Episode 4: Part 5

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A/N Hey guys! Last chapter of this episode! I hope you're excited because I'm sure the summary will prove very useful for when you read this. Huehuehuehue.... I do not know who owns the picture above. If you're an artist, SIGN YOUR NAME/PEN NAME!!!!!

Episode 4: A Pig's Treasure

Mabel laid her head on the picnic table and watched her hair flow out in waves around her on it. Gideon sat next to her with his hands folded in his lap, sneaking quick glances at said female.

Dipper cleared his throat as he threw a glare at Gideon. "So do you think we caused any trouble?"

Mabel winced at the thought of messing some important cosmic universe thing up. "I hope not...." She whispered, playing with the brown sea of waves around her.

Gideon was the epitome of calm other than the slight panic in his eyes. Mabel looked down at her hands and noticed that said boy was wringing them out as a nervous gesture. She would've chuckled if she weren't so tired and nervous herself.

Mabel bent over, startling Dipper and Gideon, and picked up something. Smiling a devious smile, an evil glint in her eyes, she threw it right at Dipper's face.

He scoffed as he wiped the wet, glistening snow off his face. His twin shot up immediately and hid behind Gideon, poking over his shoulders a couple of times as she held onto him. It was kinda hard to peek over him since he was taller than her.

Dipper came back strong as he fired an onslaught of snowballs. But Gideon ducked out of the way, pulling Mabel with him. The two landed in a heap of snow in a giggle fest. Mabel hurriedly built their defense as Gideon took up position of offense.

"Hey!" Dipper whined, "That's not fair! You have two people!"

Mabel stuck out her tongue. "That's what you get for sitting on that side alone!"

Gideon let out a roar of laughter as Dipper huffed, his cheeks making him look like a chipmunk.

"Gideon! Start throwing!" Mabel yelled over their little mess of laughter.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Any spectator could've sworn they couldn't see his arm as he threw his snowballs. Nonetheless, it did make a large impact, signs of snow caught in Dipper's unkempt hair and all over his heavy winter coat.

Then an oink signaled the arrival of Waddles on Dipper's team.

"Need any help?" Robbie asked as he walked up to Dipper while carrying Waddles.

Dipper smiled up at the older boy as he ordered him to take up the defense.

"Sure thing, Dipstick!"

Soon others started trickling in until their small snowball fight became an all-out war. Even Grunkle Ford joined in on the fun! In the middle of it all something caught Mabel's eye.

It was a brilliant gleam of light coming from the forest. Her laughing face fell with her arm as she looked at it curiously. There it was again!

Looking around to check that Gideon or Dipper couldn't see her, she snuck towards the gleam and away from the snow war ensuing around her.

As she came closer the area around her grew darker and Mabel's fear was starting to grow. Some trees looked like hands grabbing at her jacket and others were like mouths about to swallow her whole.

She gulped, regretting walking away so suddenly without a single thought of the repercussions, from that time of happiness. But she was already dead set on finding out whatever it was that was gleaming.

Soon she came upon a large clearing. In the middle of that clearing was a tree, evidence of a fire all over its burnt branches. It looked like the trees around it had backed away in fear, the fire evident on their bark as well.

But there were two things that gave Mabel the chills. No, it didn't just chill her, it frightened her. One, the fire was still evident around the clearing, but instead of a brave red flame it was a cold blue one.

Two, the glint. The reason she saw a glint was because of a golden arrow on the tree and a piece of paper stuck to said arrow.

Ripping it off, Mabel stared at it in shock. It read: 'If you want to know who really built the structures of this town, Mabel Ivy Pines, just go no further than open up this tree.'

She stared at it in horror, wondering who could've sent this message to her since there were no other Mabel Ivy Pines in Gravity Rises. Determination became evident on her face as the message sunk in. Some of her questions may be finally answered.

Thinking back to her old adventure novels she heaved the beautiful arrow down with all her might, satisfied when she heard a slight click.

Jumping away from it, a door to under the white ground in the tree opened up. Some blinding snow fell into the hole as Mabel coughed, attempting to dispel the dust that got into her lungs.

Peering down she saw stairs, old-fashioned torches set along the walls, lighting the way up until the bottom, of which Mabel happily reported she could see.

Carefully setting a brown boot on the creaky stairs she set out to go down it, admiring how nicely the place held up.

Once she got to the bottom she found a circular room with all kinds of stuff surrounding it. Several large portraits of what Mabel presumed to be the Northwest family hung along the walls.

A suit of armor stood next to the thing that caught her eye. It was a rather large wooden chest with an eerie symbol that Mabel recognized immediately.

It was the eye from when she found the Journal.

Quickly dashing towards it she attempted to open it, but to find it locked instead. Putting a hand to her chin in thought, an idea came to mind. Rushing over to the rug with the same symbol she pulled away from its place on the floor.

Smiling triumphantly, Mabel lifted the heavy trapdoor, of course with some difficulty. Inside the small compartment was a key and another piece of parchment.

This one had a much smaller message: 'You're welcome, Pine Tree.'

Mabel ignored it as she hurriedly unlocked the chest. Many files and a couple belongings had graced the beautiful chest, and its inside was lined with blue velvet.

Thinking it better to bring the whole thing with her, Mabel locked it again and grabbed a hold of one of the blue straps on the side. Having to heave a heavy chest up the stairs took much longer than it did to climb down it, but she had managed to do it.

Pulling the latch down, taking a good look at her surroundings and filing it into her memory bank, Mabel made the trek back to the snowball war with her new found treasure.


The people in the Great Snow War Of Gravity Rises started to trickle away until eventually there was just Gideon, Dipper, Robbie, Melody, and Ford.

A troubled look graced Gideon's feature as he realized something was missing. "Hey, where's Mabel?" The others around him took on a look of surprise when they realized the war creating girl was missing.

"Yeah," Dipper replied thoughtfully, "you're right. She's not here. I hope she didn't go chasing monsters without me!"

Gideon's ears caught the faitnsound of someone breathing heavily, and then they stopped, and started again. This repeated as he asked, "Do you hear that?"

The breathing became louder and louder as the person came closer. The group looked around the clearing, trying to find the source of the noise, hoping it was Mabel.

"Over there!" Gideon exclaimed, pointing to the source of the noise.

It really was Mabel, breathing heavily as she attempted to pull along a large brown box by a blue handle.Her long hair fanned her determined face.

"Mabel!" Gideon called. "Over here!" Relief was evident on her features as she caught sight of the group.

"A little help here?" She yelled back, cupping her hands around her mouth so they could here her. Gideon rushed over to her side as he lifted the other blue strap. With the two of them they carried the box in record time, setting it on the picnic table where the great war had originally started.

"What's in it?" He asked. Mabel flashed a brilliant smile at him.

"We'll find out when we get this to the Museum. You're coming too, Gideon. I think it has something to do with your family."


Mabel excitedly bounced as she opened the chest. You know she's excited when she bounces because she never bounces. Snatching the first paper out of the box, she read it out loud.

"'Dear Reader, the box that this paper is in contains some confidential information that we prefer to keep hidden from the public. Keep that in mind as you are sifting through this information with your grubby paws. Sincerely, The Northwests.'"

Ignoring the warning Mabel grabbed another paper out. It was a very old and yellowed piece of parchment and the first thing that stood out was that it was an old newspaper article.

"'Millionare Elias Trembley Northwest opens the new small town of Gravity Rises. Geologists say it's too small to go on the map but this mysterious town stays open for an unknown reason. Some spectualate that the president himself gave the permission while others believe in an alien race populating the town. -Shane Confident."

Passing Gideon the paper, she rumbled through it until something caught her eye. Slowly taking out the large globe, she was horrified at its contents. Most of the globe was surrounded in purple dots, said dots creating the eerie symbol.

Ford tensed up more than usual and Gideon stared slack-jawed at it.

"T-That's," he had to swallow in order to continue, "everywhere we own."

Mabel gave him the globe since she wasn't in need for another one. Then a small blue box caught her eye.

Taking it out, she opened it up and drew in a sharp intake of breath at the familiar melody. "There's something more to this..." She whispered the lyrics to the lullaby she knew by heart.

"Mabel, is that...?" Dipper trailed off, Mabel already knowing the end of his question. She gently set the box by her side as she pulled out one last letter before she called it a night.

"'Thank you very much for your cooperation in leaving the land. If you may like, your kind may stay in the homes they had already built. The Society Of The Crescent Eye is always welcome in Gravity Rises. Sincerely, Elias T. Northwest.'"

This is what that letter had promised her. It's perfect, she thought.

A/N Hey guys! I stayed up way later than I expected to stay up writing this extra long chapter, just for you! Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to go to sleep now. July.


-Rouge Cur

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