Some decisions are the hardest to make (Spoilers)

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His words failed him. No matter what excuse he sputtered out to persuade the male he failed.

      He met the gaze of the young man that stood in front of him, studying the blond whose once healthy complexion was now diminished by the grey skin one would expect to find on a corpse. The howling wind and decay present in the sanctuary ignored as he tried to process the others words, the heavy breathing of the Nádaig, the creature bearing the roots of trees as flesh, barely audible amongst the other sounds surrounding them. His cousin's eyes no longer resembled that of any human he'd ever known, replaced by those one might expect a beast to have. Still he searched them for any sign that Constatin wasn't truly gone. In that moment he could see sincerity lurking within his blue orbs accompanied by another vile thing. There was lust, desire unmatched even by the politicians that dominated the continent, so concentrated and consuming that a seed of doubt rooted itself into his thoughts.

      With this his gaze shifted to the outstretched hand extended towards him. He pondered the others proposition considering his words and the consequences to them. Ultimately in the end he made his decision, taking a few steps towards the ever patient governor, feigning his agreement before his face shifted, his expression ablaze with conflict as he plunged the dagger into Constatin's abdomen. His lips failed to form any variation of speech the silence broken from words not his own, his eyes widening as he realized who the speaker was. 

     "What a shame."

      He mulled over the last sentence his cousin spoke, the words uttered notably lacking malice or ill intent. Ultimately he was the deliverer of Constatin's greatest fear yet he wasn't hated for doing so. A part of him would've preferred otherwise, the way the others spoke a poison to any self assurance he had concocted. Somewhere in the background he could hear the guardians roar carried high into the wind lost to him as the sensation of the others body beginning to fall caught his attention and became his primary focus. He reacted on instinct, clutching onto him and lowering him to the ground leaning over him to protect his family one last time, his first true and final guardian. 

      He looked at the others face permanently twisted from the yell that had escaped him moments before death. De Sardet sucked in a breath, a memory resurfaced of something he hadn't thought of in what felt like an eternity. A phrase surfaced in his mind something he used when the both of them were younger. It often got under the others skin just enough to give him an advantage during training. Kurt often told Constatin to not let it get to him and often praised him for using it as an advantage. It soon became an inside joke that morphed into a phrase of affection and mirth.

      "Goodnight sweet prince" the leget croaked, removing the blade from the others body suppressing a shiver as he felt the metal release itself from the muscle and sinnew of his remaining family. Once that was done his breath caught his throat upon the realization of what he'd done tossing the bloodied dagger to the side and taking a seat next to the former governor's corpse.

      His eyes screwed shut as he sat, feeling warm water pool beneath his eyelids threating to spill. Stubbornly he wiped the liquid from his eyes, inhaling shakily as he opened them. He noticed a movement out of the corner of his eyes, his head lulling weakly in the direction in which it came from, only to see the guardian of the sanctuary staring at him. He made no move to defend himself, his heart too heavy and his body drained of strength due to his high usage of magic. Recognition seemed to pass within its eyes before it moved away, making its way back to its hideaway. He wasn't sure if the creature had retreated on its own accord  or if the ancient god had ordered it away but at the moment he didn't care.

His mind was racing, trying to comprehend everything that had happened within the events of the past few weeks and what it had lead up to. Instead of processing it he let his body fall back into the earth reveling in the grass beneath him, his mind urging him to slumber. His eyes closed and he laid there for a long while, his chest rising and falling heavily as he took deep breaths drawing from the oxygen around him. His body required rest, his mind ushering him to obey to help cope and yet his heart revolted. He needed to bring Constatin home. To his people. To his palace. He deserved to be mourned by the people of his district and by those from the continent willing to come over. So he forced himself up moving over and scooping up the body of his cousin, struggling to hold the limp body. He almost couldn't carry it, his weight having grown with eternal slumber but he managed, taking a few steps until he heard voices approaching. He paused as his companions came into view, the ones he parted with on his way into the sanctuary. All had different spectrums of emotion on their face but their presence assured the other of one thing:

      He was not alone.

You can interchange he/she/his/hers here. I just tend to like to play male characters and find them the easiest to write
Still isn't to my liking lol

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