Chapter 7: The Crime Syndicate

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(The chapter starts with Deadman discussing with his master)

The Master: I know you are here, Boston Brand.

Deadman: (Appears) What's the point of being a flippin' ghost if you can't even sneak up on people?

The Master: And yet, here you are.

Deadman: "Here you are"? What kind of lousy wisdom is "Here you are?"

The Master: Your destiny is not to avenge your own death. It's to avenge mine.

(In the Himalayas, the group of supervillains known as the Crime Syndicate appears)

Blue Bowman: That robot never sends us to any place nice...

Scarlet Scarab: Well... By what Grid said, there's something which can change the world inside that temple.

Blaze: Then what are we waiting for?

(The villains approach the temple)

Taj Ze: This humble one begs your forgiveness, but to enter this sacred place, the right must be earned.

Blue Bowman: (Shoots him) Keep the change.

Johnny Quick: It's time to blast through with sonic speed!

(As the villains overwhelm the monks, Deadman decides to possess Johnny Quick and forced him to attack the syndicate)

Owlman: Talon. What's wrong with Johnny Quick?

Talon: Red Raven?

Red Raven: (feels Deadman inside Johnny Quick) He's possessed. Time to get rid of him!

(Red Raven uses her dark magic to expel Deadman from Johnny Quick's body and Blue Bowman finally reaches to the heart of Himalayas)

Blue Bowman: We found it.

Superwoman: Nice job, Bowman.

(Mazahs takes the heart as The Master tries to get up until he gets stabbed by Talon)

Deadman: NO!!!

Owlman: Excellent job as usual, Talon. No wonder you're the best member of the court of owls. Let's go.

(The villains leave the Himalayas)

(Meanwhile in Drake City, Green 10 and the Mysticons are walking around the streets when they were approached by Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman)

Green 10: Hello again, Batman. Did you come to warn about Ra's Al Ghul's current plan?

Batman: I wish it was so...

Superman: We thought we could invite you all to a burger place in Metropolis.

Arkayna Goodfey: And what could be so special about the food there?

Superman: The fries are the best. And the milkshakes are so thick... (gets possessed by Deadman)

Deadman: I need your help!

Emerald Goldenbraid: That's pretty thick.

Arkayna Goodfey: Someone is inside Superman.

Batman: It's Deadman. I helped him to solve the mystery of his own murder.

Green 10: Wow.

Deadman: My master and various monks in the Himalayas died at the hands of your opposites.

Green 10: Opposites?

Wonder Woman: He must be referring to the Crime Syndicate.

Piper Willowbrook: Crime Syndicate?

Blessing: That's right. Their leader is the robot known as Grid.

Batman: What about my brother?

Talia Al Malak: Thomas Jr. was removed from his position. Democracy was never his strongest point.

Batman: (communicates) Nightwing. This is Batman!

Nightwing: (communicates) What a coincidence, Batman. I was about to call you.

Batman: (communicates) We wanted to give you a reason to believe that the Crime Syndicate is coming for the Titans Tower.

Robin: (communicates) This explains why uncle Thomas and Talon are here.

Nightwing: (communicates) Hurry up.

Green 10: (communicates) Solar. Lunar. I need you both.

Solar: On my way.

Lunar: Understood.

(At the Titans Tower, Robin is still fighting Talon while Nightwing is having a hard time against Owlman and Red Raven)

Nightwing: I... wouldn't be right there if I was you...

Raven: Azarath Metrion Zynthos!

(Raven sweeps her evil sister and Starfire shoots Owlman)

Starfire: It's obvious that you shouldn't have tried fighting without me by your side. You always end up broken.

Nightwing: Look out!

(Starfire is attacked by Blackfire)

Blackfire: It's been a long time, sister.

Starfire: Komand'r...

(The other heroes arrive as Robin finally knocks Talon out)

Robin: Never lower your guard during a fight. My grandpa always said that.

Owlman: (noticing Batman) It's been a long time, brother.

Batman: I can't say the same, brother!

Owlman: Superwoman. (points at Green 10) He's all yours.

(Superwoman smirks and attacks Green 10)

Zarya Moonwolf: Green 10!!!

(Wonder Woman fights Scarlet Scarab, and as Blue Bowman was about to hit her, Deadman possesses her)

Deadman: (possessing Wonder Woman) You killed my master!

Blue Bowman: Be more specific. I killed a lot of people.

Deadman: (possessing Wonder Woman) The Great Monk!

(Deadman beats Blue Bowman up before leaving Wonder Woman's body)

Wonder Woman: (angry) Next time, ask permission!

(Cut to Superwoman and Green 10)

Superwoman: So, handsome... What's so special within you?

Green 10: You're gonna find out! (transforms into Phantom Death and possesses Superwoman) Surprised?

(As Green 10 uses Superwoman to save Superman from Ultraman, he leaves her body)

Superwoman: I must admit that you surprised me!

Ultraman: So it was him!

(As Ultraman tries to hit Green 10, he is stopped by Superman)

Superman: We still have a score to settle!

(Superman proceeds to fight Ultraman)

(Inside the Titans Tower)

Grid: It's here. Time for the new world order!

(Grid places the heart at the core of the Titans Tower and this turns everyone, except for Green 10 and Deadman, into robots)

Nightwing: So that was Grid's plan.

(Knowing about that, Blue Beetle uses his sonic blasts to take the heart out of the core, which forced most of the Crime Syndicate to retreat.)

(Some minutes later)

Nightwing: (gets up) Is everyone alright?

Robin: Well... Except for the fact we let those animals escape... Yeah. I'm alright.

Starfire: (notices that the transformation is undone) Well, I guess everyone is alright.

(Inside the Titans Tower)

Green 10: Nice job, Beetle.

Blue Beetle: Thanks... I guess...

Superman: Is everything okay?

Wonder Woman: Well, I'm sort of missing Flash's obligatory joke about how Grid made a monkey out of us.

Superman: Just couldn't let it go unsaid.

Wonder Woman: Obligatory.

(30 seconds later)

Nightwing: We're in debt with you and the Justice League, Bruce.

Batman: If it wasn't for Blue Beetle, we would never be humans again.

Robin: Good point. And if those animals get back here, we'll be ready for them.

(Blue Bowman tries to hit Batman, but Green 10 notices that)

Green 10: Batman! Watch out!

(Suddenly Blue Bowman is hit by another arrow)

Blue Bowman: Argh...

Red Arrow: Sorry... I'm late.

Nightwing: At least you saved Batman.

Green 10: Let's go home, guys.

(Cut to the Crime Syndicate Headquarters)

Owlman: Since there's only one robot left around here, I'm assuming that the Justice League found a way to stop the carrier wave.

Grid: There's more than one way to hack a computer. Next time-

Owlman: I wasn't going to do this for another couple of weeks, but seriously... (rises from table and draws a owlrang) Turning all of humanity into robots? (aims weapon at Grid) That was your master plan?! (Shoots the owlrang at Grid, cutting his head, then turns to the other members) Listen up! From now on, I'm in charge of this operation. Anybody got a problem with that?

(No one challenges him; Superwoman sidles up to him)

Superwoman: No problem at all... baby.

(One hour later, Owlman and Blue Bowman)

Owlman: I must admit... That Green 10 is a surprise box.

Blue Bowman: I can imagine... Even Superwoman started liking him.

Owlman: Yes. That kid is actually interesting. I can see why Ra's Al Malak choose him.

(That's how the battle against the Crime Syndicate ends. Now, our heroes can focus on the battle against Ra's Al Ghul)

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