A story to tell (unfinished)

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De Sardet had been on the way back to his mother's estate from meeting with the Couture family. The princess sought out Alexandre, the head of the family whose skill as a carpenter was quite renoun throughout Serene, intending to hire him for some work around the estate. Typically this would've been the task of another but his mother had decided it would be a good experience for him. With this errand done he had retreated home, just reaching the familar gates before an energetic voice met his ears catching the young noble's attention. He raised an eyebrow, immedietly recognising the voice as he turned to greet the blonde who was making his way over to him wondering what trouble the royal had gotten himself into.

     "Hello Constatin" He greeted with a small nod as his cousin stopped in front of him looking a little disheveled. "Do you need something? Are you in trouble again?"

     "Well, I need you to accompany me!" The other responded with an inviting smile, blue eyes alert and gleefull. "It will be fun! And no I am not in any sort of trouble."

     "No offense cousin but I know your definition of fun and even if you aren't in trouble now, it will get us both in trouble sometime in the near future" The younger male commented amusement plastered on his face, crossing his arms as he waited for an undoubtedly somewhat wry reply. The other always had an outwardly whimsical appearance compared to the restrictions and standards held to a child of his status, however he knew his cousin to be smart and well put together when necessary.

     "None taken! But as a counterargument to your point I know your definition of fun and it could bore someone to death." Constatin stated mirroring the others amusement. "Come on! What's there to lose? I want to spend some quality time with my cousin."

     "Judging by the look on your face it means we would be wallowing around in some tavern. That's not what I consider to be fun Constatin. I don't want to risk not being appointed simply because we got caught sneaking out to drink." 

     "That's exactly why we should! The both of us are going to be so bogged down in work when we get our positions!" The ever optimistic male countered. "We deserve to have a little fun. We won't get drunk we can just peruse the lives of our fellow men and have a few drinks! Just you and I. What do you say?"

     The brunette sighed regarding the other who was beaming at him, urging him to consider the offer and agree. He looked away keeping his gaze fixed on the wall, the other reminding him of some expectant pup. He murmured something begrudingly under his breath before speaking up. " Don't you mean if I get the position? Your father is only considering me. But alright I'll come with you, after I-"

     "Ah Yes! Thank you cousin I promise it will be worth your time!" Constatine chirped clapping a hand on his shoulder, the blue of his eyes seemingly illuminated with elation as he cut the other off. "I will be in my chambers. Change into something that is more befitting of a commoner. We need to be able to be less recognizable! Come find me when you're ready!" And with that the soon to be governor took off down the pathway heading back to his father's palace before De Sardet protested.

     "Only to keep an eye on you! Nothing more!" The other called watching his cousin retreat, knowing full well the elder male ignored him. He didn't know why he agreed but he was surely in for an eventful night.


     Getting drunk had been the furthest thing from the soon to be legate's mind. His cousin and him entered the establishment side by side, the wood planks underneath their boots groaning in protest at the strain of holding their  weight. It was slightly warmer then outside the establishment from the amount of bodies occupying the tavern however it wasn't uncomfortable enough to ruin the mood. A few men were sitting at a table playing a game of cards, ocassionally a curse would slip from the players lips. De Sardet sighed wearily, this was not his type of crowd nor the setting he would've preferred. "Come cousin!" The elder encouraged. "Let us sit."

The night progressed and to please Constatin he had a drink. He let his bottom lip rest agaisnt the rim of the glass as he tilted it towards him, the foul tasting liquid greeting his tongue and working it's way down his throat. It was an acquired taste, one that no longer made him cringe but rather was just unpleasant. He chose not to drink a lot, one of the reasons for this choice in lifestyle being Kurt would be sure to never let him live it down if he was caught drunk or hungover during a training session. Not to mention word would get back to his mother and he'd have to hear a lecture of kinds. She didn't want anyone to get leverage over him, be able to manipulate him and point out his weakness just like they did his mark. He wasn't like his cousin in that regard, able to brush off his mother's words so easily especially when her word was wise. He was disturbed from his thoughts as another glass was placed down in front of him.

     Constatin once removed from him made his way over and took a seat. "Seamus decided to be generous and bought you a drink dear cousin! Actually he told me to tell you to loosen up but none the less it's a free drink."

    "Constatin tell your friends to keep their money in their own pockets or to use it in the games they like to play. Chances are they'll need it" The twenty four year old quipped in a witty riposte looking over at his accomplice.

     "Well it's too late now. Besides it would be rude not to drink it." Constatin argued giving him a playful nudge.

     He rolled his eyes, shaking his head but reached for the glass and once more drank. Ultimately he agreed with his cousin, it would be rude. When he was done he put it down, the glass making a small clank as it came in contact with the wooden counter.

     After a few hours of this Kurt was not pleased when he found them. Constatin has almost been in several fights with De Sardet intervening every time no matter the amount of  alchohal pumping through his blood. Their master of arms said something along the lines of not being paid enough for this, gathering them both before dropping off Constatin at his palace then dragging De Sardet back to his mothers estate. The training session that had been scheduled for early morning proved impossible to do with drunks thus was cancelled. The next day however, Kurt was sure to put them both back in their places, the young male marked by the land finding out just how hard a person could be worked with a hangover.


Angst starts here. Also spoilers


The noble walked into the tavern catching the eyes of some of its occupants. His eyes scanned the customers noting some Nauts and ladies of the night were among the crowd.  This didn't hold his attention, his pace even as he made his way across the room to the serving counter.

"Ah it's you again. You here to ruin my buisness or are you going to actually get something?" The bartender asked seemingly a bit irked yet also maintaining a respectful tone towards the legate. He sobered before adding "and I heard about your cousin, I am terribly sorry for your loss"

"No more mention of it please. I'm going to need a few drinks if you don't mind. I won't ruin your business any longer." With that a glass and sympathetic look was passed his way and he took his first sip.

De Sardet ignored the newcomer who next to him, his gaze boaring into the brown liquid whose surface reflected his own face back to him. He had been there for about an hour used to the people coming and going by now. His mind was rooted in the past, in a time much less complex where his best friend would've been beside him causing a scene in one way or another. The corners of his mouth raised into a small, fond smile at the thought before he was jostled out of his state of remembrance.

"De Sardet" A familar voice said, surprising him this evident in how he turned to face him.

"Vasco" He greeted glancing over to his left. "I must admit I didn't think I'd find you here."

"Oh?" The captain asked raising an eyebrow, amusement in his voice. "And why not?"

"It's just that in all the time we've been together I've never once seen you at a tavern" The legate shrugged, drinking the ale in front of him.

"Well... to be fair I've never seen you actually drink at a tavern in all the times I've accompanied you." Vasco says "Isn't it unbecoming of a noblemen?"

"It is. But I just needed one tonight"

At that Vasco let out an amused chuckle. "Ah the good old self promise of: I'll only have one.  One never remains one I can assure you of that. But that brings me to why I'm here and its not to drink. I was here to find you."

"How did you even know where to find me?"

"Did you really forget that I'm a captain amongst Nauts? I have eyes within a mile radius of every tavern in this city. One of my men knew I was looking for you and sought me out"

"Why were you looking for me? Aren't you going to be returning to the sea now that the story is over?"

"Don't be so quick to dismiss me. I've grown rather fond of your company. And as I learned ones story is never truly over, not until death greets us. And even then we live on in the words of others."

The other said nothing continuing to drink the alcoholic beverage. "But that's why you're here isn't it? You're going to drown yourself in ale so that you don't have to feel the pang of loss. It doesn't work like that De Sardet." The captain assured, his tone softening quite a bit as he spoke.

"Vasco if you're here to lecture me I don't need it" The diplomat stated firmly, his voice raising ever so slightly catching the captain off guard. He hadn't been used to the other behaving in such a way. He had always been even tempered, at least for most of the journey.

"I didn't come here to lecture you" He assured. "I came here as a friend to help you and to prevent you from making a mistake you'll surely regret in the morning."

"And what makes you so sure?"

"I-" The Naut started, trailing off. After a minute or so pause he spoke again.  "Lets not talk about it here. Come" He said standing up and heading towards the taverns entrance not bothering to look back to see if the other was following.

"Wait Vasco-" De Sardet called quickly getting up and nearly spilling his drink in the process.  The bar tender scorned him, but he managed to down the rest of the glass' contents. He coughed as the drink ran down his throat too quickly for his body to handle but his curiosity was peaked. Despite this small delay he threw some gold coins on the counter murmuring an apology before speeding off towards his friend who was now out the door and across the street. Upon hearing footsteps the Naut Captain slowed turning to face his pursuer.

"So you did decide to follow. I thought you were going to drown yourself in ale." He knew the others curiosity would get the best of him, his tone slightly playful.

"Well I still might. Where are we going? What did you mean by what you said?"

"Just follow me. All will be explained later" Vasco assured heading towards the docks.

"That's not answering any of my questions. I have no reason to follow you" Sardet responded  finding the alternate route of alchohlism more appealing at the moment. This must've been a ruse to get him to stop drinking.

"You really are something De Sardet. Especially with alchohal in your system. Are you my noble gentleman a lightweight?"

"I'm not a lightweight. I've just decided that this is some elaborate ruse to babysit me. Did Kurt send you? Or was it Petrus? No, No de Courcillon right?"

"You're a grown man De Sardet. I'm not here to watch after you like you're a child. I want to show you something. Once we get there I'll tell you a part of my story. But then you have to tell me something about yours"


The moon hung high in the sky, illuminating the darker parts of the streets sometimes blocked by spindles of clouds that floated seamlessly by with the wind. This image was reflected in the waters of the port as choppy as it was. "For starters I did want to show you this. I know you've seen it before when we were sailing but there's something I find so peaceful about it no matter how many times I see it." He got a simple not in responce the legate agreeing with him.

It was rather chilly by the waters but neither male seemed increadibly effected by it. Instead Vasco simply lead the way onto the docked ship now his once more. The tattoed male lead the way to his quarters and let the other inside, motioning for him to take a seat.

Vasco tells of how he lost someone he'd grown up with as well yada yada

A silence passed between the two, unbroken until the brunette spoke. "I'm...sorry Vasco."

The Naut captain's eyes closed as he let out a soft sigh feeling a small pang in his chest. "Its alright. It was a long time ago now. The moral of it is we can't let our losses dominate us. The pain never truly leaves us but it does dull. We just have to remember the good times and also focus on what we have in the present."

"Thank you. That is truly good advice. And once more thank you for sharing"

"Well now it's your turn. What story are you prepared to tell?"

"Well I can tell you the about hardest training session of my life... but first I need to tell you why. One day I had been just about to enter my mother's estate when I heard my cousin call out to me-".

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