford reply.

"For what!"

"Mabel let go! Trust me! Let go!"

I close my eyes, tears where still streaming down at me face and even more came as I just saw my dead brother. I then just let go of the ground and both me and Bill flew in the air towards the portal.

"I'll be back and when I do....you will regret doing this to me!" Bill screamed. Then he entered the portal, still having the grip on my leg. Then I felt the cold and inky blackness run up to my leg. Then suddenly the portal just shut down and I felt a shearing pain at my leg. I screamed out as I fell to the ground.

Ford, Stan, Soos, Wendy, and Fiddleford came running towards me. Gideon slowly, shyly, and worriedly walked up to me. Robbie stayed behind. Pacifica ran to Dipper.

Ford raps his arms around, "It's all right, Mabel, everything will be fine. In a minuet the whole world will be reset and Bill was never created. You will have your leg and Dipper will not be dead. You did well Mabel."

"Wait...that means we never have met." Wendy pointed out.

Ford nods his head, "Yes, we all wouldn't have met. I wouldn't have built the portal; I will still be lost in the supernatural world and trying to figure it out. Stanley will still be living off in the streets. Fiddleford will be living with his alive family. Soos would still be the savior of the town that he helps. Wendy would still live with her family, growing up as a normal teen. You get the picture."

Stan looks at Ford, "We would never be friends again. You will still hate me."

Ford nods his head sadly. "Yes."

"What year would we go?" Wendy questioned.

"Today but everything that Bill has done is gone and replace with memories that happened but not really." Fiddleford reply.

By this time I've stop crying about the pain of my missing leg and I just sniffled as tears still ran down my face. All the friends I have made will be gone. I looked up at Dipper and Pacifica. Dipper was lying dead in Pacifica's arms. Pacifica was crying for she knew that they would never have meet. Pacifica then kissed Dipper, on the lips this time, for this was going to be their last kiss and they won't even remember.

Gideon then came up to me and kneeled down. He handed me a small flower. It was alive and beautiful. For the last 2 years I haven't seen flowers and there is was. He handed it to me and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled, "Thanks Gideon." Gideon gave a wide smile too.

Then there was a flash above us and there was this white ball above us. Then there was a flash and everything went white.

(5 years latter)

Mabel POV

Mom gave me a hug, "I can't believe my twins are going off to college already." "The same college too." Dad pointed out. Mom kissed me on the cheek, "Don't worry Mom, I'll call each day and have Dipper call too. I'll make him."

"Are you sure about that?" Dipper taunt.

Mom releases me and I looked over at Dipper. I was surprise how much he grown up. It seems that yesterday we were running through the sprinklers about 3 years old. As teens I was taller than him and I tease him over it. It happened when we were 12. By age 16 finally Dipper was taller than me. He was now 6 foot with his brown shaggy hair to cover up his birthmark and even started to grow some facial hair at his chin.

Mom then went over to Dipper and hugs him and kisses him on the cheek. Dad came and gave me a hug. "Be good." I chuckle, "I will."

Then our parents release us and we grab our bags and headed to the car.

Both me and Dipper were going to the same college basically across the states. We live in California and our college is in New York. It will be nice to go across the states for this. This is a new start and a new journey.

We got to the airport and go into the plane. After a while I fell asleep.

"Dipper!" I gasp. Dipper was in this room with this floating triangle. They turn around and face us. "Bill!" An older man growled, "It's over."

Bill gave a dark look. "Oh it isn't over."

Then Bill then just pulled out a knife and then suddenly stabs Dipper.

"Dipper!" Both me and this girl cried out.

Dipper gasps out in pain. Then Bill removed the knife and Dipper drop to the ground and tears ran down my cheeks.

There was a flash of whiteness and I was standing up and closing my eyes and wind started to pick up. I looked up at the triangle, "For Dipper!"

Then another flash.

I was clawing at the ground as I was being dragged. I saw Dipper, lying in his own blood.

Another flash.

I was lying on someone's lap as this small white haired boy kneeled down and handed me a flower. I was missing part of my leg.

Another flash.

"You sold him! You sold our family!" I was screaming at my parents in this fancy house.

Another flash.

I was running with a shooting star in a forest.

Another flash.

I woke up to this muffled scream then "Quiet kid!" I rub my eyes, "D-Dipper?" I mumble. Then I looked and there was this man covering Dipper's mouth. I screamed. Then Dad came with a gun and he cocked it, "Stay away from my kids."

Another flash.

"Your son is one of the 10." The man reply. "He's Pine Tree."

Another flash

"You're the Shooting Star."

Another flash.

There was this white ball in the air. Then it gave off this blinding white light.

"Mabel!" Dipper shook me awake. I shot up. "We're here." Dipper reply. I rub my eyes. "Are you alright?" Dipper asks me.

I shook my head, "I don't know. Just a weird dream."

Dipper gave a small smile, "It must have been the high altitude. I heard it could mess up your dreams."

Dipper got up from his seat.

"Yeah, just the high altitude." I muttered.

(One week later)

Dipper POV

So school has started and this is going to be a blast. I get to go to school with my sister, get to study science, and nobody in this town knows me so there is a chance to get a girl...if I don't mess it up.

Me and Mabel are living with our uncle, our mother's brother, in New York. He just lives about a block away from the college so it was perfect.

I looked around and I didn't see where I was going and I crash into someone. Books fell to the floor, "I'm so sorry." I reply as I bent down grabbing some book, "its fine." The person rely, it was a girl. Our hands touch as we reach for the last book. We looked up.

The girl was very pretty with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a friendly smile.

"Have we met before?" I questioned.

"No, I don't think so why?" She replies.

"Well....it seems that...we've met before."

"Is this a pick up line?"

I chuckle, "No, at least trying not to."

The girl chuckles as we got up. I handed her the books that I retrieve. The girl looks at me, "You know you might be right. It seems that I've...I've already met but that can't be possible. I remember everyone who I met."

I nod my head, "Well...Anyways...my name is Dipper...Dipper Pines." I reach out my hand. The girl smiled and shook it, "Nice to meet you Dipper Pines. My name is Pacifica...Pacifica Northwest." I smiled, "Mind if I walk you to your class?"

"How do you know the campus freshman?" Pacifica reply.

I chuckle, "I've study the map inside and out. I remember where everything is. Just tell me where you class is and I'll know it."

Pacifica smiles, "Alright then, then Chem."

I held out my arm, "To chem it is my lady."

Pacifica chuckles and she took my arm and we walk to her class.

Mabel POV

I walked around the campus. It was a very nice campus, better than my school's campus. I was walking around, luckily for Dipper he had the whole place memorize. I looked around...where in the heck was I?

Then I heard this guitar playing. I turn around and on this bench for a bus stop was this young white haired boy, playing the guitar. I went up to him. He played it very well. Then he stops and looks at me.

My heart just stops. He looks familiar like that boy in my dreams....not in that way. The small white haired boy that gave me a flower in my dreams. I don't have those dreams very much but I still remember them.

"Umm....Excuse me...Sorry for interrupting you but do you know where I am in the college grounds?" I questioned.

The boy laughs, "You see lady, you aren't on college grounds. In fact you are going the wrong way, opposite way to be precise."

I groan, "Really?"

The boy nods his head, "Yep."

I sigh, "Great, now I won't get to class in time."

"Take the bus. It is heading to the college next." The boy advise.

"Thanks, but I don't have money."

"I'll pay for you."

"You don't have to do that."

"No I don't but I want to. I'm heading to the college anyways. My pops work there. Moved here when I was 15."

Then he reach out his hand, "Name's Gideon...Gideon Gleeful." I shook his hand, "Mabel...Mabel Pines."

Gideon smiled, "What a lovely name."

"Thanks." I smiled back.

So I hope you like that. Hope you have a great Christmas! Leave me another what if and i'll try my best! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Hardy Twister

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