Episode 3: TIG - Part 8

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Grunkle Stan screamed, "KIDS! HIDE!"

Ma was a big momma bear... Fighting him. The twins had a feeling he's been fighting it for a while, now.

"Awwwwww! She's adorable," Dipper squeezed his cheeks at Ma. Mabel sighed at this.

After realizing it, she asked, "So... Who was controlling the fake Grunkle Stan?"

"NO ONE, well, I was," Pa screamed in an epic tone. "My sweet Ma is handling your great uncle well! Just like old times."

Grunkle Stan was epically, epically, epically fighting Ma. He was dodging all of her hits, jumping to places, as if he planned for this all his life.

He dodged her attempts at hitting him while seeming to be looking for something.

All that was going on in Stan's mind was, "Get the net."

"Woah," was all Mabel could say.

He punched the ghost's physical-bear-form. The ghost switched to another form, a dragon.


Mabel poked him, "Um... Whose side are you on?"

"Why am I not allowed to express my love for dragons?"

She pulled a face that spelled, "Seriously?"

Grunkle Stan kicked the dragon, swinging on one of the fake vines on top of the ceilings, and jumped down dramatically.

He swept away the dust from his hands, and ran, eagerly looking for a net.

The ghost (Ma) turned into a giant octopus and tried to slip up Grunkle Stan. He jumped, and successfully avoided the tentacle.

Mabel and Dipper didn't help him at all. They were just... Amazed, especially Mabel. They watched as if it was a movie. They didn't know that the old man who barely talks can kick whatever-the-animal-was-at-the-moment's butt! Even the glow-y effect of the ghosts made it so much cooler!

"DIPPER, GRAB THAT NET BEHIND YOU," Grunkle Stan shouted, as he ran away, "TOSS IT TO ME!"

When Dipper was out of his trance, and realized that he was instructed to do something, he quickly moved to get the net which was conveniently behind him.

Mabel... Still stood in complete awe. GRUNKLE STAN FIGHTING A GHOST?! Yeah, she loved both parts of it.

"Dipper! Pass the net," Grunkle Stan panted. Who wouldn't get tired?

He threw it like his life depended on it, although it sort of did. Of course, Grunkle Stan caught it perfectly, and tried his best to catch the ghost in the net, but Ma's form was too big.

"NO YOU WILL NOT," she shouted, transforming into a big dinosaur. That just broke the net.

Grunkle Stan asked, "Is there anything else I can do to prove we can leave?"

"Well," the dinosaur went back to an old woman, "There is one thing."

They were all eagerly waiting for what, but Pa knew exactly what.

"Please tell the owner of this shop to... Improve it. We used to be the original owners, until our great nephew took over," she explained.

Pa thought of the other one, so this was unexpected.

Dipper smiled, "Will do!"

As they began to walk away, Dipper opening his flashlight, and Mabel bonking him in the head (since they had to struggle in the dark while DIPPER had a FLASHLIGHT), Ma called out to them.

"Also... Do you know any cute little dances?"

Mabel let a bead of sweat drop. "Wait... What?" She thought that was it.

"You know," Ma did some horrible impression of a kid dancing to a song.

"We'll let you go, just, please. We have been here for a long time, just let us."

"OOOH! Mabel knows," Dipper just had to speak up.

Her face was red. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Grunkle Stan, especially now, that she just witnessed him fight a ghost. She also didn't know if Ma would ask a billion more things or not. She stuttered, "I-I d-don't!"

They were all staring at her now.

"Mabes. Our lives depend on it," Dipper pouted at her.

"B-but... I d-don't know a-any!"

"Sure you do! The Lamby Lamby Dance, it was your favorite!"

Mabel shouted, "It never was!"

"Was," he nodded.

"Fine," Mabel crossed her arms. "And I'm just doing this so we'd live!"

He jumped up and down, "YAY," while clapping happily.

"Don't keep an old woman waiting, Mabel," Grunkle Stan told her, attempting humor, but failed miserably.


The ghosts smiled sweetly at her.

She stepped in front of the ghosts. "Buuuuut I can't do it without a lamb costume, so ha!"

Ma snapped her fingers, and TA-DAAAAAAA Mabel had an adorable lamb costume on.

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