Episode 1: Part 2

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A/N Hey guys! Let me be totally honest with you. I do not plan ahead. So I'm making this up as I go, but since I made an episode list I have a slight summary to go by. BUT! If you haven't noticed the first episode has a very vague summary so please excuse if this is bad for a first. I'm still working out the kinks I my story and only edit when something is pointed out. So far, that hasn't happed with any of my books. Don't be afraid to point any plot holes or spelling mistakes out!

Episode 1: Welcome To Gravity Rises

Mabel scratched her arm nervously as she tried to talk to her Grunkle Ford. "Grunkle Ford, I swear, there's something off about Gravity Rises. I keep on hearing these strange noises at night and I think my mosquito bites spell out 'Beware.'"

Ford sighed and looked down at his great-niece from the paperwork he was doing, exasperated. "Mabel, I'm not saying you're wrong, I mean, look at my Museum! But worrying like that isn't a good trait. Plus, I think it spells 'Bewarb.'"

Blushing, Mabel quickly covered up her mistake as her brother snorted from where he was standing a few feet away at the door. "Maybe," Ford said, "you should go exploring in the woods. I heard that you are known for your exploring prowess."

Sighing, Mabel nodded weakly and sulked out of the room. Dipper reached out for her but noticed Ford shaking his head at him in his peripheral, signaling that his sister needed to be left alone.

Going back out into the gift shop, Dipper sulked at the counter, clearly sad that he couldn't help his secretive sister out.


Mabel sighed and shivered from not just the cold, but the feeling of being watched. Since the moment she first crossed into Gravity Rises on that bus she knew something was watching them. And it wasn't anything good.

To escape this feeling, she decided to wander in the woods. Eventually, she became tired and sat down near a tree, with her knees at her face. But when she tilted her head back she heard a loud bang.

Jumping up, she took a few steps away from it in shock. Coming back in, she knocked on it a few times, and sure enough, it was hollow. "What the...?" She felt around the tree to find a metal door.
Prying it open, she found a weird contraption with a large crescent and an eye in the said crescent as a symbol. She shuddered thinking the irony of her constant feeling of being watched and this symbol.

Pressing a few buttons, she found, had done nothing, so she resolved to pulling the large lever on the left of it. As she pulled she heard cranks being turned and the sound of a rusty door being opened followed it.

Turning around, she found where the door was. Some snow fell into it as Mabel put her arm to the hole. "Aha!" She exclaimed as her excited fingers found something.

Pulling it out, Mabel then realized it was a book. She blew off the dust, coughing, and took a good look at the cover. It had a golden six-fingered hand in the middle with a large three on it.

Opening the book, Mabel turned the soft pages, excitedly reading through the book and stopping at a page. She read, "It seems as though they have found me. I must be careful of where I step. There's someone watching me. Beware of the rising gravity of Gravity Rises and Trust No One.' Huh. So I WAS right about that feeling."

Suddenly, something pushed her off of the log she was sitting on and toppled on top of her, scaring the poor girl out of her wits. "Watcha readin', Mabes? Some nerd stuff?" 'It' said.

Sighing, Mabel recognized the voice, knowing only one person who would ask that. "Hey, Dipper." She said lamely. Her twin brother bounced off of her and into view as a cold wind ruffled the pines around the Pines.

Realizing her found, Mabel pulled it out and excitedly showed it to her brother. "Dipper, look at what I found! This book reveals all of the secrets of Gravity Rises. Also, there IS something watching us. Look!" Excitedly, Mabel showed her brother the book as he squealed with delight.

"This is exactly what we've been waiting for!" He exclaimed. "Something that'll help us fight monsters! Mabel, you're a genius!" Dipper exclaimed. So badly did Mabel want to joke and say, 'I know I am' but she knows how cocky she'll sound.

Chuckling softly, Mabel shook her head and pried the book from Dipper's hands. "C'mon. Let's go back to the Museum and look at the book there."

As they trudged back to the Museum, Mabel asked him what she wanted to ask. "Why did you come out here?" This caught her brother off guard.

He looked at her and smiled his funny smile. "Well, when I couldn't go after you I thought I might as well go outside and play or something since we don't get a lot of snow in Piedmont. I just ran into you here on accident."

Mabel nodded, showing that she was listening intently. Smiling, she took that answer without question, knowing that her brother doesn't mope for very long, no matter what happens.

A/N Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and my new cipher! Man, I had to do some research when it was suggested to me by ThiaHolimon to do multiple different ciphers. By the way, thanks for being such a good reader, Thia! And what I mean by research is the only digging I had to do was for the Vigenere Cipher which isn't even the cipher I'm using for this chapter. For this chapter I'm using the A1Z26. Enjoy!


-Rouge Cur

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