Chapter 9: Deactivate The Bombs (Part 2)

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(In Central City, Team Flash is seen still fighting Doctor Animo and his mutant frog. As the frog swallows The Flash, the scarlet speedster vibrates to escape the frog and kill it. As Doctor Animo tries to get up, he gets knocked out by XLR8, who turns back to Ben 10)

Ben 10: That should do it.

(Green Arrow approaches and cuffs Doctor Animo while Vixen cuffs Mirror Master)

Green Arrow: Next time, leave the animals alone.

(Max finally deactivates the bomb)

Max: We disarmed the bomb here!

The Flash: (communicates) Team Flash to Justice League. We're done here. The bomb is disarmed. We're taking Doctor Animo and Mirror Master to Pipeline.

(Back to Metropolis, Wonder Woman is seen fighting Maxima as Superman gets the message)

Superman: (communicates) Understood, Flash. Report when something else happens.

(Wonder Woman keeps fighting Maxima, then Lex Luthor comes in with his suit)

Lex Luthor: I was warned about the bomb's location.

Superman: (points to the bomb) Over there. Let's go.

(Suddenly Wonder Woman is knocked out by Maxima)

Maxima: Superman is mine, loser!

(Enraged, Superman attacks Maxima with his full power as Lex Luthor does his best to disarm the bomb)

(Back to Gotham, Batman is seen fighting Bane as Robin and Nightwing are trying to locate the bomb.)

Robin: Where is the bomb anyway?

Nightwing: I got an idea. (communicates with Oracle) Oracle. Can you locate the bomb?

Oracle: (communicates with Nightwing) If I'm right, you have to turn left and go straight.

Nightwing: (communicates) OK.

(As Nightwing and Robin are approaching the bomb, Batman is seen trying to fight Bane, who overwhelms Batman and is about to break him again, but Huntress shoots an arrow which cuts Bane's venom tubes, causing Batman to knock him out)

Huntress: Are you alright?

Batman: For a minute, I thought I wouldn't be.

Huntress: (communicates) What's the situation, Nightwing?

Nightwing: (communicates) We located the bomb. I have asked Oracle to send the coordinates to Cyborg.

Batman: (communicates) Tell her to make sure to give the right coordinates.

(Back to Drake City, Eclipse easily defeated Dark Archer, but the Mysticons are having a hard time against Charmcaster)

Charmcaster: You will never beat me!!

(Green 10 becomes Beat-All and uses some sonic vibrations to help his girlfriends to defeat Charmcaster. Then Green 10 approaches the bomb and deactivates it)

Green 10: The bomb is deactivated. Drake City is safe.

Charmcaster: (gets up) I gotta admit. You're unpredictable. I hope we can meet again, sweetie. (blows a kiss to Green 10 before disappearing)

Zarya Moonwolf: I don't know who is this Charmcaster, but I don't like her now!

Arkayna Goodfey: Easy, Zarya. We already deactivated the bomb.

(Back to Metropolis, Superman fights evenly matched with Maxima until he manages to get the upper hand and defeat her)

Superman: It's over, Maxima.

(Lex Luthor manages to deactivate the bomb)

Lex Luthor: The bomb is deactivated now. Metropolis is safe.

Maxima: (gets up) Be warned, Superman... One day I will make you mine... Forever.

(Maxima flies away as Lex Luthor approaches Superman)

Lex Luthor: (scoffs) Women...

(Back to Gotham, Cyborg finally arrived at the last bomb's location and manages to deactivate it)

Cyborg: It's done.

Batman: (communicates) Team Batman to Justice League. It's done.

Green 10: (communicates) Team Green 10 to Justice League. It's done.

Superman: (communicates) Team Superman to Justice League. It's done.

Batman: (communicates) All the bombs have been disarmed. Mission Accomplished.

(Back to the League of Assassins Headquarters, Ra's Al Ghul is seen with Brother Blood, when suddenly Ra's receives a calling from Batman)

Batman: You lose... Again.

(Ra's Al Ghul gets ticked off and gives orders to Brother Blood)


Brother Blood: Understood.

(As the heroes celebrate their accomplishment, Brother Blood comes in and captures Green 10)

Emerald Goldenbraid: Green 10!!

(Green 10 is brought to the League of Assassins Headquarters rooftops before breaking free from Brother Blood and knocking him out. Then Ra's Al Ghul approaches him)

Green 10: I knew you would eventually pull me here!

(Green 10 is finally face to face with his parents' murderer. Will he finally avenge his parents? Stay tuned for more.)

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