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McWinke gluntz and addy got out of a box but they were in the wrong side of town.

"Surrender or eat net, fools! No fools in sight"

But then addy noticed something when she looks up.

"Um, dad, look" she pointed to a sign.

North Shvizelton "You're probably here by mistake.

"We're supposed to be in South Shvizelton"

Angry, McWinke tore the box part It worried gluntz and addy, then he moved and they followed him.

"You know what? It's not funny now, but later we're gonna laugh"

They finally arrived to the right Shvizelton.

"Hmm. Right side! Wrong side! Amazing! Stupid! Rainbows! Barf!" Addy laughs at gluntz tomfoolery.

"Hey! Hello, strangers! Welcome to South Shvizelton!" A friendly mam greeted them.

"Cut the pleasantries. What's the word on the street about the Chickeraffe Bandits?"

"Oh, no. Here in South Shvizelton, we don't like to gossip"

"How about in North Shvizelton?" As gluntz pulls him on the other side, McWinke pulls addy closer.

"They caught one of those Chickeraffe boys. Got him locked up in jail. Also, my neighbor Phyllis says her fruit loaf is homemade, but it's really store-bought. Ooh, that felt good"

"Looks like we found our target"

"Yes, Phyllis will finally be exposed"

"The Chickeraffe is within our grasp. The Bigman can finally relax"

"The Chickeraffe isn't gonna make it in time! Hurry up! Yes Man, move it!"

"Yes, Mr. Snerz"

"Gotta get out before the Cronies find out!"

"I got it!"

"You call that moving?"

"Moving, moving"

"Come on! Hurry up! Hurry up! Gotta go! Gotta go! Gotta go! Got to go! Come on! If I go down, you go down with me. Look at Snerz. He's skipping town, creating a whole new identity as a completely different, yet equally impressive person. 'Ello? Winsor T. Aruba speakin'. Oh, really? Thank you. Yes! Yes! Chickeraffe delivery imminent. Orchestra, danceable celebration song now! Yes Man, put it all back!"

"Sure thing, Mr. Snerz."

"I love me! Yes!"

" ♪ I met my fate in dear old Shvizelton ♪ ♪ When they tossed me In their great big priselton ♪ ♪ What would my mom think of me now? ♪ ♪ Locked up tight in this hoosegow ♪"

"Oh, sorry, friend. We have a "no blues" policy here"

"But I'm very blue. It's so lonely in here. Will I ever be getting a cellmate?"

"Good news! You've already got one"

He points to a mouse in a hole in the wall.

"Aww. Hey there, little guy. What are you in for? Did you commit a little mouse crime?"

"My only crime was being a husband and a father at a time when there is more hunger than mercy in this world"


♪ I lived a life of humble joys ♪ ♪ My wife and child were my salvation ♪ ♪ It was a time of poverty ♪ ♪ That starved both man and mouse across ♪ ♪ The nation ♪ ♪ And so, I roamed the wretched streets ♪ ♪ And sought to make an honest living ♪ ♪ But each boutique was fully staffed ♪ ♪ Each propriétaire was unforgiving ♪ ♪ My day was spent in vain ♪ ♪ Not a centime did I gain ♪ ♪ But still my heart commanded ♪ ♪ "You cannot go home empty-handed" ♪ ♪ All I could afford to pay Was an homage ♪ ♪ But my family Really needed that fromage ♪

"Aha! J'accuse!"

" Squeak!"

"Le freeze"

"S'il vous plaît, man. It is for my family"

"I don't care"

" ♪ If love's a crime, I've no regrets ♪ ♪ Stealing cheese, it does not haunt me ♪ ♪ But the dream of my old life ♪ ♪ That's the reverie ♪ ♪ That ever taunts me ♪"

Then McWinke and gluntz burst through the doors of prison, addy followed behind in new clothes.

"Can i help you" a officer asked.

"Well, first and foremost, I'm an optimist. And my partner here is..."

"No one to be trifled with. The Chickeraffe thief, is he here?"

"Oh, yeah. Sweet man. Ordered the green eggs and ham"

"You question the target.vI'll search the evidence room for anything that squawks"

Addy follows behind him, "I'll come with you"

But he stops her, "no, it's to dangerous, I Need you to stay with gluntz"

"Yes, sir!"

"But dad-" then gluntz takes her hand.

"Come on, Let's go addy"

"Okay. Bright side, people in jail get in really good shape. One..."

"This couldn't be any worse"

"The Chickeraffe thieves are just down here"

" Good! Because Gluntz takes no prisoners, even when they're already prisoners"


"We're trapped!"

"Only, we are not! For I have a plan!Which after 17 years of careful preparation is finally ready to be executed! Step one, gird your loins, for this will require courage that few men possess"

"You follow any of this?"

"Nope. But have you ever seen anything more adorable in your entire life? Where you going, little guy?"

"Step two, tear down this wall, which is not a wall!"

"Follow that mouse"

"You may not want to watch this, kid. It won't be pretty. Okay, gentlemen, time to talk. Oh, so that's how you're gonna to play it, huh? Well, just know, I will break you, even if it takes all night"

"Uh gluntz" addy calls her.

"Not now addy"

"Wonderful, yeah. Let's follow the mouse"

"Step eight, reclaim what it rightfully ours"

"I know you're in here, Chickeraffe"

"Mr. Jenkins!"

"Ah, bittersweet agony. It is aged to perfection"

"Sam, wait!"

"Hey! Come back here!"

"I don't believe it. We made it!"

"Yeah, well, Squeaky knows what he's doing"

"The mouse earned their trust. Their fate was his to determine. Who would have thunk it? Saved by a vermin. Sorry! Rodent? Mouse. We'll stick with mouse, even if it kills the rhyme"

"Step 47, follow quickly behind me now, for it is our gateway to liberty!"

"And there's the hitch in this ingenious plan. It was made for a mouse and not for a man"

"I should not have had that green eggs and ham back there"

"And I shouldn't have followed you"

"Follow me"


"To freedom!"

"Okay, tough guys. You're good at this. I'll give you that. I'm gonna give you one last chance"

"Uh gluntz"

"Not now addy, I'm about to break them"

"But gluntz-"

"before I have to introduce you to Bad Gluntz. You don't wanna meet Bad Gluntz! Where's the Chickeraffe?"

"Uh, ma'am?"

"Not now! They're about to crack. Aren't you, boys?"

"Um, it's just..."

"Wha... I'm sorry. What did I just say to you? I am putting a lot of effort into this. Can you not see the roll I'm on? Now, spill the beans!"

"But gluntz-"

" Those are just hats" She and the officer tells her.

"Thats what I been trying to tell you" addy says.

"Yeah, duh!"

"Ugh" addy was annoyed.

"We've got an escape!"

"Sound the El-Llama!

"The bunny goes around the tree, hops up, down the hole. The bunny goes around the tree, hops up, down the hole. The bunny goes... Uh, Guy, I think Jenkins ate the last bunny. We're at the end of our rope. However, we're just a short hop to that pipe. Very jumpable"

"That is insane. You are the world's worst judge of jumpability"

"We can make it. Just let go"

Guy: "Two-man job!" I should've left while I had the chance.

"One... two... three! Why aren't you jumping?"


"See? Totally jumpable. Guy! Guy, we're home free! Come on, buddy! Jump!"

"It's no use. Save yourself before they put you away forever"

"I don't care! I'll go back to jail for ten forevers before I'd leave my best friend behind"

"When Guy had the chance, he abandoned poor Sam. And here was his buddy, refusing to scram"

"There he is!"

"This ends now! Addy stay behind u don't want you to get hurt again"

"Go, Sam, while you still have a chance. They're gonna catch me"

"Not if I catch you first!"

"A friendship like Sam's is super contagious. It gives you the guts to do something outrageous"

"I don't believe it! We did it!"

"You did it!"

"Sam, I just wanna say..." but he fell through the pipes.

" That was so touching. Wow! Guy?"

""Oatmush. Ugh!"

"I thought you loved oatmush"

"To eat. Which way now?"

"Mkay, let's see. Follow me to freedom!"

"Sam and Guy crawled through five fuzzball fields off funk. And they finally made their way out. Who'd have thunk?"

"Oh, classic two-man job! Smells like..."


"I was gonna say green eggs and ham, but yeah, that too. Do you feel that rain, Guy? That sweet, cleansing rain!"

"Yeah, I do. It's wet. Blech! We need to find a place to stay"

"Step 117, return to the bosom of my family if I can cheat death."

"Such a happy little fella!"

"Where does that pipe lead?"

"Uh, due south" McWinkle smiled.

"Before splitting off in 17 different directions" but then he frowns and a patch of gray fur grew on his chest. It worried addy

"Yeah. There's no way to know which way they went" then another of his fur turned gray on his arm, addy grabs his arm.

"Uh, they are, uh, completely lost" then more of his fur grew gray.

"Is he okay?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is aging against the law now? He's fine! I love the salt-and-blueberry look, sir. Very distinguished"

"Don't worry dad, you'll get them, I know you will"

" I underestimated these two. They're a couple of masterminds and they are ruining my retirement and...are a threat to my daughter"

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