Episode 1: Part One

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A/N Hey guys! I know I said that the other one was gonna be the last one until I got finished with my other books but this time I'm for real. Ignore the other five times, this is the last time. Also, this book is dedicated to both @BrightnessWings19 and @King_Nida 'cause they're just cool and this book is based off of Wings' book!

Episode 1: Welcome To Gravity Rises

Mabel Pines sighed a she looked out of the bright window of the Speedy Beaver bus, her hair flowing around her arms. Her brother, Dipper, was playing a game they sometimes like to play called Bus Seat Treasure Hunt.

Both of these twins liked the supernatural and mysteries, Mabel more so than Dipper. So when it came down to buses, their passengers were one of the the greatest mysteries. So they devised a plan to find out how to solve these puzzles.

Look under the bus seat and try to find the coolest thing there.

Suddenly, the Speady Beaver came to a bone-jolting stop. "Only stop at Gravity Rises! Get off before we leave!" Came the bus driver's horred screech.

Mabel flinched as her head hit the window. Rubbing the soft spot, she peeled Dipper away from the bus seats and dragged their stuff off of the bus. Waving farewell to the bus driver politely before stepping down the steps, Mabel struggled under the weight of her luggage.

As soon as the two had everything safely on the ground, the Speedy Beaver sped off, leaving the two in the dust of the bus.

Coughing, Mabel cleared the dust and snow out of her lungs as she looked around the clearing. There was a small bench and nothing but snow and trees. Slowly, Mabel and Dipper trudged their way through the snow and sat on the bench.

"Great-Uncle Stanford said he'd meet us here, right?" Mabel went over with her brother. Dipper swung back and forth on the bench. "Of course, Mabes! Just be patient!" Nodding nervously, Mabel waited. And waited.

After 40 minutes Mabel sighed. "Hey, Dipper, do you think he forgot about us?" She asked quietly. Dipper looked over at his sister bewildered. "Of course he didn't! What kind of person forgets about his great-niece and nephew?"

Mabel was about to open her mouth to protest but just then a red Ford with the license plate STNLYMABL came sashaying up to them. "Kids! I'm so sorry! I forgot about you!"

Mabel gave Dipper an I-told-you-so face and a frown as she gave her great-uncle a once-over. He looked exactly like he does in the picture she's holding of him. Mysterious, frowning, and six-fingered.

So that pretty much meant he was Stanford Pines. "ID." Mabel stated skeptically. Stanford gave her a bewildered look. "What? Excuse me?" This obviously caught him off guard.

"I want to see your ID to make sure you're who you say you are. I'm not going to go riding off with any old man without clarification." Stanford put a genuine smile on.

"Of course. After all, there's no one you can truly trust." Pulling out his wallet from his jacket, Stanford showed the ID to Mabel to ease her suspicions. Smiling, Mabel grabbed her stuff and hobbled into the Ford next to her brother, who had managed to fit his stuff into the car whiling Mabel was getting Stanford's ID.

"GRUNKLE!" Dipper suddenly yelled, scaring both Mabel and Stanford out of their wits. Mabel turned to him and started scolding him. "Dipper! What if Great-Uncle Stanford had got into a car accident because of that? We all could've been seriously injured!"

Dipper smiled sheepishly. "It's just that I have an idea. What if we shorten Great-Uncle Stanford to just Grunkle Ford? Great-Uncle Stanford is a bit of a mouthful."

Mabel put her finger on her chin and seemed to think about it. "Yeah.... Yeah, I like that! May we call you that?" She asked her newly dubbed Grunkle.

Smiling genuinely he said, "You can call me whatever you want." Resuming his usual frown, Grunkle Ford went back to driving. Mabel sighed and looked out the window again. This was gonna be a long winter.


Finally reaching the Mystery Museum, Ford opened the doors to the Museum. It as closed because Ford had to pick up the kids but there we're two people in the shop.

One was a nice looking lady wearing a question mark shirt and the other was a cool teenage boy with black hair, snow white skin, and he was wearing a red flannel rolled up to reveal his many tattoos.

Mabel blushed a bit at the boy but it looked like she was just flushed from being out in the cold for so long. Dipper got the idea, though. Smirking, Dipper draped his arm around his sister's shoulder knowingly.

The two looked up from their posts. "Kids," Ford started, "these are my employees, Robbie and Melody." He pointed at the boy and lady in turn. "Meet my great-niece and nephew, Mabel and Dipper Pines."

Dipper started speaking a mile a minute words that even I as the author cannot comprehend. Robbie laughed, saying, "Woah, woah, woah! Kid, slow down!"

Everyone but Mabel looked at Dipper surprised. Mabel sighed. "This is normal for him." She answered their suspicions. Everyone looked at Mabel, surprised she finally spoke.

Mabel flinched back, not liking the new attention that was bestowed upon her. "H-Hi." She whispered lamely. Sending their attention back to Dipper, clearly seeing that Mabel wasn't enjoying it and Dipper was, they began to have a conversation.

Mabel tugged on Ford's sleeve to get his attention. Ford looked down at her expectantly. "Where are our bedrooms?" She asked him quietly. Ford smiled and pointed up the stairs. "We don't have any more bedrooms so hopefully the attic will suffice."

Mabel heaved her stuff up the stairs and into the attic.

A/N Hey guys! Is it bad that I can't keep these ideas out of my head...? Oh, well! I hope you enjoy my Julius Caesar, King Nida!

Judylwb Ulvhv kdv mxvw ehjxq.

-Rouge Cur

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