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Kai's pov

We have been in the run for a few days. We are far from Ninjago city. No one will ever find us..at least I don't think anyone will. We are hiding in an abandoned town for now. No one is here, but us. Old houses and torn down buildings. I put my around Lloyd as he holds Logan in his hands.

Lloyd is starting to remember things and it is scaring me. What if he figures out I lied? He would probably hate me. Lloyd noticed me tense.

"Kai what's wrong?"Lloyd asks.

"Nothing Lloyd,"I say.

"Kai I know you are lying,"Lloyd says.

"Lloyd I promise it's nothi-"I get interrupted.

"Kai in here with me,"mystery man interrupts me.

I get up and move away from Lloyd. I walk outside the abandoned building mystery man. He has a smirk on his face.

"Bye, my friend,"he says once we get outside.

"What do you me-"and then the world goes black.

Lloyds pov

Kai leaves and I can't help, but wonder what was wrong with Kai. He says nothing, but I know it's more that "nothing." I hold Logan close.

It still annoys me that I can't remember any of my past. Memories come back every once in awhile. I remembered a girl with blonde hair yesterday, Kai said she was no one important. I can't help but get the feeling Kai is hiding something from me.

Then a person appears out of no where. The person has midnight blue hair that makes her pale skin pop out. They have grey eyes with are plain, but make up for that with the smirk on there face. They are wearing a blue hoodie and black tights. She is shorter than me. They have a small knife in hand playing with it. She holds the knife in her right and while touching the top of the knife with her left.

"Hello Lloyd,"they say in a deep voice widening the smirk.

"Who are you?"I ask.

"I'm your worse nightmare."

"What?"I ask.

"All you want is the truth now isn't it?"she asks.

I nod. All I want is the truth. I know Kai is hiding something from me. I want to know all about me past. I want to my past and my feelings before the incident.

She snaps her finger and we appear in a different place. I look around. It was basically a training hall all on the second floor. I am on the first floor but sense there is no walls on the second floor I could see what it looked like. I stand in the middle of what seems to be a battle arena. I hold Logan closer knowing something bad is about to happen if I don't. Then I see a sight I wish I could forget. Kai tied in chains cover in bruises.

"K-Kai,"I stutter out holding Logan close. I start to run to him but someone holds me back. I turn my head to see the person with the dark blue hair. "Let me go,"I say.

They push me a wall far from Kai but I can still see him. I hold on to lovable. She ties me up in chains taking Logan and lying him down on the floor. Suddenly a man appears. He has black hair the style was a quiff. He has red highlights. He is wearing black glasses and had a black black trench coat hiding his legs but you could see his black shoes. He has a smirk on his face.

He walks over to Kai and begins to talk to him. I was to far away to hear their conversation. The blue haired person walks over to me.

"Are you ready?"they ask.

"Ready for what?"

"For your death of course,"she says in a cheerful tone.

"W-what,"I stutter out.

"Oh you did know,"she says looking down faking sadness. "You see me and ash are going to kill you because well for reasons we would like to keep to our selves."

I hear Kai's piercing scream. I try to see what happened to him but the girl stands in my way. "Move,"I command.

They slap me..hard,"Don't tell me what to do."

I try to look over her so I can see Kai. All I see is half his face which had a black eye which wasn't there before.

I was going to end the chapter there but I decided to write a little more so yay. :D

Hope's pov (I know a lot of her lately)

I have to do this for Lloyd. Well and Kai to. I have to show my true form but what if they don't like the real me. I take a deep breath and walk in with the ninja.

"Are you ready to leave?"I ask everyone.

They all say some form of yes. I take out a map, but it isn't a normal map. It showed all 17 realms. Most people think their is only 16, but their is a hidden realm that ash found. "This is wear my dad-I mean-ash is,"I say pointing at the hidden realm.

"So how do we get their?"Jay asks.

I take out a small silver ball. I press the button on the top and the top of the bal opens. I set the ball on the ground. A purple portal shoots out of it. Once I step through my true form will show. Should I do it? Yes I should, don't be selfish hope!

"Go ahead,"I say to them.

Cole steps through first, then Jay, Zane and Nya. I take a deep breath and step through the portal.

We appear in a small room. All of us fit in the room but only little room to walk around. The portal closes and the ball falls in my hand. Jay looks at me.

"Who are you?"he asks.

"I'm uh hope,"I have long black hair with one blue strip all the way through it. I have very pale skin and dangerously skinny. Well not really super skinny but you can see a little of my ribs. I look like that because I'm usually in my other body and I feed that body and not this one. I just forget about this body sometimes. I have dark brown eyes and a scar on my cheek. I wear the same clothes as earlier. A black tank top and ripped shorts.

"You don't look like hope,"Cole says.

"Okay I have a different form. I have the one you usually see me as to hide what I really look like. I like to keep it a secret because I hate it. This body reminds me of who I use to be,"I say.

"What did you use to be?"Nya asks.

"It doesn't matter we just need to find Lloyd and Kai,"I say. I hear Kai scream. I quietly walk towards the torturing chamber. I see Kai getting beat up by ash while Kai is tied in chains. Kai looks different he has different hair and a tattoo. I don't know if that was there before. Lloyd is on the other side of the room. I start to run towards Kai to help but T stops me. She grabs me and throws me against the wall. She starts to use her powers to keep the ninja out. I use this time while she is distracted to run to Lloyd.

"Lloyd are you okay?"I ask.

"Yeah, who are you?"he asks.

"No time for that,"I say trying to pull off the chains. They wouldn't come off. I stare at the chair trying to break it with my powers. It finally breaks. I grab Lloyds hand a start to runs toward Kai but this time he is gone and the floor in opened. I stop running before I fall in. I see Logan and grab him. The whole floor was a huge portal leading to your doom. Ash sends all of his victims down there and they are never seen again. All of the ninja except Kai are pushed over to me.

"They are unless,"T says. I hand Logan over to Zane.

Then it all happens in slow motion. Ash comes out with Kai in his hands. Kai's mouth is tapped shut. His head is bleeding and so is his arms. He has bruises all of him. He was struggling against ash's hold on him.

"It's either him or Lloyd,"ash says. None of us spoke. I look over at Lloyd. He wants to say something I can tell. Then he pushes him in and the portal closes. All of the ninja look a little confused on what just happened. They don't know Kai is


To Be


sorry for the late updates im kind of starting to lose interest but ill try to finish the book

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