Episode 3: TIG - Part 7

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The twins destroyed their voice, screaming as loud as possible (yes, even Mabel), "GRUNKLE STAN," while hugging him to death.

"Woah, woah, kids. Don't hug too hard, that will hurt," he said in monotone.

Mabel asked, suspicious, "What happened to your voice?"

"Just a cold, Mabel."

Up in the ceiling of the aquarium...

"You were right, Ma! Manipulating people is fun," an old man's voice spoke.

"Yes, Pa. And the best part, thinking that they found each other!"

The couple laughed.

Pa asked, "How're the twins handling your puppet? Ooooh, a nice one!"

"Badly, and thanks. How's their great uncle?"

"Worried, but 'relieved'."

Pa asked, "Are you perfectly ready for the plan?"

"Yes, dearie," Ma answered. "Handle their Great Uncle Stan for me, okay?"

Back to Mabel's and Dipper's, now, problem...

Mabel decided to test 'Grunkle Stan', so she narrowed her eyes and asked cautiously, "So, what do we usually call you?"

"Great Uncle Sta---"

"AHAAAA! WRONG," Dipper shouted.

Mabel got Dipper's hand and backed away slowly, "You're not our Grunkle..."

"Yes, I am, Mabel," this... Thing followed them, slowly.

Dipper screamed , "Get away from us, you ghost!"

She got an idea. Maybe these were the ghosts...

"Ghosts," Mabel mumbled. She then screamed in her head, "WAIT, GHOSTS!"

She tapped Dipper's shoulder, and made some gestures, drawing a silver mirror.

Dipper nodded, and went to look for one nearby. He used his emergency tiny lamp, that Mabel never knew existed.

He went about 1 minute away from Mabel and the ghost. He exclaimed to himself, "I found one! But..." He looked at it carefully. "It's cracked. ONWARDS AOSHIMA!"

He speed-walked to another place. He sadly didn't find any more.

He found his way back to Mabel. "Rock, rock, rock, fake grass, rock, more fake grass, ball, rock," he chanted as he saw each object.

Meanwhile at Grunkle Stan's scene...

"You're not real. I don't believe you," he said as if he was really used to it. In fact, he was. "What do you want?"

The ghost answered (it's probably Pa), "We want something from you, yes, but we need the twins to be here. If they figure out that we're not real, we'll tell you what we want."

Grunkle Stan sighed. "Okay, just don't kill them."

"We weren't ordered to," he clarified.

Grunkle Stan was in real relief. "Well, what place do you occupy here?"

"The Gobblewonker. Inside it," he answered. "It isn't real."

"Oh. Makes sense, it seemed fake."

The had a casual conversation, as they waited for the twins. Ma was still controlling 'Great Uncle Stan' and was freaking Mabel out.

Speaking of Mabel, back to her...

She was freaking out, closing her eyes, "You're not my grunkle!"

"I am," Ma spoke through 'Great Uncle Stan''s mouth.

She opened them back up, asking, "Was that a female's voice..?"


"Why're you fooling people? Don't ghosts have better things to do?"

Some ghost (in its normal form) floated towards them, asking, "Ma, did they realize you're fake yet?"

Mabel's expression was shouting, "What's going on?"

"Yes, I'm just waiting for that 'Dipper'."

Dipper ran back. "I'M BAAAAAAACK! Wait, did I miss something?"

"Okay, just follow us to your great uncle," Pa instructed like some really kind grandfather.

Suspicious Mabel asked them, "Are you sure you know where he is or are you playing a trick?"

Pa sighed and quickly showed the CCTV with Grunkle Stan playing with the Rubix Cube blindfolded with a light, on the floor.

"That's definitely him," Mabel said.

Pa asked, "Okay, are we all good? No more questions?"

"Yeah," Dipper and Mabel answered.

Dipper exclaimed happily, "ONWARDS AOSHIMA!"

All heads turned to him, and looked at him weirdly.


Mabel asked, "Who's Aoshima, Dip?"

Dipper shrugged, "Dunno."

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