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Lloyds pov

Where did he go? He just got pushed into this portal thing. Where did he go? Back home maybe. I wonder what my home looks like. I look at the man who pushed Kai in. I want to hurt him.

"Let's go,"the girl that unchained me says.

"What about Kai?"I ask.

"There is nothing we can do about him, but there is something I can do for you,"she says. She pulls out a silver ball and presses a button. The ball opens up and she throws the button on the ground. A portal appears it's like the one Kai went through but smaller. We all jump through it before the man and the blue haired girl could. The portal closes once we get to the other side.

Where did Kai go? When will I see him again? Will I ever see him again? I start to freaking out. Kai, he is the only person I know. Where is he! I start hyperventilating. What am I suppose to do without him?!

"LLOYD!"Someone yells shaking my shoulder. I collapse to my knees and cry into my arms.

I feel someone wrap there arms around me. I look up to see the girl with black hair that unchained me. Do I know her? She doesn't look familiar at all. That makes me cry harder. I can't remember anything!

"Lloyd shhhhh,"she says quietly,"Let's go to your home and I will explain, yeah?"she asks. I nod my head.


I sit down in my bedroom. Greens sheets on my bed with candy wrappers on it. Comic books sprung on the floor. Posters of comic book characters. I see a closet and a radio on a desk. God, was I boring?

"Lloyd sit,"the girl that saved me instructs. I do as I was told,"Do you remember me?"she asks.

"I'm sorry, but no,"I respond.

"Oh wait,"she presses a button on her bracelet and her appearance changes. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is a tanner and less skinny, but not fat. "Do you remember me now?"she asks.

"No,"I answer.

She frowns,"What did Kai tell you about yourself?"she asks.

"Well um Kai and I are in a gang we killed and stole for a living. We are a dating and we are being chased down. If we didn't leave we would have gone to jail or put on a death sentence and we adopted a baby named Logan,"I tell the girl. The girl looks at me in confusion. "Oh! And he said he are dating,"I add in. She continues to look at me with a confused face. "What?"I ask.

"Okay Lloyd, Kai did say your name was Lloyd right?"she asks and I nod,"Okay so basically Kai lied to you."

"Wait, what?! What did he lie about?"I ask.

"Okay I will just tell you the truth. You are the green ninja and you fight for good. Your dad got sent away to a different realm. Your team/friends are Cole, the black ninja of earth, Jay the blue ninja of lightning, Zane the titanium Ninja of ice, and Kai the red ninja of fire. You and Kai aren't dating. You have history but never dated. There was a fire in Ninjago city and you and the rest of the ninja tried to stop it. Kai saved Logan and you got hurt. You went to the hospital and you have been in there for a few months,"she explains to me.

"Oh,"I say,"And you are?"

"I'm hope. We met online and we are best friends. You always talk to me about your problems and I always cheer you up. We are great friends but I'm pretty sure gets jealous when we hang out,"hope says.

"What do you mean?"I ask curiously. I'm really interested in my real past and not the fake one Kai shared with me. I don't even know if this one is true.

"Well you see you and I are very close and you and Kai have a uh I don't know what it's called. Let's just say you and Kai have a lot of drama,"she says.

"Can you explain more?"I ask.

"Okay I'll try my best. Okay so let's start from the beginning. Well from what I have been told. Kai was dating Skylor a girl he was supposedly madly in love with. Well you started to develop feelings for him. You didn't want to tell him, you were scared, but finally told him. And things didn't go..well I could say,"hope says.

I have a small memory.

"I have really good news!"Kai says excitedly.

We walk to the couch and sit. I just need to say it. Kai wants to tell me good news but I have waited so long I just have to let this out.

"Kai I need to tell you something,"I say. There is no turning back now.

"You can tell me anything,"he says.

Here goes nothing," I l-love you."

"I love you too buddy,"he tells me.

"No, I love you in a more than friend way,"I say.

"Ew! What!? That's gross! You are only suppose to like girls! I have a girlfriend dude!"Kai yells.

That hurts knowing that happened. I remember the feeling. It was horrible and all I wanted to do was cry until I couldn't cry anymore. Hope continued. "You and I decided to meet up and discuss somethings about the rejection. When I got to your home we went to your room and we kissed Kai walked in and saw us and I think that's when he started to feel somethings towards you."

Another memory comes to me.

I don't know what I'm doing. Well I do know what I'm doing but I don't know why. It feels so good, so right. Holding hope down on the bed kissing her. Exploring every inch of her mouth. I don't know why I kissed her, but it feels like it's meant to be. Maybe this is destiny. Maybe she is the one....

Our little make out session ends after I hear someone clear their throat. I pull away from Hope and see Kai. Wow out of all the times he could haven't interrupted he had to interrupt this. I look at him annoyed waiting for his to tell me why he interrupted. Their was a small awkward silence until he figured out I was waiting for him to talk.

"Um I just came in here to see if you had my hair dryer I can come back later,"he says.

"Kai wait,"I say. I grab his hair dryer and walk over and give it to him, "I borrowed it."

"Yeah thanks,"he says and leaves.

I feel bad about that. I liked Kai and I was just using hope as a distraction. I get the feeling hope's knows this and was just trying to be a good friend.

"Then you saw Kai kissing Skylor and got over whelmed. You did something you shouldn't have. You hurt yourself."

Another memory floods in

No one could ever love me. I'm a gross monster. I cut my wrist, shoulder, waist, stomach, and a little on my neck. Blood runs down me but I don't care. I cry non stop. Tears mixing with my blood. I'm useless. I have no purpose in life anymore. If I grabbed and knife and stabbed it through me no one would care! NO ONE! I am not good enough.

I feel so stupid for doing that. I shouldn't have, but I can't fix the past. Hope continues to tell the story of me and Kai, "And then Kai kissed you because well he wanted to and I kinda yelled at him. I was mad because he was stupid and he was making so sad."

He runs over to me bed and kisses me on the lips.

I open my eyes shocked to see Kai but soon I kiss back. I wrap my arms around his neck tangling my fingers in his hair.

He runs his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I hesitates to open up but I do. He shoots his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues wrestle for a while until he finally wins. He Moves my tongue around my mouth.

"Kai you have a girlfriend,"I say pushing Kai off me.

"Kai left for a while to find his girlfriends friend that was kidnapped. When he came back he broke up with Skylor and moved back in with you and the rest of the ninja. Well you and me were practicing what you would do if Kai liked you and he saw us kissing and thought we were dating. And then we found his book..."

"Do you want him to admit his love you?"she asks.

I look at her like the answer is obvious,"No I don't want Kai to tell me he loves me,"I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh you don't. Okay,"she shrugs.

"I was being sarcastic."

"We'll answer the question with none of that sarcasm business."

"Yes I want Kai to admit his love to me,"I say.

She grabs my hands pulling me out of bed. I groan,"I don't want to get up,"I say her making me stand up.

"We are going to practice,"she says.

I have a horrible feeling about this "practicing."

"How you will react when Kai says I love you. Because I know he will,"I roll my eyes at her statement, "I will be Kai and you will be, well you."

"Wait what?"I ask a little confused.

"I'm going to tell you I love you and you pretend I'm Kai and show me your reaction,"she says.

"This is stupid,"I say.

"C'mon please?!"she pleases.

"Fine,"I give in.

"Okay now pretend I'm Kai,"she grabs my arms and puts them around her waist. "I love you."

"I love you too,"I say and give her a small kiss on the lips.

grab his diary and walk towards my room. I walk into my room and lock the door. I sit down on the floor leaning my back against the door. I open the first page of the book to find it was not a diary, but a story he was writing. I begin to read-

If you are not Kai don't read!

There once was a guy named Dylan. He had a girlfriend name Kayla. Dylan and Kayla loved each other a lot. Dylan's best friend, Aaron, had a secret. Aaron liked Dylan as more than a friend. Aaron told Dylan and Dylan called Aaron mean things. Dylan soon regretted what he said to Aaron. Dylan moved in with Kayla his girlfriend. Aaron started being friends with a girl named Jessica. Dylan kissed Aaron but Aaron pushed Dylan away and said he had a Girl friend. Dylan went on an adventure to save Kayla's beat friend. When he was on his adventure he realized he loved Aaron. When he came back he broke up with Kayla. Kayla was mad, but they were still friends. Dylan moved back to old house with Aaron. He saw Aaron and Jessica kissing. Dylan was heart broken and very sad. Dylan hated himself for waiting to long. Now Dylan's true love has a girlfriend. Dylan wants Aaron as his boyfriend.

If you read this and you aren't Kai well shame on you because this story is true! It is made up and it's NOT about me or anyone in my life.

This story sounds oddly familiar. I wonder why. I hear a knock on my door.

"And then you told Kai that me and you were not dating and he took that very happily.."

"I uh um. Hope and I aren't dating,"I say quickly trying to get it out.

Kai looks at me with hopeful eyes,"So you aren't dating anyone?"he asks.

"Uh yeah I guess,"I answer his question.

Kai steps closer to me. He sits down next to me and looks me in the eyes,"That means I can do this,"he cups my face and smashes his lips against mine.

"And then the alarm came on saying there was a fire in Ninjago city and that's when you lost your memory,"hope finishes.

"I remember,"I whisper.

"What?"hope questions.

"I remember!"I say happily.

We both start jumping around squealing, but I stop once I remember something.

"Where is Kai?"I ask.

Hope looks down,"Never to be seen again."


That was long because all of the memories. It was like 2000+ words so yeah. I hope you liked/enjoyed reading this.

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