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"Well, good morning! Hello! What a beautiful day! Everything's perfect here, wouldn't you say? Oh, except for one thing, and it's quite horrifying. Guy's friend, Sam-I-Am, has been Sam-I-Am-Lying"

"What a beautiful morning! Hey, good news. When I was little, I used to get beat up for my lunch money"

"How is that good news?"

"Because it's why I started saving my money in this ziggy bank. Six bruckles! Just enough to put you, me, and Jenkins on this afternoon's ferry to Meepville"

"Mr. Jenkins, right. Uh, you know, what's the rush? I'm sure there's another ferry tomorrow"

"What's wrong with you? We're almost there. One more boat ride, and Mr. Jenkins will finally be safe"

"Poor Guy. So clueless, naive as a Flerz. Sam's selling Mr. J to that no-good Snerz"

"Come on! I'm starving. How about some breakfast?"

"He's so cool!"

"Uh, son, your mother and I want to apologize for how we reacted when you told us about your new Paint Watching job last night. Uh, so we, uh, painted this for you, uh..."

"I-Is it dry yet? You tell us. We don't have the gift. Will you forgive us?"

"No, I will not. Because there's nothing to forgive Oh, I'm lucky to have you all"

"It's nice"

"Not everyone has a home to... Well, to come home to, and I should have come back here more often"

"We raised a good son. I mean, look at what you and your selfless, heroic friend Sam are doing for that trusting, innocent Chickeraffe. Jenkins is in good hands"

"Sam, I think your eggs are burning"

"Huh? Yeah. Yeah, okay. Keep it together, I-Am. Who's first? Sunny-side up. Sunny-side down. Sunny-side sideways. Over easy. Over complicated. he rest of the Am-I's seem to love it. Maybe that runs in the family? What do you say, Guy? Is it finally time to give them a try?"

"You know what? Why not? Hand me that weird little fork, Sam-I-Am"

"Ah! So close"

"A random visitor at this hour?"

"It can only be something pleasant"

At the door was McWinkle gluntz and addy in new clothes.


"Can I help you?"

"We're the BADGUYS"

"And we're here for Guy-Am-I"

"Guy! The BADGUYS are here to see you! Be sure not to take off so soon! He's always in such a hurry! Oh!"

"Hold it right there"

But in the kitchen all they saw was, Mr Am I, "Coffee?"

"No, thanks! Caffeine makes me hyper"

"Please come in. Make yourselves comfortable" then Karen sees addy.

"Oh is this your daughter" she squished her cheeks, "she is so adorable, she reminds of guy when he was let me show you a few pictures of Guy as a child" she pushes addy on the couch with her dad and gluntz then throws a hug photo album.

"We really don't have time..."

"I love a baby photo! Even mcwinkle here has one of his daughter, show em sir"

He groans then pulling out his wallet, he opens it and pictures of addy as a kid came pouring down.

"He was such a cute boy. He couldn't escape our hugs"

"Into the briefcase, buddy"

"Oh, this was the year he tried to run away from home. Here he is in his rebellious phase. He thought he could get away with anything. And here he is with his first tooth"

With all the screaming, addy was curious, she looks back and heads to the kitchen.

"Put him in!"

"..second tooth, and when the third tooth came in... ...didn't he make a fuss"

"Ma'am, stop. We know what you're doing"  then addy gasped to see the chickeraffe.

"Uh dad"

"Yeah. You can't stop yelling about how much you love your son! Can't say we blame mcwinkle here loves his daughter"

"DAD THE CHICKERAFFE" addy shouts and points.

"Hold it right there, Sam"

"Oh! Hey, BADGUYS. You are looking fit. I guess all that endless chasing after us is good cardio"

"Save the flimflam, I-Am. We both know you're not who you say you am"

"What does he mean?"

"Gotta go! Bye!"

"Oh, uh, son, don't forget your briefcase!"

"It's locked! Climb over!"

"We got you. Hand over the Chickeraffe, boys"

"Well, we nearly did it, AOFMB. Almost on the ferry to Meepville, buddy"

"DAD LOOK OUT" addy shouts

McWinkle looks back, "huh? Ooh!" Then ge gets hit by something, "What is this? Hold on!"

"Oh, it's cantaloupe! The garbage fruit!"

McWinkle worries when they try to aim at addy so he covers her and pushes her out of the way.

"I'll protect you, sir! Is that all you got?"

"I found your old Cantaloupeapult blueprints, Uncle Guy!"

" No one eats this stuff 'cause it's awful!"

"Come on!"

"You're supposed to have my six, Gluntz. This is on you."

"I'm hit! Oh, it's in my mouth. I can still taste it! Oh, it's never gonna go away!"

"Get in the boat! Get in the boat! Get in the boat!"

"We could swim for it!"

"They're too far gone. We'd never make it" then he gets hit again.

"I think it's time for you to leave!"

But he turns around to see addy was being grabbed by Mr. I am.


"Addy" he panicked, "let my daughter go"

"Not until you leave our son alone"

"Ma'am, your son..."

"Your adorable son"

" in serious trouble. If you want to help him, tell us where that ferry is going"

"Why would I help you? You're the BADGUYS!"

"Darn right, we are! BADGUY proud!"

"Well, then, I'm not telling you anything. You're bad"

" I'm sorry. One more time?"

"You're bad?"

"What? Are you kidding me? This lady... No, no, no, no, no. We're good"

"But you're the BADGUYS"

"And we are good"

"No! You and that scary fella are the BADGUYS"

"No" she turns to hear addy, "you got it all wrong, my dad would never hurt anyone"

"Yeah we're good! See?"

"This says BADGUYS"

"Exactly! It stands for Bureau of Animal Defense Glurfsburg Upper Yipville Section"

"That's a surprise. You got it all wrong. Turns out the BADGUYS have been good all along. I wanted to share that with you for the longest time. You have no idea how hard it was for me not to spoil it! Oh!"

"Look just look hurt my daughter"

"seeing how frightened addy was, they let her go"

"Okay, to be fair, your name is a little misleading"

Addy ran to McWinkle and hugs him, despite he was in cantaloupe.

"Gluntz? I get that a lot. It's a family name, shortened from O'Gluntzenburg by my great-great... ...great-great-great-grandfather. No wait. Sorry, scratch that. It was my great-great... ...great-great-great-great..."

"Look am I have a daughter and you have a son right? If you were in my shoes right now, wouldn't you do anything to protect your kids"

"Oh, thank so much for the mulberry sweetles, Mrs. Am-I"

"Call me Karen. And it's my pleasure. Anything for such a lovely pair of BADGUYS"

"Yeah, I hear it now"

Addy was on the coach drinking some hot cocoa.

"Sorry for grabbing you young lady" mr. I. Am apologized.

"It's ok, accidents happen"

"Shh! It's ringing"

"The Bigman is not gonna be happy"


"McWinkle here"

"You big, blue idiot! I heard you let them get away!"

"Yes, they did get away, Captain Bigman, but..."

" How the heck did you lose the target this time? They were in the house! You were in the house! And now they're on a boat? Why are you not on the boat? Please explain to me how there's a boat with a target on it, but a conspicuous absence of you!"

"Well, you see, Captain Bigman, we were taken out by a dastardly band of accomplices armed with WMDs"

"Weaponized Melon Devices?"

"It was cantaloupe! Oh, the horror, the disgust..." gluntz fell in his arms, it made addy giggle.

"The garbage fruit. It's like 90% of every fruit salad"

"I know, right?"

"But that's no excuse! Now you listen, and listen good. I want you on your way to Meepville before I hang up this phone. You two imbeciles better beat that ferry to that dock and get that target, or be ready to hand in your badges! Understand?"

"Yes, sir, Captain Bigman"

"I am hanging up!"

"McWinkle was stressed that his face turned gray, but with a little comfort from his daughter, she holds his hand, he looks down and smiled softly"

"Don't worry dad, everything is going to be alright"

"Ma'am, we're gonna need to commandeer your family vehicle"

"Also, a few more of these sweetles? Mmm! Amazing! Mmm especially for this sweetles" she turns to addy.

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