Chapter 8: Deactivate The Bombs (Part 1)

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(At the League of Assassins Headquarters, Ra's Al Ghul gathers a group of villains, knowing that the Justice League will try to prevent the destruction of the four cities)

Ra's Al Ghul: Some of you know me. My name is Ra's Al Ghul. I am the leader of the League of Assassins. I'm planning to destroy four cities. Metropolis, Drake City, Central City and Gotham. But I know that the Justice League will try to prevent the destruction of these cities. That's why I gathered you.

????: I'm going to Gotham. If Gotham must be destroyed, the bat must be destroyed along with it. And I am an expert in breaking bats.

????: Something tells me that Superman will do whatever it takes to defend Metropolis. So I'm going there.

Ra's Al Ghul: (sighs) Malcolm. You and Charmcaster will protect the bomb in Drake City. And I want Green 10's death confirmed!

Dark Archer: Yes sir.

Ra's Al Ghul: Mirror Master and Doctor Animo will defend the bomb in Central City.

Mirror Master: Well... I'm not exactly into destroying Central City. But since the rogues can't rule it, it's the only option.

Doctor Animo: What a coincidence. The Tennysons are about to go there.

Ra's Al Ghul: Very well. You know what to do!

All villains: Yes sir.

(Cut to Central City, the Tennysons meet The Flash and his team)

Ben 10: WOW!

Gwen: So this is the fastest man alive?

The Flash: That's right. And these are my usual teammates. Vibe, Kid Flash, Green Arrow, Vixen and Green Lantern.

Ben 10: Green Lantern? Cool!

Green Lantern: Never knew I had a fan.

Vibe: Come on, you're one of the greatest heroes in the galaxy.

Max: I believe we have some important matters to discuss.

The Flash: It's about the bomb. That's why we called you here.

Max: So you heard about my experience with bombs.

Gwen: Well... Let's get going.

(Unbeknownst to them, Mirror Master and Doctor Animo are watching them.)

Doctor Animo: I knew they would be here.

Mirror Master: So let's follow the plan.

(Cut to Metropolis, Superman uses his X-Ray vision to find the bomb)

Superman: There it is. I better call for reinforcement. (clicks the emergency button)

(As Superman tries to approach the bomb, he is surprised by the unknown woman's attack)

????: It's been so long, Superman.

Superman: Maxima?

(Suddenly Wonder Woman comes in)

Wonder Woman: Sorry if I'm late, Superman.

Maxima: Who are you?

Wonder Woman: I am the princess of Themyscira, daughter of Zeus. I am Wonder Woman.

(Maxima decides to fight Wonder Woman)

(Cut to Gotham, Batman and the bat-family are searching for the bomb)

Batman: We must be close to the bomb.

Nightwing: How can you be so sure?

(Suddenly the brute comes out of nowhere and tries to attack Batman, who evades)

Batman: Because Bane is protecting it?

Bane: I'll break the bat!

Batman: Don't bet on it, Bane!

(Cut to Drake City, Green 10 and his group of superheroes investigate the underground)

Green 10: Arkayna.

(Arkayna lights her staff and manages to locate the bomb)

Arkayna Goodfey: It's up ahead.

(As they approach, Charmcaster and Dark Archer are seeing the heroes getting closer to them)

Charmcaster: (giggles) That's right. Closer. Land on my web, said the spider to the hero.

(As the heroes come close to the bomb, Charmcaster and Dark Archer)

Charmcaster: Hello, handsome.

Green 10: Charmcaster.

Solar: You know her?

Green 10: My cousin Gwen Tennyson fought her some years ago.

Charmcaster: So you're actually their cousin. And this watch of yours is much better than Ben Tennyson's.

Dark Archer: My boss wants both the destruction of this city and your death confirmed.

Green 10: I know. Ra's Al Ghul surely wants this as I became a stone in his shoes.

Solar/Lunar: FUSION! HA!

(Solar and Lunar merge into a new being known as Eclipse)

Eclipse: The sun and the moon together. This makes me Eclipse.

Green 10: Mysticons. Take on Charmcaster. Eclipse and I will deal with Dark Archer.

(Back to Central City, Team Flash and the Tennysons found the bomb. But Gwen suspects about it and uses her magic, confirming her suspects)

Gwen: It's false.

The Flash: This means... Mirror Master!

(Mirror Master comes in, multiplied)

Mirror Master: You guys thought it would be easy?

(Ben 10 becomes XLR8)

Ben 10: I guess this will serve.

(The speedster trio easily outclassed the illusions of Mirror Master, finding the true one and the true bomb)

Ben 10: We haven't only defeated him easily, but we also found the true bomb. But why was this too easy?

Doctor Animo: Hello, Ben Tennyson. It's been so long that you didn't visit Doctor Animo.

The Flash: You have your own Rogues Gallery?

Ben 10: Every superhero has one.

Kid Flash: That makes sense.

(The heroes face Doctor Animo as Max is ready to disarm the bomb)

(The battle which will decide the fates of the cities has finally begun. Will our heroes manage to disarm the bombs in time?)

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