Episode 5: Part 1

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A/N Hey guys! So since none of you commented on which costume you wanted I've decided to use the Alice In Wonderland Theme. I do not know who owns the picture above. START SIGNING YOUR PICTURES. THAT'LL MAKE A LOT OF PEOPLES' LIVE EASIER.

Episode 5: Late-O-Ween

Mabel lay limp over the counter in exhaustion, her hair fanning out like fairy wings behind her. Her hands hurt so much because of the tapping of the register and all the money she had to handle. She didn't want to see another wad of cash again in her life.

"Excuse me, but may I get this cougar shirt?" Mabel groaned at the prospect of helping another customer, but remembering her manners she quickly covered her mouth with her hands and smiled apologetically at the costumer.

"Yes, of course, I'm so very sorry for my rudeness. I hadn't meant to do that, it's just that I've been worked too hard. I am sorry." The brunette apologized profusely. The dark-haired costumer about the same age as her waved her off.

"No, it's quite alright. I understand." Mabel was blushing since she couldn't believe that a quiet girl like her would've, or even could've, done something like that. She stewed in embarrassment even as his green eyes searched her.

"Thank you for shopping and touring with us at the Mystery Museum." She called, an apologetic tone in her voice. Her hands worked at grabbing more money until finally Robbie came back from his break.

"Shift switch!" Robbie exclaimed as he slid across the brown counter to where Mabel was. She couldn't have been any happier to shuffle out of that room.

Dipper was waiting her outside and he looked like he had a game plan. Mabel weighed her options. On one hand there's the opportunity she could get caught up in one of his crazy schemes, even crazier than her conspiracies.

One the other hand, if she went back inside she would probably be suckered into helping Robbie. She took her chances with the plan.

"What is it this time, Dipper?" She asked in a bored tone. Her brother looked just about ready to explode with excitement, so Mabel backed up just in case, a nervous frown that shows her braces gracing her features.

"It'sLate-O-Weenandwegettoeatcandyandcostumesand," he took a breath, "sincewedidn'tgettogotrickortreatingwecannow!" Mabel's jaw hung open.

Quickly shutting it, she replied with the most ingenious comment, "I have literally no idea what you just said." Dipper frowned, annoyed by his sister's inability to decipher his words.

"I said," he shot back much slower, "there's this thing in Gravity Rises called Late-O-Ween. It's Halloween for people that missed the actual thing."

Mabel snorted unladylike. "Only the idiots of this town would make a second Halloween." Which was, by the way, very true.

"I'll go trick or treating on one condition." She held up her finger to stop Dipper from interrupting her. "As long as I get to pick the costumes, AND we get them from the store this time." Dipper pouted but nodded quickly.

Mabel smiled at him. "Good. Now let's get to business."


Gideon frowned as he looked at the piece of parchment he held in his hands. The rich kid was currently sitting on a park bench in Gravity Rises nature preserve, sifting through the pile of papers Mabel had given him.

Since the whole chest incident Mabel had been especially kind to him, thinking it would be hard on Gideon that his whole family fortune had been a hoax. But what the pretty brunette didn't know was that Gideon already had some of that knowledge.

He HAD known that his family fortune was all a lie, although he hadn't known that the Society Of The Crescent Eye had originally been the one to own Gravity Rises. Gideon thought it was only founded about five years ago. Or maybe not.

While thinking a disturbance in the force awakened him out of his thoughts. Someone was sitting next to him and had their hand on his shoulder as if trying to rouse him from a deep sleep.

Whipping his head to the person disturbing his thoughts he softened a bit at the sight of Mabel Pines.

"Hey, Gideon." She greeted him cheerfully. "Whatcha doin' out here?" Another disturbance in the force caused the hair on the back of his neck to rise. No doubt it was because of Dipper Pines glaring daggers at him. Their snowball war hadn't softened Dipper up one bit.

"U-Uh," Gideon stuttered, Dipper's presence making him nervous, "just looking through the files you gave me." He gulped,sending a glance towards Dipper, trying to convey to Mabel how much Dipper was making him nervous.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Mabel smiled politely at his plight and nodded at Dipper.

"Just getting costumes for Late-O-Ween with Dipper. What about you?" Gideon threw a surprised glance her way.

"Really? I thought it was just created by the idiots of this town to pass their time." Gideon quickly covered his mouth, embarrassed that he let his rich side come out.

But Mabel just laughed. A tear started to form around her right eye because of how much she was laughing. Wiping is away, she replied with through laughs, "That's exactly what I said!"

Dipper stomped over and pulled Mabel up. "Sorry, Gideon, but we have to go if we want to make it in time for Late-O-Ween." Dipper didn't look sorry at all.

Gideon threw a glare his way as he grumbled and went back to going through his files. Dipper has a problem.

A/N Hey guys! So the reason this is out so late is because I had literally made almost the entire chapter and, guess what, Wattpad decided, "Hey, if we make Rouge's life a nightmare maybe she'll finally stop watching YouTube and notice me!" It had the opposite effect.

-Rouge Cur

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