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"Me? Oh, no, no, I get seasick in a jacuzzi, so... Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, we're back!"

Sam was holding his breath, "Never let go!"

"Our heroes are sinking with no hope at all. And the Goat's taking Jenkins straight to Snerz's wall, just in time for his Gala, aka his grand ball"

"We're alive! Full steam ahead, me bucko! For Jenkins!"

"For Jenkins"

"Hand over that Chickeraffe, Goat"

"We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way, amigo"

"I'm not your amigo, friend"

"Ooh, I am! And let me just say..." she gets on her hands and starts bleating, putting him in a trance.

"And... he's stupefied"

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Mcwinkle was impressed.

"BADGUY College. I majored in animal linguistics"

"Is he okay?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. It just takes him back to a pleasant memory. Uh, shouldn't those other two crooks be here by now?"

"Looks like the Goat did our dirty work for us. We have our target"

She hand chops all hoofs "Whoo! Up top! Uh, come on! Top shelf!"

"There will be no celebratory hand touch"

"You're getting sleepy. And now you are... hypnotized"

"You do realize I'm not a goat?"

"And why are you on all fours?"

"Method acting?"

"Well, it's not working"

"Oh, it's working, because it methodically i have your daughter" he pulls addy out, she changed.




Up top guy jumps on them, he distracts mcwinkle while Sam swings addy and she falls overboard,


"Addy" McWinkle ran then he slides down taking her hand.

"Hand on addy" he pulls her up while they takes off with the suitcase.


"Are you ok" he cups her cheeks.

"Yes dad, I'm fine just go get them"

Then guy gets netted, "Guy!"

" Sam, no! As your best friend, I'm telling you to flee! Save Jenkins!"

"Hold up. Did you just say we're best friends?"

"Yes! Now go!"

"For Jenkins!"

"I don't like it when people touch my hat, or my daughter...and I especially don't like it when people threaten my daughter" then partly of his torso turns gray.

"I'm sorry. Wh-Whatever you do, please, don't hurt me"

" Why would we hurt you? We're the good guys. And if anything it was you guys that tried to hurt my daughter" he holds addy close revealing that she was scared.

"I-I thought you were the BADGUYS"

"We are! But the name is kind of misleading"

"would a bad guy have a child with"

" But... Sam is a Wildlife Protector, too. Isn't he?"

Guy bad the goat were being taken in custody for questioning.

"Come on. Move it"

Once they were inside, "can someone get addy something to eat please, here addy sit down"

So addy sit down while someone comes in and brings her a mug of milk and some biscuits, McWinkle cups her face and pulls her closer kissing her forehead.

"You stay right here, try to get some sleep, you been through a lot right now, so me and gluntz are gonna take care of so work right now but I'll be back to take you home"

"Dad, do you really need to do you really need to retire, I mean you really are good at your job, maybe you shouldn't retire"

"AddyL he holds her shoulders, "the idea of me retiring is to spend more time with you, I fire we could finally go on a vacation, just you and me"

"But what about gluntz"

"Gluntz" he frowns, "she'll be taking over for me but we'll still get to see her, point being someday when you're old enough you're gonna take after me and I know you'll do a good job just like I have, I'll be back"

"So with that McWinkle left to begin the interrogation"

"Sam-I-Am. Aka the Furry Foot Bandit. Aka Flim-Flam-I-Am. Aka Sham Shamford. Aka Dr. Linda Schwartz"

But as he interrogated guy, addy was visited by gluntz.

"Hey" she waved excitedly at addy

But all addy shown was a frown, which worried gluntz.

"We need to talk"

They head to a closet, "we need to tell dad...about us"

The narrator gasp, "this is just a shocker, even I never even knew, gluntz has been dating McWinkle's daughter? And all while right behind his back too"

"What no way" gluntz says.

"We have to tell him, he's bound to find out sooner or later"

"Are you kidding in the state He's in, he tear me apart"

"You know I hate lying to my dad"

"Just wait a couple of days till he' a good mood"

Addy couldn't believe it, "You're afraid of him"

"I'm not afraid, just worried he'll get mad that's all"

"Of course he would, you been lying behind his back and I can't do this anymore"

"Just a few more days then i promise we'll finally be together" she holds her hands but addy just groans and pulls away.

"No, I can't keep doing this"

"She storms off angry and tired of the lies made gluntz realized it was time to come clean, to face the music to face her demons but how can she when McWinkle told her no, she'll never know"

" No!"

"Yes. Your pal is a con man, a crook, a world-class heist-uoso"

"No! He can't be. He's protecting Mr. Jenkins! He told me that we're taking him to Meepville to keep him safe"

"And you actually bought that? Think about it. You two have been attached at the hip for days. Did he really seem like a Wildlife Protector to you?"

Then flashback starts to play when he puts  the pieces together.

"Everyone's after this beast! We're gonna be in a whole lot of trouble"

" Trouble? Relax. I am a licensed Wildlife Rescuer"

"Shouldn't you know Chickeraffes can't fly, Mr. Wildlife Expert?"

"Biology isn't a science, Guy.We're home free. Everyone knows goats can't climb"

"What kind of wildlife expert are you? Goats are known especially for their climbing!"

"We know the truth. He stole the Chickeraffe to sell to a collector"


"Now... My slightly unhinged partner is in the next room with your friend the Goat"

"He's not my friend!"

" I'm not interested in your social life!"

"So... tell me about your social life. Do you hang out with other goats, or do you like to mix it up?"

" Not talking"

" Any hobbies?"

" Not talking"

"Interesting hobby! Do you like board games?"

" No"

"You monster!"

"I have no idea what kind of sick tactics she's using over there, but this I guarantee: One of you is gonna tell us the name of that collector. The other one is gonna be in big trouble in a little cell. Which one do you want to be? Think it over. The freedom of one-seventeenth of the world's Chickeraffe population hangs in the balance. So maybe consider that! And hurry it up, I have a daughter waiting for me"

"Guy took a chance and opened his heart, but that sneak had been lying to him from the start! He felt like a fool, like a rube, like a clown. He'd let Sam-I-Am in, and that Sam let him down. But he wasn't the only person to feel betrayed"

When gluntz left he hears everyone whispering and they all gathered to a bulletin board.

"What's all the commotion?" He passed through but his face drops when he sees the board.

"But what McWinkle saw shattered his world, it tore him up, cause what he saw....was a photograph of gluntz kissing his daughter, his blood boiled, he felt his own partner"

Addy came in and she gasped then gluntz came in happily unaware she was in trouble.

"Hey, what's going-" but she glared when she saw the picture of her and addy.

"Uh oh"

Then McWinkle turns to her, he glared, "this was not gonna be pretty"

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